rick and rolled


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Feb 19, 2009
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have any of you been rick and rolled?? on youtube?

i have.

its sooooooo annoying, if you have how do you react?.

i get all mad :p

for those who dont know what it is.. its where you see a video on youtube.

ex: baby crying

and will have a pic of a baby.

but when you click it, you see these people dancing.

yea so has this ever happaned to you :(

No. It's funny, but depends on what it is. If it's giving advice, and a person provides a false link, it's rude. But, if it's pictures or something between those lines, it's alright.

In my opinion.

It's a little annoying. I've only had it a couple of times, when I was randomly looking through videos. I never watch it all, though. As soon as that annoying ginger guy starts singing, I switch off.

The worst/most annoying types of videos are when it's all silent and there will be a picture on screen or something and there's slow music in the background then suddenly you'll hear screams and disturbing pictures pop up on screen. The first time that happened to me I fell backwards off my chair screaming and woke my younger brother. xD

I love the Rick Roll song, it is amazing. Honestly, my friends and I actually listen to it.

It's a little addictive.

I love the Rick Roll song, it is amazing. Honestly, my friends and I actually listen to it.

It's a little addictive.
I agree.

I love the Rick Roll song, it is amazing. Honestly, my friends and I actually listen to it.

It's a little addictive.
OMG. I have it on my mp3. o:

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omg, I don't care when someone sends the rick rolled thing from youtube, but what I can't stand is something that happened on facebook...

I was on a group and someone posted a link to something, and it was this weird rick rolled thing but I couldn't ex it out! it went on for about 10 minutes O.e

It's called a RickRoll. Basically a joke video. It's called 'Never gonna give you up' by Rickton Astley

Half the time I don't even realize it XD

I'll click on a video and then see Rick Astley and kinda 'wtf wrong video', then move on.

I don't find it annoying, lol.

I hate being Rick Rolled.

It's so annoying, especially when it's a video I really wanted to see.


I don't ever Rick Roll people either.

Never gonna give you up never gonna say goodbye ! xD

I dont mind being rick rolled I kinda like that song ;D And I dont really mind any of Rick Astley's songs either xD

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