Random Sonic story


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The fox noticed what Rachet was doing, and knocked the gun out of his hand. She let out an evil laugh. Rachet tried to get away as fast as possible, but it was too late. The fox shot a dart at Ractchet, and he fell to the ground. The fox laughed again. Today was a good day. Unfortunatly, someone heard her laugh.*
*Off-topic*No offence intended, Confused@_@, but I think you've been reading too many Artimis Fowl books again.....*Back on Topic*

Hydro had finally finished explaining everything that had happened to her to Kirby, when they heard an evil laugh in the distance. Hydro recognised it immediatly.

'AshLilly!' she exclaimed.

'Do you mean your frind? Her voice sounds...creepy.' Kirby said.

'No, It's some one else. Come on!' she shouted, and ran towards the where she had heard the laugh emit from. Kirby followed her.

;) TamagotchiGirl2007 :furawatchi:

when they got there ashlilly (the other ashlilly) was dancing with a frog and ocationlly punching the frog in the head

The frog was a Polytoed (from the pokemon games) and it started using perish song. Everyone Collasped onto the ground, except for AshLilly the fox.

After the polytoed had finished, Ashlilly pulled a pair of earplugs out of her ears, and returned the Polytoed to a stolen pokeball.

'My master will be pleased' She said, smiling as she carried the unconcious team away.

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Ratchet was the first to recover. He was in, more or less, a glass container. Around him, in other container, were a variety of other creatures, most of which he couldn't identify. One of them was the same type of creature as the one that had shot him with the dart, and was currently deep in thought. Maybe trying to find a way out.

:) TamagotchiGirl2007 :unsure:

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As Ratchet looked around, he didn't notice that a purple dragon was burning though the glass. He only realised when this when it walked towards him after it had finished. Ratchet had no weapons. He was completely defenseless as the dragon came closer and closer. Then it spoke.

'Are you okay?' it asked.

Ratchet nodded wearily.

'My name's Spyro.' He looked up at a glimmering dragonfly. 'This is Sparx'

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They soon discovered that he was called Tails, (The one whom we haven't mentioned in ages!) but as he climbed out, they all heard a weird rumbling noise as the room shook....

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Hydro woke up. She was still in the same place she had been, but no one else appeared to be. She was all alone, and it was getting dark. She felt angry at herself. Why hadn't she used her npowers when she had a chance? She tried to use them, but failed. She had lost her powers, but knew that she couldn't had just lost them. She frowned. AshLilly must have done something to me. she thought. There isn't any other explanation.

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back at the prison bace spiro, tails, kerby, and rechet(sorry if i missed anyone) escaped through a narow tunel they spoted a child tied up. as they untied the child he said thanks for freeing me. im josh and id like to join your escape team. all of asoden an alarm went off and dossonds or secerity robots porred into the room!!! i got this said josh. go eevee!!!(a pokemon. also josh has all the eevee evelotions) eevee use shado ball!! as the shado ball his the robots they all where distoyed!! return eevee!!! lets hurry!!!

to be continued!!!

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