Recently Recieved Love Letter


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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2010
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I had a letter written in nice handwriting, Like a king's writing, it said...

Dear Dearest,

I love you. I love you so much that if you asked me: Do you love me, I would say no. If you asked me if I was pretty, I would say no. If you asked me if I would miss you if you left, I would say no. Instead, I would say, No, I don't love you, I EXTTREMLY love you. No, You're not pretty, how about BEAUTIFUL? No! If you left, I would die. Die a hard death. Without you. :p

Nice story, Huh!

Lies. :p I don't think someone would speak up to it, seriously IT WAS STAMPED IN AN EXPENSIVE MARK AND IT WAS IN SUPER NEAT HANDWRITING. Like the king! Seriously like the king's nice cursive.

xD Hear hear, that makes sense to me. I also got a note from someone who I don't know... it said;

By the way, while your family was gone on vacation the wind blew your pool over. Sucks for you!

It was taped to my door, I think it was from a flying fruit.

I never really so the point in "secret admirers". They should speak up, not write a letter. I'd be paranoid now.

'Tis kinda of sweet, though. Hopefully someone will own up to it being them. Then you'll be the Queen of the King.

Lol, I actually thought it was pretty funny. Also they were smart. Definitely a king, lol, and the mark said somewhere from Spain. I don't know how they would write english, I actually split my sides reading it ^_^ I an laugh forever if I want :D

Lol, I actually thought it was pretty funny. Also they were smart. Definitely a king, lol, and the mark said somewhere from Spain. I don't know how they would write english, I actually split my sides reading it ^_^ I an laugh forever if I want :D
Obviously the king of Spain is in love with you.

This is interesting... But I think you should get him to tell. I don't have plans though.

Lolz, GotchiGirl96, Yes! Oh wait it could be a prank... Lol I still have it in my room, locked up in a box and I forgot the code. I did that on purpose so I could let it rot, its gunna be funny when some theif sees it in the dum pster and prys it open and theres just some dust or something, although I doubt its gonna rot in there. Maybe it is a prank though. :D Idea! maybe I'll put it on the... Oh nevermind, its in a box :D

Lolz, GotchiGirl96, Yes! Oh wait it could be a prank... Lol I still have it in my room, locked up in a box and I forgot the code. I did that on purpose so I could let it rot, its gunna be funny when some theif sees it in the dum pster and prys it open and theres just some dust or something, although I doubt its gonna rot in there. Maybe it is a prank though. :D Idea! maybe I'll put it on the... Oh nevermind, its in a box :D

Lolz, GotchiGirl96, Yes! Oh wait it could be a prank... Lol I still have it in my room, locked up in a box and I forgot the code. I did that on purpose so I could let it rot, its gunna be funny when some theif sees it in the dum pster and prys it open and theres just some dust or something, although I doubt its gonna rot in there. Maybe it is a prank though. :D Idea! maybe I'll put it on the... Oh nevermind, its in a box :D
A piece of paper isn't going to rot in a safe... :D

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