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Another thing I hate about racism is when people use the 'slavery' thing.

Unless you were a slave and you experienced first hand, don't argue about it.

You were not a slave. I am not a slave owner.

Just because some of our ancestors did stupid things so many years ago, doesn't mean we in present day should be held responsible for it.

Don't listen to those idiots. I'm mixed and I got some white friends and they are very nice too me. I HATE HATE HATE RACISM! It's totally disgusting! I don't care about the color of your skin I care that your nice and respectful to me ( I'm not saying this to one person I'm telling everyone I'm NOT saying anyone is racist I'm just proving a point ok? ) Why do some people gotta be nasty like that? Gosh don't bring back something so evil and despicable about the past and just live the future and live it right.

[SIZE=7pt]I think that Racism is shallow, and pretty much disgusting.[/SIZE]

For people that are not racist, people that believe you are are completely steriotypical. Don't let people like that bother you. Your best bet is to ignore those nasty comments.

I'm editing this because, I read through these posts, and I agree: Why are white people blamed for so much racism? I just find that to be sad. I know, being one myself, that I would NEVER be racist. It's probably because of the past history that some of our ancestors had. (I learned that in History. :D ) It's taught me alot. You have to be respectful around everybody, no matter what their color. It's the inside that mostly counts. So what annoys me is that, why are we still dealing with racism?

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well one thing is for sure: you are definately not racist and that's all that matters. only pay attention to the people who see you for who you really are: a great, thoughtful, caring person. who cares what other people think of someone as long as they are happy. I've never once cared what people thought of me. I just jump out there into the wild world and be my crazy self. hopefully most people can see how different and far you are from a racist or mean person like that. i know being thoughtful like you are won't change what the world is doing right now, but if you do it, it'll hopefully spread on to others close/not so close to you, and the good will keep spreading, and soon the world will almost come to peace, although nothing is perfect or will evr be, but one person CAN make a difference you just have to truly believe in yourself.

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Gosh I'm happy someone posted this topic!

It annoys me so much how people assume whites are racist.

Truthfully, a lot of African-American people, at least around me, are more racist. They always say like " hey white boyz/girls" and it annoys me cause if I said that back, I'd be in big trouble. But, I know that down in Alabama, around there, there is still racism, and it's really sad. But racism isn't just against African-Americans, it can be against any person. And they have Black History and Hispanic history months because they were treated poorly in the past, and people want kids to know that it did happen and it's a terrible thing! We should celebrate our differences! They make us cool!

Well I'm african american, and I don't really let racism bother me. Prejudice is usually fear, and/or usually a lack of intelligence.. So whatever to you racial sensitive people. Because believe it or not everyone has said something racist in their lifetime, or lately. T_T

What I find annoying about racism, is it's only white people who are blamed for it.
Any other race can use whatever racial slur they want to about white people, but if a white person says a single thing that someone of a different race disapproves of, we're labeled racist.
I must agree in every aspect of that.

For instance, this is simply an example, if a caucasian pastor had made the speech that Obama's pastor did, they would be in jail by now and be reccieving uncountable hatemail letters. But Obama's priest, being black/negro, got outrage but he did not get overblown. Excuse me, but there is racism not only from whites.

Along with that old commercial that aired back in '05 or so. It showed a caucasian woman, average, with her daughter and she didn't want her daughter playing with the other children because they were black/negro (no, that is not the N word, for any staring onlookers who've never bothered to ask or find out), but was there ever a reverse version of that commercial aired?


Grownups always say its whats on the inside that counts, but they set an absoulutely terrible example in that area. I posted that on a youtube video against racism once, and some stupid person replied to my comment and said i'm just a stupid kid and my opinion doesn't matter, and then I cussed him out.

everyone else that posted thought it was hilarious.XD I would not suggest cussing adults to their face though, it makes them reeeeeeeeally mad. also, Africans would have enslaved europeans if they were in that situation, the idea there was, why do your own work when you can make someone else do it? I'm really sorry for the past, but whatever, I can't do anything about it, so leave the past in the past and MOVE ON.

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Raciam is just plain silly and ignorant.


Whining about the past won't do anything. It was put to an end, now it's time to get over it.


Most of my friends are racist. I don't mid it that much, although it ticks me off.

So I'm not a racist or anything but at school when you play four square (its a ball game) only four people at a time. And theres always a judge to call out an illegal shot.So this boy did an illegal shot and I called him out of the game and everyones like what!! Thats not fair your such a racist! just because the boy's skin color was dark. And my freind, she "supposedly" hates that guy but she said, Ya nikki why are you being such a racist!" And she later told me she didnt know what was going on and that she saw the guy had a sad face so she went a long on his side. :( And this other boy calls me a hater of boys and everything but I'm not! Just because I dont like him he think I hate all boys. I like half the boys in my class (as friends) but he thinks just because you dont like him your not supposed to like anyone!! *mad face* Ugh!! And he also called our P.E. teacher a racist just for not calling this guy that has white skin out when he did something illegal in the game. And that guy who called our P.E. teacher a racist is dark skinned so thats why he thought that. Then the PE teacher talked to him and was sorta yelling at him for calling him that because hes not!! That guy makes me sick.

Just because people call you racist, doesn't mean you are. There are some people in this world that want to make you feel bad. So if someone say "*insert something here* are so racist" or "Why are you so racist?" or "Im not gonna talk to a racist!", don't feel bad. Only you know who you truly are :(

Short story: Someone calls you a racist. You're not. They're an idiot. Let's move on with life, shall we?

Ugh.... I'm getting ANNOYED at all these stupid stuff about Obama's race on TV and how it will cause him to lose because the white people are racist. D:{

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