Random drable.


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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2006
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Your pants
It is a slightly different style of writing cause this one is just by me.

Brendon is maybe a little crazy. Or maybe he’s more than a little crazy. Ryan’s pretty sure it’s the latter.


“You what?!” Ryan shouts, and that’s when all the trouble starts.




Jon thinks it's, of course. He actually congratulates Brendon, like suddenly being able to read minds is some great achievement or something.


It isn’t, and Spencer tells Brendon to cut it out if he wants to remain alive and well. Brendon gets scared and avoids Spencer for all of an hour before he’s at it again, staring at the back of Spencer’s head and informing the whole world that Spencer thinks Jon is cute.


Spencer does not find this amusing. Jon does, and he buys Brendon a cherry lollipop to show his appreciation.



Ryan soon develops the habit of only thinking in song lyrics around Brendon. Not only does Brendon lose interest in him quickly, but it also keeps Ryan from thinking anything he doesn’t want Brendon to know.


And there is one thing in particular he doesn’t want Brendon to know.




“That is awesome!”


Ryan sighs. “That is wholly unhelpful, Pete. Thanks.”




There goes my hero… Ryan thinks, and from behind him, Brendon sings, “Watch him as he goes!”




Ryan curses and throws his notebook across the room and only barely misses Jon’s head. Jon laughs and laughs and laughs at nothing at all and then looks Ryan in the eye and says,


“You aren’t hiding anything from anyone, Ross.”


And Ryan has no idea what that means, but he suddenly feels feverish.




They are sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast one day when Brendon says, “Blindness is so stifling. Deafness is so suffocating.”


None of them understand. Ryan rolls his eyes and leaves the room.




“Have you tried hitting him over the head really hard with a frying pan?”


“We aren’t cartoons, Gabe. Or did you forget again?”




Ryan is curled up on the couch reading a book, Brendon sitting next to him, when Brendon says, “Spencer doesn’t think very happy thoughts.” There’s a pause before he adds, “Jon does.”


“I don’t know what you’re trying to tell me,” Ryan finally admits. Brendon only smiles and snuggles into Ryan’s side.




Ryan’s never really noticed before, but he and Brendon are almost exact opposites.




I am not afraid to walk this world alone… Ryan thinks. Brendon laughs and hums the rest of the chorus under his breath.




All four of them are gathered around the TV, watching The Sound of Music, when Jon asks, “What’s it like, Bren? Reading minds?”


Ryan looks at Brendon, whose face remains expressionless while he thinks the question over. “It’s like an elephant is sitting on my chest. It’s like I need mouth-to-mouth.”


Jon blinks and turns back to the TV. Ryan bites his lip when Brendon shoots him a smile.




“Um. You could, uh. Maybe you should…”


“Thanks for the help, Bill.”




“Did you just, like, wake up one day able to read minds?” Spencer is asking Brendon when Ryan comes around the corner.


Brendon shrugs. “Pretty much.”


“Is it awesome?”


“Not really.”




“Jon and Spencer had sex last night,” Brendon blurts at dinner one night.


Spencer doesn’t talk to Brendon for three days after that. Jon doesn’t talk to Spencer for five days after that.




“Spencer and Jon made up,” Brendon whispers in Ryan’s ear. Ryan mumbles sleepily and scoots over so Brendon can wiggle his way under the covers. Once Brendon’s got his arms around Ryan’s body and his face buried in Ryan’s neck, he says, “Things that are meant to be always work out.”




“F**k, that’s funny.”


“Just let me talk to Mikey, Gerard.”




“Wait it out.”


“Wow. Best advice ever, Mikey.”




“Like my tiara?” Brendon asks, touching the crown atop his head lightly and biting his lip.


Ryan raises an eyebrow. “I had a dream last night about you wearing a tiara and being a princess.”


Brendon grins impishly. “I know.”




Jon pulls Ryan outside one night to count stars. When they get to 100, Jon asks, “Why does it get on your nerves so bad? There isn’t one thing he doesn’t already know about you.”


Ryan sighs. “There is one thing.”




The next night, Ryan and Brendon are lying side by side on Ryan’s bed, discussing lyrics. Brendon interrupts himself mid-sentence to say,


“Jon’s right, you know. There isn’t one thing I don’t already know about you.” He gives Ryan a pointed look.


Ryan swallows. “So, you know that I…”


Brendon nods.




“Aw, that’s cute.”


“It could really screw up the band, Hayley. What do I do?”


“You have to decide which means more to you. The band or the boy.”




“How long has it been obvious?”


Spencer shrugs his shoulders. “A long time.”




Ryan gets Brendon alone outside. He pulls him onto the porch, into the clear night, and opens his mouth. Then closes it again. He can’t bring himself to say it. So he thinks it instead.


I love you. I think we’re meant to be together. You mean more to me than this band, and I want to take the chance if you do.




“Hello?” Ryan answers his phone, voice heavy and thick with sleep.


“Oh, God,” Patrick says into the phone. “Ryan, Pete can read minds.”

Doesn't drabble have two Bs?

Haha. Anyways, apart from your typo, which of course, I HAD to point out,(Why do you always end up making typos on titles? Like in the Egyptain House?)...where was I? Oh yeah...It was good.

Girls ALWAYS give good advice. *points to Hayley's advice*

:) I dont know, its cause that is the only part of anything I type that doesnt have spell check.

Yeah, go Hayley.

Haha. I'm going to check it now. Yup. It's two.

I love how you make errors in the title. *laughs*



Now I have something to read while waiting for more Ferard xD

I actually think I like this format and typing... better than the other? Am I allowed to say that?

I like this one better.


I said it.

And If I like this better than Ferard.....................

I think I'm in love ^__^

Lizzy, Diva, Im scared!

Rescue Rangers?

OMG! Isn't that...Power Rangers or something?

I used to love that show!!


It's not that bad, Pink Craze. I still love Bob the Builder!!! *not really, but heck*
