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:huh: hi i`m sorto new,I have a v2,and a v1 when i give my v2 a present,(from v1)a little hart pops up before he opens the present!!!(boy,and girl)


Q:can a v2 boy and a v1 girl get married?And can the matchmaker come to the boys screen?Please help,they are both adults. :)

:( hi i`m sorto new,I have a v2,and a v1 when i give my v2 a present,(from v1)a little hart pops up before he opens the present!!!(boy,and girl)____________________________________________________

Q:can a v2 boy and a v1 girl get married?And can the matchmaker come to the boys screen?Please help,they are both adults. :)
Hi, and yes a v1 and v2 can be married. my v1 and v3 are married. :wacko:

Well Thanks for the tip...

But no one understands it :S

Could you tell it again?(explain it?)

Thanks :(

uh.. the matchmaker only comes twice and tamagotchis die when they're like 9 or 10. No tama will ever live to be 78. And saying that it will only work on robotitchis will only make me not believe it even more.
I think he means 7 or 8. . .and besides a tama can live to be way more than 9 years old.

well, this cheat is not usable, it does not you cannot make new cheats, please do not post any more gibberish or fake cheats....thank you.
Have you actually TRIED the cheat, and even if you did how do you know you didnt do it wrong? You really cant be so mean. And besides, its not exactly a cheat. . .It's just how to do something

:huh: hi i`m sorto new,I have a v2,and a v1 when i give my v2 a present,(from v1)a little hart pops up before he opens the present!!!(boy,and girl)____________________________________________________

Q:can a v2 boy and a v1 girl get married?And can the matchmaker come to the boys screen?Please help,they are both adults. :)
Yeah they can get married. . .but what does it have to do with the post?

you guys are bein a bit harsh bout they way they've typed dont you think? :rolleyes: " i think its ebonics or just abbriviation i do it alot anyways i have a v3 and it hasent died !!! it died the first time ive had her a whole day!! GO me!!

SangoConnexionV3. . .

I agree. . .there is a ton of posts on this topic. . .and 7/8 of them are complaining about his/her slang. . .Couldnt we post about the actual topic?

uh.. the matchmaker only comes twice and tamagotchis die when they're like 9 or 10. No tama will ever live to be 78. And saying that it will only work on robotitchis will only make me not believe it even more.
i once had a tamagotchi who lived to be 16.

an i hear they can live up to 99 , just like their weight.


okay here's to all the people whom can't understand his/her writing.

it says:

Me and my best friends tried this out on our 4 tamas, it really works!!!!!

WARNING-This will only work on the robotchis ( :chohimetchi: ).

You can buy life insurence which you can buy at the shop for 8500 Gotchi Points.

However you need to buy a soda at the shop first.

Now trust me it works but it has to be 78 and you have to ignor the matchmaker 12 times.

So as for the rest ( :furawatchi: :kuribotchi: :gozarutchi: :furawatchi: :ichigotchi: ) this cheat will not work!

Direct translation:
Me and my best friend tried this out on our four tamas and it really works!!!!!

Warning- This will only work on Robotitchis :)

You can buy life insurance at the shops for $8500

However, you need to buy "asda" at the shops first.

Now trust me, it works but your tama has to be 7 or 8 and you have to ignore the matchmaker 12 times.

So as for the rest, this cheat will not work.
Could someone please tell me what a ASDA or whatever it is, is? :) :) :) B) B)

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