Questions about my own faith


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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2006
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In a world I call my life
I am having doughts. I am catholic but I don't believe in things they do. LIke I don't care if people are gay or lesbine(SP?) or BI. The church does.

I think stem cell reseach is fine, if it means a cure. The church thinks not.

Things like the devinchi code made m think like maybe the church is lying to me.

Have you ever thought this? What should I do?


It's not unusual for people to have doubts about their faith - lots of ppl do so at some time in their lives. I'm not going to tell you if it's right or wrong, but you asked what to do?

1. Don't make your mind up too quickly :D

2. Find out more information about your concerns (lots more).

Ask your priest about your doubts - all of them.

But be prepared for a mature and sensible discussion - including all the reasons why you think homosexuality, stem cell research, etc. is acceptable and try to ask for clarification on why your church does not.

Ask about the Da Vinci code too - but make sure you understand your own reasoning as to why it has put doubts in your mind.

If you have a Religious education teacher at school you might want to discuss similar ideas with them too.

Overall, it is always worth getting a totally balanced view point - on the pros and cons of any subject that is controversial. Try to find out as much info as possible - that way you can be confident that you are making an "informed" decision for yourself and not just following the "current thinking" because so many others are doing so.

It's not unusual for people to have doubts about their faith - lots of ppl do so at some time in their lives. I'm not going to tell you if it's right or wrong, but you asked what to do?
1. Don't make your mind up too quickly :D

2. Find out more information about your concerns (lots more).

Ask your priest about your doubts - all of them.

But be prepared for a mature and sensible discussion - including all the reasons why you think homosexuality, stem cell research, etc. is acceptable and try to ask for clarification on why your church does not.

Ask about the Da Vinci code too - but make sure you understand your own reasoning as to why it has put doubts in your mind.

If you have a Religious education teacher at school you might want to discuss similar ideas with them too.

Overall, it is always worth getting a totally balanced view point - on the pros and cons of any subject that is controversial. Try to find out as much info as possible - that way you can be confident that you are making an "informed" decision for yourself and not just following the "current thinking" because so many others are doing so.
ok thankyou TamaMum

It's not unusual for people to have doubts about their faith - lots of ppl do so at some time in their lives. I'm not going to tell you if it's right or wrong, but you asked what to do?
1. Don't make your mind up too quickly :D

2. Find out more information about your concerns (lots more).

Ask your priest about your doubts - all of them.

But be prepared for a mature and sensible discussion - including all the reasons why you think homosexuality, stem cell research, etc. is acceptable and try to ask for clarification on why your church does not.

Ask about the Da Vinci code too - but make sure you understand your own reasoning as to why it has put doubts in your mind.

If you have a Religious education teacher at school you might want to discuss similar ideas with them too.

Overall, it is always worth getting a totally balanced view point - on the pros and cons of any subject that is controversial. Try to find out as much info as possible - that way you can be confident that you are making an "informed" decision for yourself and not just following the "current thinking" because so many others are doing so.
That was Great, Tamamum!! :D

I sometimes wonder about these things myself, as I am a Catholic.

Is it wrong to not go to Chruch every Sunday? Sometimes, I feel as if I've betayed The Lord, something I woud NEVER want to do. I'm confused about my Christianity. Are my own opinions bad in the Christian Community?

That was Great, Tamamum!! :D I sometimes wonder about these things myself, as I am a Catholic.

Is it wrong to not go to Chruch every Sunday? Sometimes, I feel as if I've betayed The Lord, something I woud NEVER want to do. I'm confused about my Christianity. Are my own opinions bad in the Christian Community?
exactly how I feel. I just feel like I don't believe you know? Like maybe there isn't a god...

Well, sometimes I feel that way too, and I am a Catholic. I don't think it is wrong to not go to church every sunday. (I think I've made up for it with the 3 years of CCD) I just sometimes feel that the stories about Jesus being able to cure people just by doing so and so things, I don't know, it just seems unrealistic to me. And sometimes I think that I'm being cruel to God, and I don't EVER want to do that. As for my advice for you, I think TamaMum pretty much said it all. I would take her thoughts into consideration.

Well, sometimes I feel that way too, and I am a Catholic. I don't think it is wrong to not go to church every sunday. (I think I've made up for it with the 3 years of CCD) I just sometimes feel that the stories about Jesus being able to cure people just by doing so and so things, I don't know, it just seems unrealistic to me. And sometimes I think that I'm being cruel to God, and I don't EVER want to do that. As for my advice for you, I think TamaMum pretty much said it all. I would take her thoughts into consideration.
yea. I only go to church every so often because I see no need o go EVERY week

There's nothing wrong with having questions about your faith- you'd be a fool if you didn't. BUT, you have to be willing to find out the answers to your doubts.

