Really Bad Glitch


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I Can Has Tamagotchi?

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2008
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My Tama got the ball glitch and it was EXTREME.

I will post a video once it is done uploading but for now, heres the story.


My Tamagotchi had the Ball Glitch, and I figured "What the hack. Scrolling through those edible items wont hurt." So me and my friend were scrolling through the items, and we saw balls, skirts, items, etc... and I left the room.


My friend told me it "evolved". :( It was a Zukyuktchi with a baby... that was a fireball and its head was at the other end of the screen!


We downloaded... and the rest, you have to watch the video for! :)

Thanks, Alex

Wow, that sounds really strange. What do you mean by "fireball with its head at the other end of the screen"?

The "Fireball baby"Is probably a hinotamatchi.How old was the battery?

Batteries are usally the problem in glitches such as this one.

The video is too long for Youtube and photobucket will take hours for it to load...

So I'll write it out the best i can...

After we downloaded, there was this screen with two judges, my Zuyuktchi (Mimi) I was crying even though the 2 judges had O's up, there was this moving thing on the other side of the screen and the fireball dude was also next to Mimi. If you pressed the C button it would get close to the screen. Then it would go back to the "judging" screen.


We downloaded AGAIN. The fireball was a girl baby, Mimi was not be any judges, but I had a bunch of eggs for friends. All my normal friends were there, but the rest were eggs. Yes, the kind baby Tamas hatch from. Also, Mimi weighed -- lbs. There was no number there, not even a 0. And, her username was some kind of Japanese writing! o_O


After downloading one last time, everything was normal except, well, Mimi (still in Zuyuktchi form)I had some duplicated/missing friends and I could eat balls (lulz). I did a rom test and it was ok.

Lucklily, the Tamagotchi is fine now! :)

Err, I don't really know what glitch that is.. but it sounds weird. There's alot of things it could be..

1. Low battery power

2. Wrong battery type

3. Coincedence (probably not)

4. Overheated mother board

Maybe that can help. Consult Bandai if you have the urge to. :)

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