Raz's V5 log


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Nov 16, 2008
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Hello, humans and aliens alike! It is I, Raz, and I have finally jumped into '08 and purchased myself a lovely V5! It's the space version--dark blue with rockets and stars. I was going to get the aqua-blue one with clownfish on it, but my little sister wanted that one and there has not been a time (that I am aware of) that she hasn't gotten her way. XD

I got it from Toys R Us..it was in the little girl "Totally Me!!" section, which is basically a pink hell with slutty makeup for 5 year olds...o_0 I'm disappointed with whoever does the layout for Toys R Us. Tamagotchis are a toy (I'm not denying that they're toys) for all ages and genders. Most people who want tamagotchis are OLDER, old enough to feel uncomfortable in that section. They're also going to assume that the layout people are going to put it somewhere central, NOT in the "Totally Me!!" section. They're not going to look there, and most of the time aren't going to ask--tamagotchis are sort of embarrassing to some people. They'd just give up and order them online, thus dwindling the profits (a small bit) for Toys R Us. >.<

...alright. Now that that little rant is over, it's time to pull the tab! (I haven't already..) 8D

On a side note, before I pull the tab, it's going to be hard to look at this thing by the computer I'm at. (I'm at my grandparent's house). I'll have to leave the computer, play, then update for today and most of tomorrow. Drat. xD

Well, here goes!

A little "WAIT!" screen came up, and I thought I had a screwed up tama! It was actually just asking you to wait and do the time/date first. Silly me. :mellow:


4:19 PM

Birthday: 12/3

The little beeps are much higher-pitched...ewww. Sound=off.

The little eggs are different! They go to the right, then the left a few times, then squat down! It's cute! And they have little hearts on them...aww...

Ah! They're hatching! The middle one hatched and was a girl Futabatchi (the one with a propeller on it's head), the left one hatched and was a boy Mimifuwatchi (looks like it has two little ears, or two camel humps, on it's head) and the right one hatched and was a girl Omututchi (looks like a happy face with two feet). They're so adorable, I love babies.

I've named this the ADOBE family, after Adobe reader. And the little hut things, but I like Adobe reader better. (I'm a computer person.) Cool name. lol

Now to name the babies...hmm...I'm aggrivated we don't name it on the device, but it gives you more freedom with the name length. However, it makes it seem a bit impersonal, you know? And I'm a forgetful person...oh well.

Girl Futabatchi: Duncan (scripts shall be written in orange)

Boy Mimifuwatchi: Kefer (scripts shall be written in gold)

Girl Omututchi: Rella (scripts shall be written in purple)

Well, there's your opening post! I'll post pictures when I get home, and do some comic strips, scripts, diaries, and whatever else floats my boat once I've gotten their hunger + happiness up. ^^

Thanks for reading, and PM me for any comments! They would be GREATLY appreciated!

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Well, I got all the stats up and played some games, and now have 270P. I hate the games. I hate them, I hate them, I hate them! They're just coordination games, no fun memory games! At least with the memory games you had to be SOMEWHAT intelligent to do, and helped with that. Along with the memory games were coordination games--pleasing for all. Increase memory and motor skills. However, that's now nonexistent. (Well, unless shoe matching and golf are different...but I can't play those yet. :mellow:

I noticed that their poop goes in the air, which is sort of funny.

The babies are pretty cute, they bounce all around the screen rather than just the bottom, but they're currently sleeping. I don't feel any attachment to them, though. I usually coo and love the babies--I guess that's what happens when you have 3 tamas at once...

Maybe I'll do a script/comic when they're toddlers, I don't like them very much right now. lol

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They evolved!

...into rather strange characters, I have to admit.

DUNCAN (female) evolved into a TOROROTCHI, which looks sort of like a cross between a frog and a cat.

KEFER (male) evolved into a MOUSETCHI, which is square-ish with small legs, big lips, and a line from his forehead to just above his eyes.

RELLA (female) evolved into a BELLTCHI, which looks like a bell with a bow.

I'm gonna do a script in a second!

Please PM me with any comments, they'll be quoted here and you will have my everlasting thanks! (lol, that was so cheesy)

DUNCAN - Hey Rella...::looks at Rella while holding a spray-bottle, who's putting on pink eyeshadow and mascara in the mirror::

RELLA - Hmmm? ::still is putting on makeup::

DUNCAN - LOOK! ::jaw drops and eyes widen; points in the opposite direction of the mirror. Puts spray-bottle behind back::

RELLA - What?! What is it?! ::turns around while hoping (unrealistically) that her crush, who she met at school, (Dylan) wasn't looking at her getting ready::

DUNCAN - ::smiles evilly, makes the "haaawah!" ninja sound, whips the spray bottle out, and squirts multiple times:: SCOOORE!

RELLA - ::makeup runs down face:: I hate you! ::starts to cry, making the heavy makeup smear more than it already was::

DUNCAN - ::laughs:: That's what you get for wearing that stupid makeup as a little kid! It looks so gross! What are you tryin' to do, get raped?

RELLA - ::cries harder:: Wh-what does ra-raped mean...and I-I ju-just wa-wa-wanted to make Dylan l-l-like meee..

DUNCAN - ::puts hands on hips:: What do ya mean, little sis? Why the heck does that matter? Ya shouldn't be likin' anyone in the 3rd grade, anyway! ::smiles:: It's so much better this way! And anyway, you're embarrassing me at school. Stop acting like an airhead and caring so much about makeup and clothes and boys! You just give me a bad name!

RELLA - ::wipes away tears angrily:: You're so mean! Lesbian!

DUNCAN - I'm surprised you know what that means...oh wait! That's the hot insult right now! Lesbian! Because being a homophobe is the cool thing! Sooooo stupppid! ::rolls eyes:: And I'm not insulted.


When will Duncan stop being such a b*tch? When will the population of elementary and middle school students stop caring about "who's liking who" and makeup? When will they stop being homophobes? WHERE IS KEFER?!


Some things the world may never know.



Hungry - <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy - <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Bond - 0%

Family - Blended

Family name - Adobe

Generation - 1

Points - 830

Duncan - Female - Tororotchi

Kefer - Male - Mousetchi

Rella - Female - Belltchi


My sister has been connecting them for several minutes, so their bond should increase soon!


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