The Bible has specific things on sexuality for reasons too. If you want to know more about it [from one source anyways] I'll try to answer in questions for you.

One of the reasons the church doesn't agree with stem cell research is they believe that the fetus is indeed a person whom God loves [enough for Jesus to die for]. Sure, it can help people but I myself, along with some churchs [not all, but most likely the greater population especialy in Catholic churchs] don't think they are just 'spare parts'.

The problem with the De Vinci Code is that it places unhistorical events in a 'historical' fiction. Sure, the book is fiction BUT it can lead people astray because alot of the backgroung info it gives is NOT correct. Research outside sources about this one.

As for the whole 'you have to go to church/mass or you sin' thing, I don't agree with that. I do believe that God wants us to be apart of a church family for specific reasons [i can go into further deatail if needed] but missing a sunday will NOT send you to hell, will NOT be considered a sin, ect. Sometimes God can use you in other places when church is going on, it happens.

I do not agree with alot of the Catholic church teaches- such things like praying to Mary and pergatory- because there is nothing Biblical to back it up. So what do you do? Search in the book- the Bible! That's the tool He gave us so if you are having doubts look in the Word. If you have questions, ask someone that believe in the Bible as God's true word as well as your priest who may or may not [i can't tell you because I don't know him [; ].

There's nothing wrong with having questions about your faith- you'd be a fool if you didn't. BUT, you have to be willing to find out the answers to your doubts.
The Bible has specific things on sexuality for reasons too. If you want to know more about it [from one source anyways] I'll try to answer in questions for you.

One of the reasons the church doesn't agree with stem cell research is they believe that the fetus is indeed a person whom God loves [enough for Jesus to die for]. Sure, it can help people but I myself, along with some churchs [not all, but most likely the greater population especialy in Catholic churchs] don't think they are just 'spare parts'.

The problem with the De Vinci Code is that it places unhistorical events in a 'historical' fiction. Sure, the book is fiction BUT it can lead people astray because alot of the backgroung info it gives is NOT correct. Research outside sources about this one.

As for the whole 'you have to go to church/mass or you sin' thing, I don't agree with that. I do believe that God wants us to be apart of a church family for specific reasons [i can go into further deatail if needed] but missing a sunday will NOT send you to hell, will NOT be considered a sin, ect. Sometimes God can use you in other places when church is going on, it happens.

I do not agree with alot of the Catholic church teaches- such things like praying to Mary and pergatory- because there is nothing Biblical to back it up. So what do you do? Search in the book- the Bible! That's the tool He gave us so if you are having doubts look in the Word. If you have questions, ask someone that believe in the Bible as God's true word as well as your priest who may or may not [i can't tell you because I don't know him [; ].

I know what I believe and I won't argue one way or another, but a good thing to look into is this...

I ended up buying that movie and it shows a LOT of things to think about (mainly disproving Christianity's beliefs, so be forewarned).

There are a few movie clips if you surf around the site, so you don't necessarily have to buy the DVD (you can get some good stuff from the clips). But, both my fiance and I have a thing for theology (him moreso than me), so we found this to be a good investment... And neither one of us are Christian, so we found ourselves nodding with the movie and going, "Exactly."

Anyway, as I was saying, it has some good information.

Yeah I'm a Chirstan and But I don't attend church and I don't pray to God.In Fact the only thing Christan about me is that i Celebrate the holidays so your not alone

The answers are within yourself and only you. Remember, you're the only person you have.


If there were supposed to be gays, God would have created Adam and Steve, not Adam ad Eve, lol! :huh: I'm just kidding though. Believe what you want. No one can force you to believe anything you don't want to. :eek:

Like tamaw/pants the reason the church doesn't agree with stem cell research is that they believe that the fetus is indeed a person whom God loves.

As for the Da Vinci Code, remeber that it is just fictional. Sure it can get you thinking, but it's not real.

[SIZE=8pt]I agree with tama mum. It is normal to have some questions about your faith. Me, I don't though.[/SIZE]

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Just so you know, the Da Vinci Code does have a lot in it that is based on things that were found (although the main character is not real, obviously, and they use found facts in a fictional setting).

I still suggest the link I posted. The movie's called "The God Who Wasn't There."

