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Active member
May 8, 2012
Reaction score
Kansas City, USA
Hello everyone.

How are you all doing? You can call me Lion. :3

I've been a Tama fan since waaaay back when the original came out in the United States. I was about 12 years old when the big craze hit here in America (6th grade), and at the time I really wanted a Giga Pet! In fact, I remember it was the "Bit Critter" Giga Pet that I wanted so much. A friend at school had it and I was quite jealous. I asked my mom to pick one up for me at the store with my allowance money. She brought me home the original Tamagotchi. I was disappointed, but she told me she couldn't find any others. It was very difficult to get these things at the time, they were so popular! And believe it or not, at least in my community, it seemed like Giga Pets and Nanos and other off-brands had caught on and gained reputation way before Tamagotchi. Nobody I knew had a tama and I had never heard of it before, so I thought it was one of the crummy off-brands and I was pouty about it. Lol.

Since it seemed it would be difficult to track down another virtual pet anytime soon though, I decided to give it a try, and boy was I glad I did! I really grew attached to it. The fact that it evolved into different creatures depending on your care of it made it a lot more fun and replayable than the virtual pets most of my friends had, where the creature just grew or evolved along a set course. I soon became obsessed with Tamagotchi and even though I only owned the one, I would constantly go on the internet looking up codes and secrets. There were hundreds and I tried most of them, thinking they'd work. Not a single one did. Lol. But I remember spending hours on the phone with my "girlfriend" at the time talking about tamagotchis and codes and the different types of tamagotchis that were coming out (like Angelgotchi, and Ocean). I really loved my Tamagotchi. I cried when my first one died. XD

I soon grew out of it, probably due to the arrival of Pokemon. My original tama eventually got pretty worn out and I don't recall if it quit working, but at some point I decided it was too beat up to keep and I threw it away. I kind of wish I hadn't now, but seeing that you can still get a version 1 tama for about the same as the original price on eBay, I'm not too concerned. I'll probably pick one up again someday.

It wasn't until just a few weeks ago that I got back into Tamas. I had downloaded a virtual pet app called MyClassicPet on my Android phone out of nostalgia, and really enjoyed playing it for a while, though it seemed a little lacking in features and really glitchy, so I eventually got tired of it. That's when I decided, "Why be nostalgic about my memories of tamagotchi when I can just buy a new one!?" I went online to research the different versions that have come out in all the years, and since I'm pretty broke lately I went with the cheapest one I could get my hands on that had positive reviews. I picked up the V6 (Music Star) and have been having a blast with it. Since then, I've purchased a Tama-go, since they are probably the cheapest you can get right now, and also so I could connect it with my v6 (I haven't gotten the Tama-go in the mail yet. I'll be getting it today! :D ). I really want to get a V4.5, a V5, and a V2 eventually, but that will have to wait a while until I have a better budget for it. I also want to get an ID L at some point, maybe when I've gotten a little further in my study of Japanese (I've only started a few months ago). Lucky for me, it looks like the ID L doesn't have any kanji, so at least I'll be able to look up translations for everything easily when I get one.

Anyway, I'm really interested in tamas again and would love to discuss them with others.

I have a question! How do you get access to the chat room here? I keep getting an error message that says I have not been approved for it. I emailed the administrator and got no response. :(


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Hi Lion~ Welcome to Tamatalk C:

It's great to see that people are getting back into Tamagotchis, even after all these years. xD

The V6 is a great version to play, along with the Tama-go, but just as a note there is a pretty big difference between the two. Don't get me wrong I like them both, but the V6 is higher-maintenance than the Tama-go, which is more like the original tamagotchi. The Tama-Go might get a little boring after a while, since you're probably used to the high-maintenance Music Star. xD

I also definitely recommend the iD L! I can't speak any japanese(um sugoi kawaii desu) at all, but the iD L is super easy to understand and play. You get used to the places and pretty much just memorize what they are. It's an amazing version, I would have to say it's my favourite because of all of the features(going places, dressing up, changing your house, etc) and the characters are great too. But yeah, iD L's are quite expensive, but they're worth the money in my opinion!

And about the TamaChat access, there's a forum that you go to for requesting access to TamaChat. Admin will then approve your topic, and you'll be all good to go!

Anywho, I hope you enjoy it here! C:

Welcome to TamaTalk, Lion!

You have a wonderful background story...sounds a lot like mine! I couldn't get enough of my P2 Tamagotchi when I first bought it in the late '90s and I loved going online to look up information.

Glad to know you're getting back into Tamagotchis. I do recommend getting some more of the vintage Tamagotchis when you have the means; they're a lot of fun!

By the way, we do have translations of instructions, menus, etc. for the iD L so even if you don't know a word of Japanese, you'd be able to play with one with no trouble at all. I highly recommend perusing the site when you have a chance, just to see what we have to offer.

Due to problems with Chat in the past, we require everyone to make a request in the Request for Access forum. So just make a topic there and one of the Senior Guides will grant you access if everything checks out!

Hope you enjoy your stay, and please do ask any questions in the appropriate forum areas if they come up! See you around the site! :)

Welcome to TamaTalk! Nice back story! It's awesome that you're back into tamas. Hope you have fun here and I'll see you around the fourms! ;)

Welcome to TamaTalk! I love seeing other people getting back into Tamas, even though it is odd to know you got your first Tamagotchi almost 5 years before I was born. :p Anyway, welcome and good luck getting more Tamas! :D

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