Random Sonic story


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Jul 5, 2008
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Tails had spent all day looking for Sonic. When he had woken up that morning, Sonic was nowhere to be seen. Not a message, not a signal, not a trace. It was getting dark now, and he was getting worried. He decided it was a good idea to return to his workshop for the rest of the day, hoping that sonic would be there, but as he turned round, he heard something. Someone calling for help. He proceeded straight to where the voice was coming from. It was a pale blue fox with amber eyes who appeared to have made the shout. unlike Tails, she only had one tail, had spained her ankle.

'I've never seen you before. Do you need some help?'asked Tails.

'Just something to help get my energy back. Then I'll be fine.' she replied.

'Alright then.'

Tails gave her something to eat. Shortly after she had eaten it, something very odd happened. She turned her ankle to water, then turned it back to normal.

Tails was amazed. After a few seconds, he finally spoke.

'What's you name?'

'My name's Hydro. What's yours?'

'Tails.'he answered

'Thank you for helping me, Tails. I need to go now.'

She turned to leave but Tails stopped her.

'Wait! I'll take you home. Where do you live?''

'I don't have a home.'

Tails was concerned.

'I need to collect the cystals for my master. He needs to build a machine to help the world.'

'Do you want me to help you? I need to find my friend, Sonic. He disappeared

This morning.'

'....Well, I'm sure my master won't mind me getting some assistance, so yes, you can. He lives underground, so I'm sure he'll be pleased to meet you.'

'We'll start tomorrow, then. You need some rest.'


The next morning, Sonic still hadn't returned....

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So Tails and Hydro went underground through a secret tunnel. While they were walking, Hydro shouted,"AshLilly!" and ran to a small figure in the shadows. Tails moved closer and norticed that hydro was refferring to a bee with bold red eyes.

"AshLilly, what's wrong?" asked Hydro.

"I sense the presence of an uninvited one..."said the small Bee quietly,"He is...a hedgehog. Up to...no good."

Just then Doctor Eggman jumped out of the bushes with Sonic by his side.

hydro used a contraption of some kind and doctor egman and sonic collapsed on the floor, tails stared/"what happened?" hydro explained "they caught a disease witch causes violent madnes, it was created by the evil birdie the hedgehog he brings the disease everywhere he goes

ash lily,hydro and tails dragged the doctor and sonic to the medical room, it was a blaze of activety. after sonic (a purple chimpmunk) recovered he told of how he caught the disease and wandered into the tunnel with the doc

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docter eggman was a mutated egg-man he is birdie's right hand man I mean eggman. docter eggman was tied on a seat, the master, proffeser fiesta was looking at him with a hard face"what is birdie up to" demanded mr p. the bad thing with the evil side is they are sellfish,greedy and not very loyal "digging tunnels to release a gas to make you his slave-zombies" mr p tested his lie detecter "he tells the truth" whispered mr p

All of a sudden, a strange hole opened up in the side of the wall and started sucking everything in the room. Everyone started shouting and panicking, but they couldn't hear each other as they were sucked into it.

As soon as it had happened, the contents of the room, including the people in it, were tumbling though a mysterious, dark tunnel. Hydro was scared, yet remained strangely calm.

I have to get to the other side, she thought. If there is another side....

Fortunetly, there was another side. Unfortunetly, when she landed, she flattened the snack belonging to a very well known pink character, just as he was about to eat it. This pink character then nearly swallowed Hydro instead, but spat her out because she didn't taste like a slice of strawberry shortcake. :)

Kirby was slightly confused to why this creature had had just landed striaght on top of his food, but was more concerned about whether she was alright and why she was there in the first place.

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Kirby approched with caution, just in case the creature wasn't that friendly.

'Are you alright?' he asked.

The creature just groaned.

Kirby walked around the other side, just in case it hadn't seen or heard him. Then, something about it struck him as familiar. It looked like it was probably on of Sonic's friends. Kirby knew Sonic well. Last time they had met, Sonic and Kirby had battled against each other, and Sonic had won by donig some weird transformation and simply beating him to a pulp.

The creature appear to be a pale blue vixen*, with only one tail and strange yet beautiful amber eyes, which were currently bearly open.

Kirby wasn't too sure about what to do. Was he sure that this was one on Sonic's friends? She could be an enemy for all he knew, or maybe she didn't even know Sonic at all. So he decided to try and ask.

'Do you know Sonic the hedgehog?'

She continued to groan. Now Kirby really wasn't sure who she knew.

(Please continue, but whatever you do, please don't kill Hydro!)

:) TamagotchiGirl2007 :furawatchi:

(if your thinking sonic is the evil hedgehog called Birdie you are wrong) continuying..."No, who is this sonic? because I am sir eggnen, birdies right hand man" with that he quickly put a hand over his mouth relising what he said

Kirby turned around.

'Who's Birdie?' he asked. 'Is Birdie the girl over there?'

He turned back to Hydro, who was still lying on the ground.

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:D TamagotchiGirl2007 ;)

'No, she is not!' Sir Eggnen roared. 'She is an enemy, a danger to us all, and must be stopped!'

Kirby didn't understand, but he was suspicious of this Sir Eggnen person. Before they could continue, Hydro sat up, groggy and perplexed. She looked at Kirby.

'Who are you?' she asked. She remembered how she had ended up here. 'Do you know anything about the tunnel?'

Kirby looked at her blankly. 'What tunnel?'

(Continue in next post.)

sir eggen frowned "what's your name?"

"don't know"

"oh no! birdie must of made a brainwash spray!!!

......"no! it must of turned him into a good guy and then brainwashed him!!!

"Good guy?" Kirby repeated. ''Anyway, what are you talking about? I really don't understand."

Just then, another pink character that looked exactly like Kirby wandered towards the puzzled group. Sir Eggnen walked towards him and picked him up. He then ran away from Hydro and the real Kirby as fast as possible. They tried to follow, but their attempt was useless, and Sir Eggnen got away.

Kirby looked at the creature who had landed on top of his slice of cake. She seemed frustrated. She then noticed a glistening shard, which almost seemed to glow, and picked it up.

"A crystal" she said. "Sir Eggnen must have dropped it."

"Who's Birdie?" Kirby asked yet again. "I don't understand anything that's just gone on at all. I can't even remember who I am. Do you know?"

"I don't fully understand either, but I shall explain what I do know."Hydro replied.


Ratchet climbed out of the wreckage that was once his ship. He didn't know why it had suddenly spiralled out of control and crashed landed on this planet. It was working perfectly fine before. Still, it didn't look like it couldn't be repaired. He got out his wrench and started trying to work out how to repair it. But just as he started a fox with two tails stumbled for a couple of steps and fell right beside him.

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:D TamagotchiGirl2007 :D

(PS: Where Ratchet landed is nearby where Hydro and kirby are!)

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"hello have you come to delliver the crystals?" said the fox with two tails called ashlilly

'No' replied Ratchet, slightly bewildered. As the fox looked as if it was about to try and attack him, he reached for his nearest available gun, his Blaster.

:angry: TamagotchiGirl2007 -_-

NB: Ratchet is from the Ratchet and Clank games.

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The fox noticed what Rachet was doing, and knocked the gun out of his hand. She let out an evil laugh. Rachet tried to get away as fast as possible, but it was too late. The fox shot a dart at Ractchet, and he fell to the ground. The fox laughed again. Today was a good day. Unfortunatly, someone heard her laugh.


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