Really scared of dying and boys problems


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Well-known member
May 12, 2005
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Infront of the P.C with a tub of ice cream!
Well, I'm terrified of dying. If I feel the tiniest pain in the night, I wake up, check my hearts beating and I can breath. I really don't like going to sleep, cos I'm scared I'll die. You see, I chew my hair, and everyone tells me I'm going to get a furball and that scares me more, so if I feel the tiniest bit bloated, I'll stay up all night. I'm constantly prodding my neck, cos I found out about glands, but I don't know much about them, so I freak out incase it's cancer. I've been so scared I've actually been sick. I shiver uncontrollably when I think about it. Help? :/

Seond of all, not such a bad problem, but, I'd like a boyfriend, I'm almost thirteen and have never had one. But boys pretty much hate me, and I'm not exactly stunning. I've only ever been asked out once, and that was over MSN by one of my friends friends who I'd never even met. Meh, it's just kinda getting me down, cos almost everyone in the class has had atleast one bf or gf, and it kinda makes me feel ugly and unwanted.

Anyway, thanks for reading my mush.

Thanks =)

That furball thing, ewwww. You wont get cancer. If youre really scared, like, tell someone.

If you want a boyfriend, you will never get one. If you dont want one, you will get one. Everyone is ugly, in their own pretty way. Im seroius. lol


That death thing... Well, I'm not as bad as you are (now), but I've been through that and I still think about death a lot, mainly when I go to bed (when it's dark and I have to sleep, I get scared too). I fear dying a lot, some people just do. You have to try to not think about it, even though it's hard. Sometimes when I'm falling asleep, I think about it and have to sit up and take a deep breath and look around. And, sometimes as I'm falling asleep I start to fee like I'm falling and have to jerk myself awake because I literally feel like I'm going to fall and die. It's not fun to live with, it affects how I sleep, but I've gotten to age 18 all right. <_<

Talking to people does help. I'm not overly religious, but talking to my fiance about what we think happens when we die is sorta helpful (I'm very quizzical, though, so sometimes I think too much outside the box and want more answers).

As for the boy... I wasn't very attractive for the longest time in school, probably not until about my Sophomore year in high school (when I lost 25 lbs. the summer before). I had dated a few guys, but not seriously or anything really... It does make you feel small. But, you have to realize, when you get older, the boys get more mature and end up liking you for you, not for what you look like (believe me, I still wonder why I managed to get such a handsome guy and often think he's too good for me, but yet we're engaged and he loves me dearly).

It'll all get better, I swear... Sorry to ramble, hope some of that turned out to mean something. :huh:

I have always been afraid of dying. Very badly. For a while it got so bad I was having a different nightmare every night and I died some way or another at the end, whether it was being in a plane crash or eaten by a crocodile. My dad recently died of cancer, so it's sopposed to be really common to worry about death when someone you love recently passed away. Did you lose a loved one recently? Even if you haven't it does happen. It has happened to me as long as I can remember. The most important thing is, TELL SOMEONE. If it's really scaring you that badly, you must tell someone. Trust me, it will help a lot. It did for me. If you keep it in too long, you might become depressed, like I did. If I had just told someone sooner I probably could have avoided years of misery. You might also want to talk to a school counselor, for example. This might sound a little extreme, but it helped me. Please, please tell someone. That's the most important part. I think the furball is a myth. <_< I used to chew on my hair and someone told me that as well. xD It just doesn't happen. I am very, very, scared of getting cancer too, since this terrible disease is what my dad died from. Thankfully, getting cancer young is very rare. Don't worry.

Lastly, about the boys. 13 is actually a little young to be dating. You have nothing to be ashamed of. If you look for a boy constantly you probably won't find one. Let love come to you. It probably won't come when you're expecting it. So my advice is, just wait.

Hope this helped! :huh:

I agree on the love finding you part. <_<

My fiance found me on a website... He noticed we were both in Iowa and sent me a PM and we started to talk there, then on AIM... Eventually we were friends and talked on the phone, too (although, at first I thought he was annoying and avoided him sometimes, LOL). We went out on a date, in person, but then didn't really stay together and dated other people, then ended up together again and well... It's been a year and a half that we've been together, I've known him 2 1/2 years total, and we live together. :huh:

That all started when I was still 15, now I'm 18.

It's weird how stuff happens, but surprises can be nice. :huh:

Well, I'm terrified of dying. If I feel the tiniest pain in the night, I wake up, check my hearts beating and I can breath. I really don't like going to sleep, cos I'm scared I'll die. You see, I chew my hair, and everyone tells me I'm going to get a furball and that scares me more, so if I feel the tiniest bit bloated, I'll stay up all night. I'm constantly prodding my neck, cos I found out about glands, but I don't know much about them, so I freak out incase it's cancer. I've been so scared I've actually been sick. I shiver uncontrollably when I think about it. Help? :/
Seond of all, not such a bad problem, but, I'd like a boyfriend, I'm almost thirteen and have never had one. But boys pretty much hate me, and I'm not exactly stunning. I've only ever been asked out once, and that was over MSN by one of my friends friends who I'd never even met. Meh, it's just kinda getting me down, cos almost everyone in the class has had atleast one bf or gf, and it kinda makes me feel ugly and unwanted.