It is all up to you, I just really suggest getting all of the facts and asking questions, as a few people have mentioned.

I just watched Da Vinci Code last night again, after talking to my fiance about various religious threads on this forum, and there are a lot of things in there to make you think.

I will admit, I don't believe in god, I do not follow any Christian sect. I was raised basically Catholic, but never believed it and always felt forced to attend church and believe those things...

About your Adam and Steve comment, tamagirl101, when I had to go to religious classes once a week, my friend (who was in fact gay) was in my class. He was one of my best friends, but eventually moved halfway through high school when he told his grandparents. Anyway, in that class the teacher asked me, sitting right next to my friend, who I think the most discriminated group of people are and I said "gay people." Wouldn't you know it, she blew me off and said, "How about black people?" She took away my option of thinking for myself and made my friend feel like crap (he thanked me later for my answer to her, though).

Gay people aren't "wrong." They don't choose to be that way. Just like I don't choose to be straight, I just am.

Yeah I'm a Chirstan and But I don't attend church and I don't pray to God.In Fact the only thing Christan about me is that i Celebrate the holidays so your not alone
Same with me.

I was never babtised at birth, and my family is not part of a church, yet my dad taught me the Lord's prayer and I pray every night to God. Ever since, what I call a "miracle" happened in my life, I am very thankful for that.

I know alot about what happened in Biblcal (sp?) times, but not like tamaw/pants alot, haha.

Sometimes I get to thinking "What if there is no God, or what if since I was never part of a church/never baptised, where will I go? What happens after death?" and things like that, it gets me thinking and a little freaked out, like, what was I doing before I was born thousands of years ago, and why can't I remember any of it?

Weird thoughts.

Just believe in what you want to believe, don't let other people judge you on your judgments, it's what you want to say and do, don't let other people bring your beliefs down with theirs.

Same with me.
I was never babtised at birth, and my family is not part of a church, yet my dad taught me the Lord's prayer and I pray every night to God. Ever since, what I call a "miracle" happened in my life, I am very thankful for that.

I know alot about what happened in Biblcal (sp?) times, but not like tamaw/pants alot, haha.

Sometimes I get to thinking "What if there is no God, or what if since I was never part of a church/never baptised, where will I go? What happens after death?" and things like that, it gets me thinking and a little freaked out, like, what was I doing before I was born thousands of years ago, and why can't I remember any of it?

Weird thoughts.
Being baptised does not save you nor does it make you a Christian any more than jumping into a pool makes you a fish. The reason for baptism is that we publicly show that we are Christian because we made the desicion to believe that Jesus was God, he saved us from hell, we sinned, ect. It also signifies that we were 'born again' and are new in Christ.

"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved"- if you do that, you are a Christian. You can still be Christian without being apart of a church or baptised [we are commanded to be apart of a fellowship of believers and baptised for certain reasons that I can explain if you would like].

If you have other questions, look in the Bible. That's the guide us Christians have. If you need to know something, do a little research in there. If you expect God to show you something from His Word, He will.

[if you have any other questions you can pm me and if I can't answer them I can pass your questions on to someone who will [; ]

Only some sects of Christianity believe that Jesus and "god" are one in the same, not all. So, being baptised under those sects means that you believe Jesus was "god."

I think the term "Lord" has been misinterpreted to some. Lord doesn't have to mean "god," it can be someone that you want to give respect. So, I think when people refer to "Lord Jesus" they weren't necessarily meaning Jesus was "god."

I really don't know, though, as it's not the religion I follow.

Also, "the Bible" is a pretty poor reference. I mean, the bible's stories were picked and choosed at a big meeting, so you're only getting half of it. Besides that, just as there are different sects of Christianity, I can only assume there are variations of the bible, so unless you expect them to read each and every one..........

I think if you feel you still want to believe in your religion, then find everything you can about it, including all variations and WHY people believe one variation or another. If you're thinking that maybe you want to find out about other religions, find the general setup of them, then the ones that interest you at a glance, find more to build up your knowledge.

You'll find a lot of religions that are similar except for a few things, so you'll probably be interested in a couple until you get down to what really separates them, then you can decide which sounds like what you believe and think.

I also agree with think for yourself. Which, sorta throws out all I just said, and what everyone else said. Reading a Bible gets you thinking that's the way to go. It's like when people say, "The Bible says you shouldn't be gay." What if the Bible didn't say it? What do YOU think about the subject, and why?

It's really a debate within yourself before you can get to the stage of doing too much reading.

I hope that all made sense. ;)

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