rjalda100's Virtual Zoo - a V2 Log (with photos)


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Hello, I'm back! Joey and Harley will be leaving their daughters tonight. I'll be sad to see them go although starting new generations is always fun. My V2 will be going on to generation 15 and my V3 will be going on to generation 4.

One thing I really like on the V2 is the UFO item, and one of the best parts about it is that both parent and child can use it:

Cute! Harley and little Inara looking at the pyramids. I also find it quite funny that you can see Harley's huge teeth even when he's turned around!

On the V3, the TV is a similar item in that both the parent and baby can enjoy it. Here's Joey and little Anika watching some TV (these ones came out a little blurry whoops):

​I wish there were more items like that. It really is quite adorable.

Okay, next up I have a pretty big update. I got tama mail today! I got my +Color which I wasn't going to start up right away but I was so curious I just had to. So around 4PM, I popped some batteries in and...

It's a girl! Boy, I really do seem to get a lot of girls, don't I? I remember complaining a while back that I was always getting boys and now look. Oodles and oodles of girls. Although there's no naming feature, I've been calling her Azaria, which is likely how I'll refer to her in this log.

(I realize I forgot to take a photo of the tama's shell itself. It's the white one and I really like it because it's actually pearlescent. I also made a little customized keychain for it which I'll show you guys tomorrow.)

After an hour, Azaria evolved into Sakuramotchi:

Shortly after, we also found her first happy symbol, the "winner" popsicle stick. We also got some Hapihapi seeds and planted them:

I'm still new to this tama, obviously, and haven't quite figured everything out yet. It seems pretty simple though so I think I'll catch on quick. More updates on Azaria coming tomorrow.

Maskutchi is now 16, still with me, but still needy. He is dropping one heart every ten minutes now. I left him in my bedroom while I went to eat dinner today and when I came back, all of his hearts were empty. Great. It's been a while since I raised a vintage tama past the age of... 14 maybe? I forgot how needy they get.

Ilse was 87 when I took the following picture but she turned 88 right after I began this log entry.

She had another splendid day. A lot of running around and doing errands and such, but she accompanies me everywhere. She's like my little companion, as silly as that may sound. She's now only 12 days away from reaching 100 - fingers crossed! She's in great shape so I'm quite confident she will make it!


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Hello, I'm back! I took a bit of a different approach to editing my images today, since I keep surpassing the limit and keep having to omit stuff. So I made little collage-type things of two or three photos at a time. It's not that noticeable, but it'll work a lot better, especially if I'm going to be logging my +Color. That one may be the simplest of the colour versions, but it still does more picture-worthy things than my Connections do.

Anyway, Joey and Harley left their babies last night, so at 9AM this morning, Inara and Anika made their entrance into the world.

Right off the bat, I remembered that I had Inara's favourite food in her inventory - the lollipop! It filled all happy hearts and one hungry heart in one go. Here she is, looking all happy that I remembered her favourite food:

I can't remember what the V3 babies' favourite food is, so I couldn't really do the same for Anika. She did have a lot of fun playing with her ball though! (My poor V3's screen and all the scratches. No idea how I even managed that but it makes photographing it so much harder >_>)

Caring for two baby tamas at the same time wasn't an easy job, but luckily they were almost completely in sync and called for things at the same time. At 9:30, they both napped. 5 minutes later, they woke up and around 5 minutes after that, they both called for praise. Training is currently at 1/9 for both of them.

At around 10AM, I heard the familiar evolving sound. Inara became Kinakomotchi and Anika became Mohitamatchi.

Cuties! Anika accidentally got paused for a bit in my pocket, don't know how long for, but Inara didn't as far as I know. So they won't be totally in sync now but still pretty close. I suppose I'm trying to take good care of them now so they can become good teens. More updates on these two coming tomorrow!

Azaria has had a good day so far. I had no idea she woke up at 7AM so for about 40 minutes this morning, she was mostly uncared for. Luckily, Ilse wakes up at the same time so I was already awake. Not sure what made me turn on my +Color but I guess I'm glad I did.

When I did check on her, she was in need of a bath:

All better! I got another one of her happy symbols this morning by feeding her the green tea. It took a couple of tries, but eventually the stem appeared! The problem with acquiring the rest is that the weather so far hasn't changed at all. It just keeps snowing. (EDIT: A few minutes after I published this entry, the weather changed! It's now cloudy in Azaria's world)

We went outside to look at her Hapihapi tree and surprise! It grew. Only in tama world would a tree continue to grow even when it won't stop snowing.

I've been playing a lot of games with her to earn more points. I quite like the apple catching game - it's easy and I win quite often. I'm decent at the card game as well, although I suck at the balloon one. Azaria now has around 1700 points. I bought her a yellow pass and now she can go to the amusement park and Tama Depa.

Maskutchi is now 17 years old and still with me. He's even needier and now drops one heart every seven minutes. He actually hasn't gotten sick lately, which I suppose is a good thing.