Anyway, thanks for reading my mush.

Thanks =)
The chance of you getting a furball is one in a million. I watched a show about lengens once, and they said it wasn't true. And your fear for dying? You'll die when you're and old woman and so will I! And if you're that scared about cancer, then ask you docter but you're probably just over-

reacting! It'll be okay!

P.S. Getting a furball does not mean you will die!

You should stop chewing your hair, though... It's gross and bad for your hair. <_<

It bugs me when I see hair chewing or clothing chewing... It's making me feel icky just thinking about it, really. I know it'd be a hard habit to break, but still. >.<

Im afraid of dying, and when I start crying about it, my mom says "you are bored and have nothing to think of" lol try doing something to get your mind off the though.

However, doesnt work for me

Paisly520- You never know, you might die tommorow or in 1 minute or when your 356.

Dieing: 'Everybody's gotta live, everybody's gotta die, everybody's got a right to feel good inside.' A lady that went to my school, she told me that saying. Why are you afraid about dieing? There is a good chance you have a whole life ahead of you, theres a teeny chance you will get cancer, and theres a small chance you'll get murdered/whatever. Lifes has it's peeks and valleys, Your life may end in a happy way (old age.) or your life may end it a bad way (murder.)

But don't let that get in your way. Live life to your fullest, life is short. I'm probably gonna be relaxed about dieing.[/b]


Boys: Girl, love comes when you least expect it. Not like I know that by experience, I'm only 10. Your never too young nor old to love.

Don't be scared of dying - everyone dies. I don't want to die but it will happen one day. Focus on good things not just the bad things. I wouldn't recommend sucking on your hair though, try and stop even though it won't kill you or give you hairballs. [Cats only get hairballs because they are constantly licking their fur and all the fur goes down their system when they swollow and they DON'T die.]

For the boy thing you're only 13 and there are alot of 13 year olds who haven't had a boyfriend yet. Wanting a boyfriend so much will only make it seem like longer, but when you forget about it and focus on your friends then he will come when you least expect him.

Actually, people can get hairballs. (Not to freak you out, this is for the other people.) They are called trichobezoars. Bezoars are common in most cud-chewing animals such as cows and goats. People don't usually develop trichobezoars big enough to be removed unless they have a medical condition that slows the movement of stomach contents. Documented cases of death by trichobezoar are very rare since they are so easy to diagnosis with x-ray. I would recommend you stop chewing on your hair. I know it's difficult, I used to do it too, and it usually a nervous habit. If it has developed into a complusion then perhaps a doctor can help.


Wow, thanks guys! As for the hair chewing, I might just see my Doctor as I do it without noticing, someone will suddenly say 'Your chewing your hair' and I wouldn't have known, so maybe it's a compulsion as Rosiecat said. As for boys, I think I'm gonna keep subtly trying. Thanks again! ^^

Well, I'm terrified of dying. If I feel the tiniest pain in the night, I wake up, check my hearts beating and I can breath. I really don't like going to sleep, cos I'm scared I'll die. You see, I chew my hair, and everyone tells me I'm going to get a furball and that scares me more, so if I feel the tiniest bit bloated, I'll stay up all night. I'm constantly prodding my neck, cos I found out about glands, but I don't know much about them, so I freak out incase it's cancer. I've been so scared I've actually been sick. I shiver uncontrollably when I think about it. Help? :/
Seond of all, not such a bad problem, but, I'd like a boyfriend, I'm almost thirteen and have never had one. But boys pretty much hate me, and I'm not exactly stunning. I've only ever been asked out once, and that was over MSN by one of my friends friends who I'd never even met. Meh, it's just kinda getting me down, cos almost everyone in the class has had atleast one bf or gf, and it kinda makes me feel ugly and unwanted.

Anyway, thanks for reading my mush.

Thanks =)
For your dying problem. Don't worry. I'm scared of that too, and eventually you just forget once you are into an activity or just having fun. So dont think about it. Enjoy your life.

For your boy problem, relax. It's nice being single. Look at it this way, you can't get teased if you had an obnoxious, ulgy, or mean boyfriend. And you wont get a clingy boyfriend either. Don't feel ugly and unwanted, just be happy and have a good time.

Paisly520- You never know, you might die tommorow or in 1 minute or when your 356.
Dieing: 'Everybody's gotta live, everybody's gotta die, everybody's got a right to feel good inside.' A lady that went to my school, she told me that saying. Why are you afraid about dieing? There is a good chance you have a whole life ahead of you, theres a teeny chance you will get cancer, and theres a small chance you'll get murdered/whatever. Lifes has it's peeks and valleys, Your life may end in a happy way (old age.) or your life may end it a bad way (murder.)

But don't let that get in your way. Live life to your fullest, life is short. I'm probably gonna be relaxed about dieing.[/b]


Boys: Girl, love comes when you least expect it. Not like I know that by experience, I'm only 10. Your never too young nor old to love.
:wub: Still there's not really a high chance that I or someone else will die tomorrow. Mind your own business, K?

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