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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
So the point of this is to post a joke( it can be corny, stupid,or nonsense) and the answer(if it has one), then the person below you will rate it and post a new joke.


#1 Jokes can't be inappropriate

#2 Have fun

I'll go first:

Q: What do cats use to cool their drinks?

A: Mice Cubes

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Sorry. . .

An idiot walks into a store, and said "Hello, I'd like this TV.".

The clerk answers "Sorry, we don't serve idiots."

She comes the next day, only disguised.

She says the same thing, and he answers:

"Sorry, we don't serve idiots."

She does this everyday, and finally comes back one day with her regular clothes and everything.

She says "How can you tell it's me everytime!?"

The clerk answers: "Because that's not a TV. It's a microwave."


Q: Why did the chicken cross the road.

A: To get to the other side (duh)

10/10 lolz

A patient yells "Doctor!!! IM SHRINKING!!!"

The doctor answers, "You'll just have to be a little petient."


Two fish are in a tank. One fish says to the other, "You steer, I'll man the guns."


A lawyer, an engineer and a mathematician were called in for a test.

The engineer went in first and was asked, ''''What is 2+2?'''' The engineer thought awhile and finally answered, ''''4.''''

Then the mathemetician was called in and was asked the same question. With little thought he replied, ''''4.0''''

Then the lawyer was called in, and was asked the same question. The lawyer answered even quicker than the mathematician, ''''What do you want it to be?''''


yo mama so fat when she walk in font of the tv we miss the whole movie

i give myself a 10/10

yo mama so ugly they push her face in the dough to make gorilla cookies


A seal walks into a a bar anbd hops onto a table

the bartender asks "what are you gonna have"

the seal replies "aNYTHING BUT A CANADIAN CLUB"

*canadian club is a whisky


A pirate walks into a bar, and he's got a steering wheel sticking out of his pants. The bartender sees him and asks, "Hey, what's that steering wheel doing there?" The pirate says, "Aaarrrr, it's driving me nuts."


I don't get it. At all. Not a single bit. Sorry.

Knock knock. Who's there? Boo. Boo Who? Why are you crying?

0/20000, so old...>.>

(This is he only joke I can think of)

Your Mom Is So Fat That When She Went In The Ocean Shamu Came and Sang We Are Family!

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