His weight is maxed out and even if I try to get it down, it goes right back up because he calls so often. Other than that, I'm still taking good care of him. No idea when he'll leave me but I'm suspecting around 18-19. But who knows, he could stay longer if I'm diligent.

Ilse is now 88 and still doing well. I finally got that fishing pole to disappear from her items after using it about six times. As a result, she received a gift from Anika, which was the extra boombox!

It didn't explode, although I haven't used the CD with it yet. I'm pretty sure that's when it explodes. Without the CD, I don't know if it can play more than just the one song, but that's all I've heard so far, with both Ilse and Anika. Either way, it's still fun.


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Hello, I'm back! This post here is the 100th post in this log! Wow! I didn't think I was going to keep it running this long, but here we are. Anyway, I've got some news in the world of my tamas - I now have teens!

Inara was the first to evolve this morning, and she became a cute little Ringotchi:

Yes, the teen I've been trying to get for 15 generations and failing every time. Mostly because everything I've read has indicated Ringotchi is a perfect care teen, which wasn't the case for me. I got her by neglecting Kinakomotchi, but not too severely. Her hunger hearts ran out all the way once. I mostly kept them at three full. Oh, and the other thing I did differently was feeding snacks and never playing games. From the time Inara was born, I never played a single game with her.

Anika evolved about 20 minutes later (so THAT'S how long she got paused...), into Young Mimitchi!

I cared for her similarly to the way I cared for Inara, except I neglected her less. I haven't played any games with her, but her hunger hearts were kept full. I'm just glad not to have yet another Hinatchi. I think I'm going to try taking perfect care of her and attempt for Mimitchi!

Someone else became a teen too - Azaria! She actually evolved yesterday afternoon. She's now a Chamametchi, which was expected because I didn't give her any care misses.

She had cloudy weather for most of the day yesterday, but the night was clear, so we decided to put the telescope to use. It took around 10 times for the shooting star to come up, but eventually it did! Unfortunately, I was distracted and didn't get that part on camera.

That makes three happy items I've now found. Her Hapihapi tree should be maturing tomorrow, so when that happens, that'll make four. The rest are mostly weather-dependent so I'll just have to hope for a clear day eventually.

Oh yeah, and I totally forgot I said I was going to post a photo of my little keychain thing I made for my tama. I'm used to all of my tamas having keychains of some sort and it felt weird not having one. So i made a little beaded one:

The silver beads match really well with the front of the tama, which is also silver. The blue beads were picked because blue's my favourite color. I like it so far.

Maskutchi is now 18 years old and surprisingly still alive. He got sick last night so I thought for sure he'd leave me by this morning, but so far, he has not. I've been keeping on top of him and keeping his hearts filled completely, even though they drop quite fast.


We're having some very lovely weather currently and he got to enjoy the sunshine with me! I like to think that he enjoyed it, even in his old age.

Speaking of old age, today marks three months since Ilse was hatched - she's 89 now but she will turn 90 this evening. She's still doing very well. She had a lot of fun this afternoon connecting with Anika!

I think having friends makes her feel a lot younger. Despite being nearly 90, she has just as much fun as 1 year old Anika!


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Hello, I'm back! Not a ton has happened with Inara and Anika as we're now in the fairly long teen stage. I'm continuing to take good care of them, although I've somehow missed some training opportunities with Inara - Anika's training bar is now full while Inara's is only at 5/9. Not sure how I managed that, oops.

Here's Inara taking a bath (bobbing for apples, anyone?), and playing with her ball:

I still haven't played a single game with her - her weight is currently 87lbs. I'm taking decent care of her otherwise. Yeah, I said I wasn't going to do any experiments but I'm curious to know what i'll end up with by doing this.

Anika, obviously, likes to be just like her sister, so here she is doing the same!

I like the V3 ball better than the V1/V2 one. It's funnier to watch. Anika doesn't quite have the hang of it yet, as she continues to fall on her face every time she uses it!

Azaria will be turning into an adult later today, probably some time around 5-ish. She finally had enough points last night to buy the fertilizer, which is making tree growing a lot easier.

The first thing we did was use the fertilizer on the Hapihapi tree to make it fully grow. Here's what happened after she went back in the house and ate the fruit...
That makes four happy symbols Azaria now has. The other three are weather dependent and she's still getting a lot of snow, so whether or not she'll get those ones is something I don't really know. Anyway, the second thing we did was use the mystery seeds, then use the fertilizer to make the tree instantly mature:
A piano tree! I wasn't sure if the piano was character dependent or not, but I decided to give it a try. Turns out she can use it! She had a lot of fun with it too:
I'm assuming she's going to turn into Memetchi as an adult because I haven't given her any care misses. I will be experimenting to get different characters later on, but I decided not to do that for my first generation. So Memetchi it is.

Maskutchi is now 19 years old and miraculously still alive.

He's definitely needy, probably worse than a baby tama at this point. He's actually only gotten sick once, which was two days ago. I expected him to leave shortly after that since usually getting sick at that age is a sign of impending death. But for some reason he didn't. The big question now is - will he reach 20? Well, I guess you'll have to stay tuned until tomorrow to find out.

