Red bump on the side of armpit


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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2006
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I woke up this morning and right beside my top of my armpit (on the where my male breast meet there's this red bump, what is it?

Spider bite?

Or it could be a pimple. I get pimples in the wierdest places [ears, knees ect.]

Get your parents to check it out.

Im a girl, and I got a red bump in the center of my armpit. >< It sucks, it is like a boil, but it won't go away. Sorry dude


How big is it?It could be a pimple/boil or whatever you ant to call it,

but if it is big we are talking over five centimeteres,get down to the doctors! ^_^


Tom and mark

Spider bite?Or it could be a pimple. I get pimples in the wierdest places [ears, knees ect.]

Get your parents to check it out.
I've had those things before. They are blemishes, and I get them underneath my arms and inner thighs sometimes. It's a normal thing and regular showering usually prevents them, but just in case show your parents.

My Mom said "Your skin just broke out, it happens".. It's about the size coin and thanks a lot everyone ^_^ .

it might be a pimple or a bug bite something like that i would ask a doctor or an adult you live with

OMG i got something like that but it was in my armpit and it turned out to be like a zit and it hurt reeealy bad lol

it may also be a hair bump not sure what that is but its not bad i had one before too

it may also be a hair bump not sure what that is but its not bad i had one before too
Like when the folicle gets infected of something?

If it's that, yeah, it's no biggie.

I don't know. Maybe a spider bit you while you were asleep...?

It's probably just a bite or a pimple. You can get pimples anywhere that there is skin.

If it gets bigger, check with your mom and get some cream medication or something.

hmmn.... have you ever scratched it? if you did and then put deodorant on could become irrated and cause the redness......or you are allergic to your deo

OMG i got something like that but it was in my armpit and it turned out to be like a zit and it hurt reeealy bad lol
Yeah they tend to do that, but be grateful you don't get big ones on your inner thighs. Man they only show up once in a while but they REALLY sting!

Might be a bite. =0
I doubt that. Especially if it's under someone's arm and the size of a coin. Blemishes there are awful, and they don't pop normally either for me because no head to pop it. So it tends to fade off on its own.

It sounds like a pimple or a bite. Like everyone else said, it might go away but if not you might need some sort of cream for it? :furawatchi:

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