Really freaky dreams


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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
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My dreams are hardly ever normal. Once I had one where I was sunbathing with malfoy, one with a dragon in a grocery store, and some that sre so weird I don't think I'll mention them. A lot of times my dreams will be somewhat connected to the book I'm obcessing over, but sometimes they aren't. Do you ever get really weird dreams? What are they like?

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Well, when I get weird dreams, they're always with me flying, they're so AWESOME!

I used to get weird dreams that would predict the future, I swear. I don't get those much anymore.

Well, one time my last dream was when i became a boy when i was playing a swimming game to win money...Now wouldn't that be weird? lol...

Anyways, yes i always hav weird dreams! they come from things i love! <_<

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Ya, that's pretty weird, turning into a boy and all. But still, does it really compare to suntanning with malfoy???!!!

Oh, I just thought of another weird dream I had! Well, like, me and some other people I knew, but didn't really like, were going into space for a mission that would probably kill us and I was going on it and then at the last minute I'm like "wait, stop!" and I realised that I didn't wanna do it and the world would be better without those people (I know, it's mean) and I rode home from a place that's 1 and a half hours by car on bicycle with one of my best friends (I was happy to see that she had decided not ot go, either). And then my dad was Arnold Schwartzenegger and he was fighting with my friend's dad and it was ruining some kind of get together me and my friend had.

Oh, yeah, and on the spaceship thing I was doing something to help control it that was strangely like a video game.

[SIZE=14pt]i once had a dream where i punched mr. t and his mowhawk fell off XD[/SIZE]


yeah, most of my dreams are really freaky, weird, and/or funny. i pity da fool.

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One time I had one, and My moms' friend had a lazer gun. I ran up the stairs and every stair I touched on she shoot it after I got off. then the stair dissapeared o_0

And one time I had a dream I drew perfectly and I finally got some books I really wanted. then I woke up and found it was a dream D:

and Suntanning with Malfoy? thats freaky XD

My dreams are hardly ever normal. Once I had one where I was sunbathing with malfoy, one with a dragon in a grocery store, and some that sre so weird I don't think I'll mention them. A lot of times my dreams will be somewhat connected to the book I'm obcessing over, but sometimes they aren't. Do you ever get really weird dreams? What are they like?
ZOMG this is TOTTALLY my topic!! i have the WORLDS weirdest dreams, one time i had a REALLY short one that went like this : i went into this one kitchen that wasnt even mine and mrs simpson was making cookies, she handed me one and i said "THANX MRS. J. !"

my longest ever one went like this (i have a notebook that i write in every morning about my dreams i had before i forget them): i went up to the mountains with my whole science class and i had to sit with this really wierd guy on the bus, then we got off and we all got our own apartment to stay at, mine was pink (tee hee) and we did these really wierd activities, like one was wen we were walking through this really flowery garden and i was walking with a guy named Zach and then my friend, jordan, went running inbetween us and she was singing, but she was singing REALLY badly lol, then i went to my crushes apartment in the mountains and (josh) and i knocked on the soor and asked him if he wanted to go on a night walk, during the night and he said yeah, so we did and then we made choros at this one stand, it was wierd, there was SOOO mutch more to that dream but i cant even tell u because it would be so long! :p lol



and Suntanning with Malfoy? thats freaky XD
I know! And like I said, I have some dreams so weirs I'd rather not mention them.

Wow, Doglover10, your dreams are almost as weird as mine! lol. I like the one with Mrs. Simpson.

At least I know I'm not the only one with weird dreams! But I don't think anyone has ones quite as weird as mine. But the Mrs. Simpson one's close!

scientifically, dreams are supposed to be images of people, places, objects, and ideas youve seen and thought, only mixed into wild fantasy. But i will have these dreams where the people don't look at all familiar, and i keep dreaming of this one forest.... and ive never been there or thought of it in my life.

and sometimes, i can control my dreams. like ill suddenly realize im dreaming and know exactly what im doing. once i was actually helping peope ive never seen in my life get out of the dream. I kept saying... lbink you eyes a lot!!! and i finally woke up. it really disturbed me

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I once had a dream, were I was dancing with my computer keyboard! o.o

I get alot of freaky dreams...xD

I have a lot of crazy dreams. I had a crazy one just the other day where I person I hate was trying to stab me in the eye and dump white-out on my head. :mametchi: And it was weird, because my eyes kept changing color. They changed to blue and then to red. o_O

Probably the most normal dream I had was....where two fictional characters took me shopping. My friend says she never remembers her dreams...

EDIT: Oops typo. ^.^

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? Two fictional characters took you shopping? That sounds a lot like my dragon in a grocery store dream. That one in more detail, I was telling this little girl that dragons did exist. My dreams tend to go along with the books I'm obcessed with at that time.

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