Riddle :-)


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#2 is wrong and #3 is right. You can PM me for the answers though, I don't want to ruin them for other people.
Is number 1 a tissue? I was just thinking it because...

A tissue is soft as a petal lol and people use it to dry their tears, so if someone was crying and they dried their tears with a tissue, then the tissue would get wetter!

It's just my thoughts!

I made this riddle (so don't get mad at me if it's bad): When the F.B.I capture a killer, the cheif (or chief) says "if he moves, fire at will" What happens if the killer moved?

Got anymore riddles? I'm ready to do some more

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If a man has 12 toothpicks, he takes one of them and now has nine, how did this happen?

I have one that should be easy. In my signature, which Tamatalk.com am I talking that rules? Me or this website? But this is not suppose to be easy so if you think if it's me or the website, then you might be right or wrong! :)

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Is number 1 a tissue? I was just thinking it because...
A tissue is soft as a petal lol and people use it to dry their tears, so if someone was crying and they dried their tears with a tissue, then the tissue would get wetter!

It's just my thoughts!
Ya, tissue works, but there are actually 2 other answers. It can be a towel, or a sponge.XD I guess I can justsay the answers rigt now: #1 is a tissue, towel, or sponge #2 is a clock and #3 is silence.

Now for the world's hardest riddle, the answer is water. If you look at it, water fits into every one.

I got this riddle out of a restaurant.
A cowboy rides to town on Friday, and stays for 3 days, and goes out on Friday. How does he do that?!

I know the riddle >D
we were playing that with our princible and he told that joke.

because he named his horse friday

Hmm, I got this out of my dragonology book. Please, if you have the book, don't cheat by looking in the back for answers.
As I was walking to St. Ives, I met a man with 7 wives. The wives each had 3 dogs with them, and each dog had 5 pups alongside them. Wives and Dogs and Pups and Me, how many were going to St. Ives? [btw, this was not copied exactly from the book, it was altered a bit, so it wouldn't do you any good to look in the book for answers anyway.]
one: you. not sure if it's right though.....

I turn polar bears white

and I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

and girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

and normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pankakes brown

and make your champane bubble.

If you squeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.
this most likely is'nt the answer: the laws of physics and/or anatomy.

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