Rainbow Bridge?


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I think animals have their own beliefs, and they're own, 'up', shall we call it, where theres bountiful sources of food, etc. Animals serve their time just as well as humans, why should they just, not be considered?

I have a headache from trying to hide the tears in.

--wait! Now my throught hurts, too.

Owie ow oweth. Crying in throught AND head pain.

//but I believe animals go to heaven like good people. Yay!!!

I can just imagine my fish swimming around up there. ):

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I don't believe they go to heaven. I don't believe they have souls, although it would be cool if they did, but I'm pretty sure its not biblical. I believe they just go to the ground.

I hate to be a damper on all this all-animals-go-to-heaven thing, but I mean, honestly, animals, in heaven?

I was taught when I was little that when an animal died, it died. Nothing more. T_T' I hope it's not true, becuse my kitty died last night. D:

I don't believe they go to heaven. I don't believe they have souls, although it would be cool if they did, but I'm pretty sure its not biblical. I believe they just go to the ground.
I don't believe animals have souls like we do, but on a religious note, that animals are more than just a rock and God created them too, to be living and breathing. Although there is no Biblica basis, I asume that He does.

God feeds and cares for the birds, too, if you remember that verse. I'll try to see if I can find the verse. ;]

i know, but then again in heaven we are just in awe of being in Jesus' presence that we just worship, so what would be the point of animals? this is what I believe , you don't have to believe in it. Don't take it the wrong way!! ;D

Why shouldn't animals go to heaven? Actually, where's the proof that humans are better than animals. Just because we create pollution and tear down rainforests and read and write, that doesn't mean we're superior. And neither does the fact that we can read and write and speak. Actually, I have the strange feeling that animals can communicate by thought. Humans and animals live together on earth, so why not heaven? But I'll bet that there aren't many animals, if any, that go to...heck. Sorry, I sorta have this aversion to swearing, I can't even say what heck replaces when I'm talking about the actual heck, not just insulting someone. Ah well.

Point is, animals definitely go to heaven. And just like the people we loved on earth and even people we never got to meet (like a grandmother), they will be their waiting for you, if you loved them. ♥♥♥

i know, but then again in heaven we are just in awe of being in Jesus' presence that we just worship, so what would be the point of animals? this is what I believe , you don't have to believe in it. Don't take it the wrong way!! ;D
I just remembered, it said the lion will lay down with the lamb- sounds like aminals to me. :( Biblical. Yay. xDDD

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oh, maybe your right??? Cool!!!!
Yep. :(

And you know what, it's not just we're standing there with harps playing with drinks in our hand saying, "cool party" for ever, lol! We worship Him and that's the whole reason but as well as always being in His persence, we get to explore Heaven, see those pearly gates, etc. I've read more into hell than heaven [biblically speaking] and I know there are verses in the Bible about them, I should read into them. :]

Yes I totally agree. I keep on having dreams my two little dos died and I have found myself crying at like 2 AM beacause of the dream. I belive that when they do go, they will got o heaven.

Another thing on my mind is, why do some people celebrate Christmas and easter ect if they are not christians???

Yes I totally agree. I keep on having dreams my two little dos died and I have found myself crying at like 2 AM beacause of the dream. I belive that when they do go, they will got o heaven.

Another thing on my mind is, why do some people celebrate Christmas and easter ect if they are not christians???
Aw- aren't those the worst! D: At least it shows you that you really do love and cherish your doggies. That's a good thing. -thumbs up-

Why? Because there is a religios part of Easter/Christmas, and then a secular part of Easter/Christmas.

Yes I totally agree. I keep on having dreams my two little dos died and I have found myself crying at like 2 AM beacause of the dream. I belive that when they do go, they will got o heaven.

Another thing on my mind is, why do some people celebrate Christmas and easter ect if they are not christians???
Well when the teacher goes around asking what you got for Christmas all these little kids got all the new Games and stuff while you get nothing?

Im Atheist but I still celebrate Christmas for teh family getting together and giving presents

For Easter we just hide eggs.

Well when the teacher goes around asking what you got for Christmas all these little kids got all the new Games and stuff while you get nothing?
Im Atheist but I still celebrate Christmas for teh family getting together and giving presents

For Easter we just hide eggs.
I know athiest celebrate christain holidays and i'm not agaisnt it but...its not just a winter holiday its jesus birthday and easter is when he rose from the dead but its been comercialized expect the egg part is pretty fun xD and the christmas tree is cool too



Mkayyeah, lol, back on topic. ;]

I think my doggie might be going pretty soon. She's 16 and isn't getting around very well. ;__;

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