Quest for the Lucky Poo!


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
The Stars
Ok I was just on YouTube and I found

// amazeing discovery! It's the first real proof that you can get the Lucky Poo as a playable character!
How do you get him? Sounds easy dosen't it! The baby character will stay for 5 days, acting like any normal adalt. Takeing walks and haveing a regular bedtime and wake up time. Still sound easy? I admit so far it dose but there is one major drawback! Theres a 1/1000000 chance of getting him! One in a Million! That's why we all need to work together! To acomplish this neer inposable task!

Now what do we need to do? We all need to start up as many Angelotchi's al possable! We all must work together to succeed!

I'll also be keeping a chart of our and the angels winnings!

Us. 0

Angel. 0

Everyone is welcome! Just be sure to keep us updated with your angel's! I'll be starting one up later to start us off!

And the search begins!

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