Questions about version 3?


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That is not a real Tamagotchi. It is another kind of virtual pet, but not a genuine Tamagotchi. Whatever else it is, it's pretty cute! :ph34r:

Thanks! it looked like it was something different but I was not to sure. When I saw version 3 I was like whaaaaaa?.

This pet really is kind of odd, it has Tamagotchi-like characters on the packaging, but there is no Bandai brand label anywhere. The case has "A" "B" and "C" labeled, too, which I have never seen on a Tamagotchi. :huh: It seems like Bandai always has their label somewhere on the package, not "JD"?? Wierd, now I have to research.

i asked my dad and he said that it was probaly a fake because people can put up whatever they want and it dosent have to be real

its fake, there is no such thing as a v3. and i doubt that any real tama has a b and c over the buttons :(

My B.F.F's dad is a pro. photographer and he said that the picture looks like it has been tampered with. the key appears to be a different picture from the "TAMAGOTCHI". It is so fake even the picture isn't real. Sorry. :mellow:

yup it is real it is just like a version 1. How do I know that? Well my friend got hers a few days ago it was so cool! She said it comes with a necklace that matches the tama! [SIZE=21pt]Happy Thanksgiving! :angry: [/SIZE]

It isn't a Tamagotchi, it's a replica made by "JD", the big key to fake Tamas. Everytime you see that, it's not a "real" Tamagotchi. They are just trying to take credit. :angry:

Best of luck,


[SIZE=14pt]Happy Thanksgiving TamaTalkers!![/SIZE]

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yea, i was almost scammed into getting one, but instead, I got my self a real V2, my baby! :angry:


and-it-looks-more-like-a-keati :D

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I think it's the Keitai Tamagotchi.
no its a fake i bought 1 @ my skools mistletoe market

dont fall for it ! youll only deny it

i dont want u to go baa-a-a-a-ad

the v3 is real B) :) B) :) :hitodetchi: :mametchi: :lol: :) :D :kuribotchi: :furawatchi: :kuribotchi: :ph34r: ;)

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