Ridiculous school rules?!


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LOL OMG *head->desk->laugh* that reminds me of one time when my friend claimed that she's allergic to cheetos and she'll die if she touches one, so I trapped her in the bathroom for three hours by taping them to the door knob. When I finally let her out she hit me with a stool she found in the bathroom. It was really funny. XD
Is she actually allergic or lieing?

Cause if she is actiully allergic that is cruel.

Woah. Harsh rules....

My school has basically no rules. Just don't wear inappropriate clothing, and your shirt straps have to be a certain width. But that's about it...other then the usual "no bullying" and stuff.

Is she actually allergic or lieing?Cause if she is actiully allergic that is cruel.
No no I knew she was lying. I wouldn't do that if she was actually allergic. I'm not that cruel. Just recently she ate a cheeto, liked it and decided she wasn't allergic anymore.

my school has the WORST rules! you can't bring backpacks and only binders. that is making it harder to use my arms because they're tired all the time! and you can't have a picture in the pocket of your binder! wheres the pizazz in that? at least my teacher lets me have one. I think I got her saying "okay, so we can't have cutsie wootsie little anime kittens in our binder?" XD. and they allow ipods, cellphones, but no other eletronics! thats right! you can bring the really expensive items that can get lost, but not the cheap ones that can get replaced eaisly if lost or stolen!

so, yeah. its some really dumb rules. my dad even says so.


Sensible rules:

-Shorts/Skirts of appropriate length

-No bad stuff on shirts, etc.

-No spaghetti-straps

Stupid Rules:

-You cannot wear swishy-pants any day but Friday

-Clothes cannot be all the same color

-High-tops must have laces

-If you have a peanut allergy, you must sit at a designated seperate table from the rest of the students in your lunch period

-Muffins are 2 dollars... WTF?!?! D;

Normal rules:

Unless its SUPER ULTRA MEGA HOT (which it never is in Canada), no Strapless or Spagetti straps.

No bad logos on shirts/pants.

Undies must be covered.

Then theres the DUMBEST rule ever. A lunch moniter made it up >_>

the lunch moniters at my school are just older people who watch over us. well, one, I'll call her G, is cruel. G says we cant throw things out in lunch, cant stand up, cant sit on the monkey bars (Sometimes we sit and chat on them, and she says "Oh no, ppl liek 2 play on it!" When no one uses it for that cept after school (Like theb babies)) or else she says she'll expel us! >_>

I threw her off one day, though. She said "Get down you three from there or else I'll expel you!". I shouted at her "YOu cant expel us, you Giant Prune!".

proboaily 20 kids started clapping, and I didnt get in trouble. ^_^

They have a right to say this, I must say, sorry to anyone who does this, but this looks TERRIBLE. They do this to save people like me <3
Excuse me? I wear all black or gray to school almost everyday, and I don't look terrible at all. D:

Meaning like, Same shade pink top/pink pants D:
Black's fine.

And so is like, blue jeans, and a blue top O____o That's epic.
Some colors, like black and blue look fine.

Pink, looks hideous. Green too. D:

I've worn all black to school before. It makes me feel dramatic. =D

I love feeling dramatic.

Oh. Our school has the no ripped jeans policy. Not even if we have leggings underneath.

Not even if they're patched up. If you wear ripped jeans to school, you get to have the dress code lady put duct tape over them...

Oh. Our school has the no ripped jeans policy. Not even if we have leggings underneath.

Not even if they're patched up. If you wear ripped jeans to school, you get to have the dress code lady put duct tape over them...
Cool! I want to try >D

That would look awesome.


It does not look awesome. This one guy in my PE class got duct-taped. He looked pretty stupid. ._.

^ NONONO. It does not look awesome. This one guy in my PE class got duct-taped. He looked pretty stupid. ._.
Arghhhhh D<

Well, I'll do it myself, ^_^

This girl, that is always at our volleyball games, she wrapped colored duct-tape around her phone, like, green, pink and purple.. and it looks epic.

I still think it would look cool XDD -stubborn-

Sensible rules:
-Shorts/Skirts of appropriate length

-No bad stuff on shirts, etc.

-No spaghetti-straps

Stupid Rules:

-You cannot wear swishy-pants any day but Friday

-Clothes cannot be all the same color

-High-tops must have laces

-If you have a peanut allergy, you must sit at a designated seperate table from the rest of the students in your lunch period

-Muffins are 2 dollars... WTF?!?! D;
If I had the peanut allergy, I'd lie about it. Or get all my friends to say they have it. Sop I can sit with them.

-If you have a peanut allergy, you must sit at a designated seperate table from the rest of the students in your lunch period
That is.. That is... Horrible. I have a peanut allergy! A really bad one! :eek: If I'd eat a little piece of a peanut, I would die!

our school doesnt allow zipper hoodies (for safety reasons wtf?) no flip flops, and no spaghetti straps and much more. >_>
I know that the hoodies w/ the string is a safety hazard because if your going down a slide, it can get caught or something...


Rule:Dress Code:

No spagetti strap tanks.

Reason:Ladies, nobody wants to see your undergarments.. ;D

Changeable clothes:YES. VERY UGLY clothes. D: a sweater that has our mascot[The redbird] w/ a American flag in the background and its gray and VERY ugly.

Thats not stupid. <3

stupid/good rule:

You have to pay for your textbook if its ruined[Drawn on,torn,etc,.]. BUT. ALL of the textbooks have writing on them. :?

Good, always used rule:

Cursing. People, in your school, how many people curse? ALOT.

We can't say bad words or you'll be sent to the principal. All these students curse...NOTHING HAPPENS. D^:<


Otherwise, my school just lets kids be who they want to be.... You can have punk hair, nobody will expel/suspend you. <3

But you can't wear tees that distribute alcohol/drugs/etc, nor too much skin. Those are good.

Wow, sucks for you D: We don't have that many strict rules actually, just no low tops that show cleavage xD, no spaghetti striped shirts, skirts and shorts must be below fingertips. In lunch time, we can go wherever we want. Freshmen have to stay on campus though :[ Everyone else gets to go out to eat. :) My friends and I are always eating in the hallways so it's okay xD

Most of our rules are pretty sensible, although there are a few that I think are stupid.

No shorts above mid thigh, despite the fact that it's in the volleyball players' uniforms that they wear the day of the game. It isn't strictly enforced, anyway, but people have been busted and forced to wear sweats the rest of the day.

At lunch, you cannot get up without being dismissed. You can only sit at a table that you are numbered to, although there are never enough chairs for everybody. Ridiculous new lunch arrangement..

They recently made a new rule of 'Boys cannot wear pants under the natural waistline.' So boys just started wearing their boxers higher up.

We're not allowed to have unnatural colors in our hair, although a girl was allowed to put [VERY NOTICABLE] pink streaks in her hair. I believe it was because she's disabled and the school doesn't want to be bothered.

- ALL Shirts must be tucked in or Dress code refferal.

- No tank tops

- If your pants are below your behind, get rope suspenders.

- No neon hair colors (To prevent distractions in class)

- No sandals.

- No short shorts.

- No pictures on clothing provoking to violence/weapons/sex/drugs.

Otherwise anything else is permitted. Nothing to revealing and you're fine.

The only rule our school really has that is dumb is, "No bikinis at beach day!" XDDD

Oh and no cellphones. Even on a field trip if somthing HORRIBLE has happened.

No iPods or you get suspended for 3 days

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