Rate Miley Cyrus


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she makes a thousand dollars like a day for singing badly ^_^

Oh joy. 'Rate The Person!'...

As far as I'm concerned, Miley Cyrus is a girl who enjoys singing, has her own show on Disney Channel...

Because I don't know her personally, I'm not one to judge. [Or, Rate, in this case..]


Did yous see the minus sign? Good. The lowest rating possible. She makes me wanna throw myself off a building. <.<

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Erm, I have never heard of Miley Cyrus...judging by what you people put I'm glad of that.

her show is cute and funny. i don't think it's that bad.

but when you hear her sing, i think "that is not Billy Ray Cyrus's daughter" he was a very famous country singer, so she probably got her voice from her dad. but in this case, i think she sounds horrible.

3/10. I think the show's okay, but she gets such praise for her average voice. I think a lot of people could sing much better than her! ;)

Oh my gosh...OH MY GOSH! O___O -Spazzes-

She stole my name ;_; and made it evil. xD

I really REALLY don't like her. Her singing is awful. );

If I said how I really felt about her, I'd get a warn. xD lol

4/10. I like her show but they always have to say she is so pretty and can sing well. I'm like we get it. xD

hmm well i agree with a lot of ppl. her show is umm mediocree ahahahhaha. but her singing is blahhhhhh. :[ sooo many ppl sing better... and her song nobody is perfect drives me upp the walllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. :)

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