Regrets / biggest mistakes?


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+[ b r u t a l ]+

Well-known member
Dec 9, 2009
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land of pistols and mercury
Looking back, what sort of decisions did you regret? Decisions that had a big impact on you? Altered your life, maybe?

For me, yes, I've taken a lot of bad turns in life. x_________x

I remember how I was a quiet kid, so it was easy for me to make friends with other quiet people.

But, I had moments where I snapped and totally lashed out on them because I couldn't deal with my own problems.

They soon stopped talking to me. I had really hurt them, and I was friendless for so many years after that. I had to learn things the hard way. \:

If I was still in touch with them, I wouldn't think twice about running down there and apologizing. ‹/3

I also regret not striving to be what I was made to be, when I knew I had the potential to do it.

I've had people express their disappointment in me, tell me that they expected better, and, well.. laziness got me nowhere in life. 3;

So, like I say in all my topics, post away ! 8D

Thankfully, I haven't done anything major to impact my life.

Although, I really regret the time I cut my own hair screwed the whole thing up. Haha. I still haven't gotten it fixed. xD

Far too many.

I've done lots of stupid things I regret.

-Getting off my face, blackout drunk :)

-Not building a good relationship with my mother.

-Not getting into anything. I'm now a hobby-less lazy bum.

A hell of a lot more, some I can't remember and some I'd rather not admit.

Is it bad that I regret a lot of things in my life that I've done, and I'm only thirteen?

I'd rather not say on here, but I've done a lot of stuff I'm not proud of.

I've actually just done something and now I don't know what to do or where to go to and tbt I'm rather scared.

I've done tons of stuff I'm not proud of. I'd prefer not to say here because you guys might think less of me or think I'm a bad person. :/ I can count about six things I do/have done which I'm dissapointed with myself in. My mum would flip out at the ones she doesn't know about.

On a less deep and personal note, I definately regret not keeping the close friendships I built up over the years. In RL and online. I've lost contact with old really close friends. ): And my online friends from a couple of years ago. <3 I'm trying to get back in touch with them. They are absolutely amazing.

I have lots and lots of regrets. I have a feeling that if I could write every single one, this topic would explode. I always make the wrong decisions. I hate that about me.

i don't feel like i really had to make many life changing decisions yet in my life, and i don't really regret anything at this point. Or, at least, nothing major enough that it comes to mind now.

To be completely honest, I haven't done very much which I regret.

Maybe I regret being such a cow towards friends which later made friendships collapse, and I also regret being friends with certain people who have later stabbed me in the back. Other than all that friendship jazz, I can pretty much say I don't regret doing anything, and if I do, it's not coming to my mind at the moment.

Well, I get panic attacks really bad, and I was having on in school, and the officer was trying to calm me down, he grabbed my arm, I pulled back and said some things I shouldn't have. I almost got sent away. :huh: Never again.

I don't believe I've made any drastic choices in my life, really.

Though I am very bad about thinking before I speak and/or act, so I'd better be really careful.

There's loads I'd rather not say...

Smoking is definately the biggest regret I have.

I knew it was stupid, and immediately regretted it afterwards.

As least now, I know what it's like. And I know to not do it ever again.

Not taking Middle School of 8th grade seriously, it majorly affected the low level classes that I'm taking in High School currently.. Boy... I should've taken Middle School and my first year of High School more seriously..


When I had been going out with the girl I love, I should've told her she was beautiful more often... and I couldn't live without her. Because she's gone now. And, I guess I regret not feeding my Tama's well because everytime they'd die I would wonder why lol.


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Oh god. Where do I start?

First, I regret not talking and socializing as much as I should have when I was younger. I could have made better friends if I had.

I regret, talking and making friends with the wrong people. They're the ones lowered my self esteem, and confidence. But I can't blame them, I'm the one who did that to myself.

Lying a lot when I was younger. Now mostly no one ever believes me whenever I say something.

Not joining sports teams, and such when I was younger. I was given many chances to joins teams and clubs, but I didn't. Now when I really want to play this sport, I don't have enough experience to.

Not thinking before I speak. I've hurt many people because of this. One of them was my bestfriend. ;n;

My biggest regrets in life are the things I did not do.

I've been better at taking those risks. So far, that's working out much better.

I should think before I open my mouth. That's all there is to it.
Exactly the same with me. And I've been told that a thousand times.

Also, another one happened today.

I got a haircut, and they gave me a sideswept fringe. And, there was this loose floppy bit that was in the middle of my head, and it reached the bridge of my nose. Instead or consulting my parents, I cut it off, just to gain a bald patch. Luckily, it's small. But it'll take ages to grow back ): .

Not speaking from the heart.

If I could say what I mean, not what they want to hear everything would be much better.

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