question about v6 star ranking


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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2009
Reaction score
Hi i was wondering how do i raise my music star (he is a mimitchi) star ranking. i want him to rank number 1 but kinda stuck at 6th star ranking? Also how do i get invited to auditions? Sorry if this has already been asked or is in the wrong place.

You have all ready been auditioned if you have 6th ranking!o.0 and practice with your instrument or play games.simple

Play games and beat other people on conniction and do more aditions AND train his music

I was going to ask the same question....

But for my Tamagotchi, the star ranking is kinda random. One minute it's 6, then it's 10, then 7, 8, 9....Never 5 or under, though.

EDIT: And also, what games? 0_0

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Does the music studio game have anything to do with your ranking? Because that is the only one i can not play well at all .

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