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Sorry guys!!!!! I screwed up on making the poll.

Please post if you have had it! :p

I had one this morning, but she evolved into a maskitchi (sp?). I also had one on my other handheld (I couldn't think of another word for my other tama you know, not the one I'm using right now. With a different design!!). I think her name was Carly. I luvved her. Mine's name is Lacy right now.

I have one right now too!!!

Thanks guys for posting your answers! Oh yeah.... sorry for screwing up the poll.....

Yeah, when you make a poll, please note: 1 option per line, when you type the poll. Yes, I had Ringotchi, not something really exciting. But my friend iceprincess from tama-zone loves her, and Ichigotchi. ♥ I kept feeding it Donuts. XD Yeah, I know, I know.

"Ringotchi Rocks" :D


Do you have Ringotchi?



I did but now its a maidtchi. Hey I was just in my room and I found the booklet that came with my V4 and it has a description on ringotchi. Here it is.


Ringotchi is very opinated and only sees things in black and white. Although she is unbending at times, she is extremly loyal.

Oh yeah please remember next time one answer per line on the poll. :D

Mine turned into a maidtchi last time too. But I just haven't been taking good care of my tamas lately. Now she's a masktchi...

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