questions, can u answer?


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Active member
Dec 16, 2006
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im new and i have a few questions..

1)why does my pet roll around and ride a duck?

2)i have alot of items, how do i use them?

3)how do i get friends, do i need to connect?

4)how can i get parents, grandparents or even a baby??

5) and how long does it take for my pet to grow, its only a toddler right now..

Okay I'll help you:

Q. 1 Why does my pet roll around and ride a duck?

A. 1 If your tamagotchi is a toddler (the stage after baby) it will roll around for it's entertainment, and the little duck is a "potty" which it sits on when it has to go toliet. If you see little squiggly lines around it press the toilet icon. This animation will happen.

Q. 2 I have a lot of items, how do I use them?

A. 2 To use your items click on the game icon. Go down to 'Items'. Select it. Scroll through your items when you find an item that you want to use press A. Some items can only be used as an adult, teenager, child though. If you cannot use it that means your tamagotchi is to old or young to use the item.

Q. 3 How do I get friends, do I need to connect?

A. 3 Yes you will need to connect with another tamagotchi. The more you connect with the same tamagotchi the better your relationship gets.

Q. 4 How can I get parents grandparents or even a baby?

A. 4 When you first get your tamagotchi it will be on generation 1. The matchmaker will come when your tama is an adult. At around age 7. When she comes she will bring another adult. A Question will be on the screen. Love? If you choose yes your tama and the other one will have a baby. The other way to get a baby is to connect with another adult of the opposite gender. The two will eventually fall in love than have babies. When your parent has a baby, the adult will die and then the baby will be your 2nd generation!!! Your 3g will then have a grandparent... you 1g.

Q. 5 How long does my pet take to grow, it's only a toddler?

A. 5 The grow of a tamagotchi goes like this... baby > toddler 1h, toddler > teen 1 day, teen > adult 3 days.

I hope I helped you lemon23!!!



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