Racial Double Standards?


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Heil Grammatik

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Feb 8, 2010
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Soviet Russia.
Kayso, I was browsing this other site out of boredom and I stumbled across this article.

Personally, I find it kind of ridiculous how we're having to be extremely cautious about what we say to or about other races, because if we say something that's even hinting towards racism we're pretty much screwed, yet as longs as you're black/white/Mexican/etc you can make an outright racist comment and get away with it. I know various racial groups have been put through crap and have had to fight to make their voices heard, and I'm sorry that it happened. However, I had nothing to do with it, and when you're insulting us for our skin colour then, morally, you're not really much better than the people who put your ancestors through that. And then there's the subject of the n-word. Now, I hate that word, I'd never, ever call somebody that, but if people want it to disappear off the face of the earth then gangsters/rappers/whatever shouldn't be going around saying the dang word all the time.

That's just my opinion though, and I have pretty...Stupid views on a lot of issues. So what do you guys think?

Note: I hope you won't even dream about being racist, but in case you've got a wise little remark you'd like to share, don't. Just don't.

I can't abide racisim in any shape or form and I have a major sense of humour failure when people make jokes about it. I just don't find it remotely funny.

Maybe it is because I am not "White" and I have experienced racism - mostly through plain ignorance rather than malicious spite.

But, I am not going to join the growing number of people who complain that "it's not fair" that others get to make racist comments and "we" don't...

In my (personal) opinion - that's rubbish and beside the point.

It's an interesting point to consider for some, but I am not racist and I will not stoop to debate who gets to insult someone and who doesn't. It's irrelevant.

Edit: I just read that through again... and want to add (in case there is any doubt or confusion) that I am not having a go at Heil Grammatik here... the topic is fine as long as everyone respects the site rules. I am just stating my opinion within the rules of the site - not flaming Heil Grammatik.

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Sorry, I think I worded that wrong. I was meaning that I think that the non-racism rules should apply to everybody, not just the whites...Yeah, I probably worded that wrong as well.

I don't agree with racism at all, it's horrible, we're all human beings and should get along. If someone's making a joke about their own race, then I don't generally have a problem with it, and stereotype jokes don't usually bug me, though they do when they're used excessively and that's when I'll tell them to shut the -unfortunatelyicantsaythiswordhere- up. I do think that sometimes the whole racism thing is taken too far, such as this which is taking it too far. Honestly, everything in that article is stupid but I'm focusing on the bah bah black sheep bit. That nursery rhyme isn't racist in the slightest in my opinion, just because it featured the word black doesn't mean to say that it's a racist nursery rhyme.

While I think it's stupid that white people used to be racist towards black people, I don't feel sorry for the black people today, I don't feel guilty for that. Why? Because I didn't do it and the black people of today weren't put through all of that. They might be put through some of it, I'm sure everyone gets racist comments thrown at them, white people included. I'm not racist, so if someone says a racist comment about being white to me just because someone white was racist towards them doesn't mean it's right, because I'm not racist. Just because someone's racist towards someone doesn't give them the right to be racist towards someone else.

All I'm trying to get through in all of these paragraphs is that no-one should be racist towards anyone, and we shouldn't stoop to racist levels even if we've had racial comments thrown at us.

I agree with Lee about when someone's making a joke about their own race, but I'm not okay with anyone being racist towards other races.

I know a lot of races went through crap, but that still doesn't give anyone an excuse to be racist. People should learn from the past and move on. Any form of racism gets nowhere.

Yeah, I see what you mean.

I remember another topic about this before, and the author was upset at the amount of videos on YouTube, where black people are making very racist comments about white people, that aren't being flagged and taken off. I remember when I tried looking for them, and I was appalled when I saw the amount of of them that had been rated five stars! :D :eek: :angry: I don't know if they're still on, because I DID flag them!

I also remember a comment that someone made about the situation. They said that if a bunch of black people beat up a white person, it barely makes the news. But if it's the other way around, it's all over the paper.


I spoke to my Dad about this once and he said that it's probably because people are too used to telling off white people for doing it. And then there is also some people who say that black people have the right to say that kinda stuff, because white people did it to them in the past.

But we both agreed that you should never judge a person by the color of their skin (black or white).


There's also the fact that not all white people were racist in the past either. Otherwise those laws wouldn't have been taken down.

I agree with Lee about when someone's making a joke about their own race, but I'm not okay with anyone being racist towards other races.
I know a lot of races went through crap, but that still doesn't give anyone an excuse to be racist. People should learn from the past and move on. Any form of racism gets nowhere.
If you think about it, that statement doesn't make much sense.

Why is it O.K. to be racist to your own race, but not to others?

A little hypocritical if you think about it.

People can still be offended, regardless of the fact that your of that race or not. :/

For example, I could call all white people "Crackers" (As a very mild example. xD)

Although I'm half white, that doesn't justify me saying it. D:


Anyway, of course I'm against racism and blah blah blah.

I also highly agree with you Heil Grammatik. I find it stupid and hypocritical how many other races think it's O.K. to be racist to a white person, but heaven forbid a white person is racist to anyone else and all hell breaks loose.

Slavery was taken place all over the world within many different cultures.

I wonder why people act as if it was only the white man who did it. :/

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