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Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
I just got my first tama today and I was reading over the FAQ sheet that i got in the package.. Under "Do not" it says do not aim at anyone.. why not? Its a really weird list, it says:

1) Do not aim at anyone

2) Do not hit anyone with toy

3) Do not Poke anyone with Toy

4) Do not swing toy at anyone

5) step on toy

Some of the reasons are smart but some are really weird.. so anyways why cant we aim our toy at anyone?(just saying if we did) :rolleyes:

It's really stupid. But Bandai probably puts the same statement on all their products. :huh:

i dont know they dont break cause i've dropped mine down the stairs, on the floor, on the pavement loads of times and it never broke.

It is mostly just BanDai being cautious - their legal department has made them put in a warning so that no irate parents try to sue them for something stupid their kids shouldn't have done in the first place!

It's like MacDonalds warning you to be careful as the coffee in your cup is hot and could scald you...well, duh! But someone tried to sue them because they got burned...

Aiming your toy at someones face is not very friendly - they might take offence and beat you up! But seriously, it probably has something to do with the IR connection - perhaps they want it to be kept away from the face.

Btw Madison/roxy - Tamas DO break! There have been plenty of members posting topics about dropping their Tama and it smashing - and I personally know of one 7yr old who dropped his on the pavement (sidewalk) and the screen smashed. So don't test out the 'indestructable' theory!

Best, etc.


Of course they break. Mine got a small crack in it from dropping it down the stairs.

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