Riding on a dream.


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Active member
Nov 24, 2006
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please read part 1 and part 2 first! Tahnx! Enjoy!


Smiling and laughing the two Tamagotchi raced across the path, headed to the country.

"I'm glad you found me Mark!" Bella laughed and Mark smiled. Bella thought, "What an AMNAZING Kuchipatchi he is. He is perfect, and nice, and handsome, and friendly, and...handsome."

She thought about him all the time.

Mark stopped. "Mark....what is it?" Bella whispered. Mark didn't reply. She heared a snarling growl. Bella gasped.

The bushes ruffled, and growled. "H-h-hello?" Bella whispered silently. Who could it be? She thoguth horrified.

Out of the bushes a Tama-eating wolf Sprung onto Mark. "MARK!!!!!!!!" Bella cried. She tried to stop the Wolf, from hurting Mark, but he was unstopable. She was flung across the forest they were in and smaked into a tree.

She was knocked unconcious.

Mark socked the beast with all his might, they scratched and bit and tore and ripped.

Mark used his INCREDIBLE strength and flung the wolf across the and knocked him unconsious.

Mark dashed torward Bella, and held her in his arms. "Bella....Bella" He cried. He stared at her with tearful eyes. "Bella..." He whipered. What had he done? What would he do?


Whatch out for part 4!


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