Report Cards


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No, I don't like them.

But that's only because I get lots of bad grades

(and because of my missing homework problem...)

Yeah, I know how you feel. We have just started a new grades and now I've got to get good grades again, but with different teachers :ichigotchi:

I guess I like them. I get fairly good grades, with an exception of Business. I get B's and C's for that :|

Eh... I get okay grades, it's just that I don't get what they teach at school. I move a lot so I have to go to new schools, they all teach different things so I feel like I have to start all over each time I transfer. I got mines today too but I got most of them incompletes since I just moved last month... I have an incomplete in English, math, science, social studies, and then I got an A in art and gym and a B in french.


If I get good grades good things happen. Last time I got straight A's my mom got me a Nintendo Wii! Im getting my report cards tommorow. I will post my grades ;]

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My grandparents don't really care what kind of mark I get as long as I'm passing.

I like report cards, I get really good grades(90 and above). I got first honors this year. If I get good grades i get a older tamas on ebay!!!


Because my mom will scream at me if I get bad grades.

But I'll only like them if I get good grades. Because if I do, I'll get awarded with something! =D

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I used to like them. Back when I was smart. Which was last year.

I've been getting really bad grades this quarter.

I'm so not looking foward to getting my report card on Friday.

I hate them. If I get good grades my parents don't care. If I get bad grades my stupid dad nags me. But my report card comes in the mail. So I just take it before it is noticed. I only like to show my mom my report card because she is totally awesome.



I got my grades.

English = 86 B

Science = 97 A

Social Studies = 89 B

Math = 90 A

Health = 100 A

Music = 97 A

Result: I will get a new webkinz

Last times Grades

English= 91 A

Math = 92 A

Science = 96 A

Social Studies = 93 A

Art = 91 A

Gym = 100 A

Result: I got a Wii for straight A's

I suppose I did better before then now xD

Yes. They help me know how i am doing in school, and that is really important to me. I usualy get As, with the exception of spanish, which my average grade is a B or B+. Ours should be mailed out next week or so, and i really want to know how i did this quarter ^_^


I like them. I usually get A's and B's, and it shows me my weak spots in which I try to improve. I need an education and many other children don't have one, so I work my hardest.

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