Last but not least, Ilse celebrated her 90th birthday last night, at 7:46PM.

90! That feels amazing for me since rarely do I ever have the patience to keep a tama around this long. With Ilse, it's somehow been very easy. To celebrate, I bought her another muffin from the shop. It's her favourite food and she loves it very much. I'm going to give it to her the next time she drops a happy heart.


Hello, I'm back! First of all, wow - page 7! Second of all, Inara and Anika should be turning into adults tomorrow. I think they must have gotten paused in my pocket because their growth time is off now - more so with Anika than Inara. Inara just turned three years old even though she should have a few hours ago. Anika's age counter is still reading two years, even though she was born at the exact same time as Inara. This might affect when they evolve, but we'll have to wait and see.

They had some fun connecting this morning. Here they are playing the bread eating game (Anika won):

Here's Anika visiting Inara! Inara comes up as Nazotchi in Anika's shell, but that isn't the case vice versa since Young Mimitchi is also on the V2.

I now can't remember what the present actually was. I think it was something nice though. I will be back tomorrow to update once they evolve. For whatever reason, I've done a pretty bad job keeping on top of Inara's training - her bar is still only at 5/9. Anika's is full. I'm not sure why or how I keep missing it, but somehow I do.

Speaking of adults, Azaria evolved yesterday. Predictably, she's now a Memetchi:

We got some majorly heavy rain last night and it turns out, so did she! I still don't have her other three happy symbols because she hasn't had a single clear day yet. Oh, and she unfortunately can't use the hair bow she harvested. She grew some 3D glasses this morning but sadly can't use those either.

In yesterday's entry, I asked the question: "Will Maskutchi make it to 20?". He almost certainly should have, but he didn't. He didn't even die - my glitchy P1 reset itself AGAIN. It froze, then the screen blanked out, then the screen came back on again but an egg appeared. There's no download function on vintages, so you know what that means. Oh well, 19 is a good age, I think. Especially when you consider that he wasn't even the healthiest character, yet he lived almost as long as the healthy ones do.

Anyway, I've decided to tab my P1 up for now. I think it needs a break. For whatever reason, I'm still crazy enough to run five tamas at once, so I decided to start up my Angel again. I wanted to have a vintage in my little mix of running tamas still, and even though the Angel is one of my all-time favourites, I rarely run mine. It was a no-brainer.

Obaketchi, and Obaketchi 2.
One thing I like is how laid-back the Angel is, even in the baby stage. Or maybe it's because I was used to my ever-so-needy P1, so the Angel seemed laid back in comparison. I don't really know, but caring for him was a breeze. An hour or so after being hatched, he turned into Maruten (obviously):

I'm not sure which character I'm going to try for this time. Maybe Ginjirotenshi - I've only actually had him once. I get Kuriten way too often, so basically I'm trying for a character that's not him (or her? I thought I read somewhere that Kuriten was supposed to be a girl). He was hatched rather late at night (11PM), so he won't evolve into a teen until tomorrow morning. I'll be back tomorrow to update on that.

Last but not least, Ilse is now 91, almost 92 and still doing great. I do worry about my V3 glitching out like my P1 did, so I'm extremely careful with it. So far, there seems to be no problems with it, and I'm still quite amazed by the battery especially. Ilse was hatched three months ago and she's still running on the same battery. It was a cheap battery so I wasn't expecting it to last this long but I'm very glad it has. My V2 has gone through two or three batteries while this one keeps running on the same one. Yay!

(I took these with my ipod touch camera which is... not stellar.)
She had fun visiting with Anika again this morning. I'm unable to select the "present" option on my blue V3 because Ilse's item list is full. So I have to stick with games and visits when connecting them.


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Hello, I'm back! There have been some evolutions in my little family of tamas today! As you might expect, Inara and Anika are now adults. Inara is now a Kiwitchi (whoops), which I can only guess is because of the missed training opportunities because I cared for her pretty well otherwise. That's the thing I've noticed about this tama - it's really easy to get horrible care adults if you slip on the care even a bit.

Oh well, at least she's pretty cute. Plus I haven't actually had Kiwitchi before so I'd much rather that than another Masktchi. Here she is modelling some super cool shades:

I took these photos outside in broad daylight and they still came out dark. Anyway, here she is playing with some wings:

She looks pretty cool if I do say so myself. If I'm not mistaken, Kiwitchi was originally an Osutchi character, and therefore supposed to be a boy. I guess Inara can be my little tomboy!

What I may do, so that Inara's child has a better chance at becoming a good care character, is mate Inara with my debugged Tamagotchi Plus. I believe I have a boy on there, so all I'd have to do is hyperspeed him until he reaches adulthood (this takes 10 minutes max). I'm somehow quite good at getting Mametchi/Mimitchi when running in hyperspeed, yet I can't seem to do it when I run that tama normally.

Anika also evolved, and this is why I think Inara's missed training was the reason for her becoming a bottom-tier adult, because other than that, I treated these two exactly the same. Anika is now Hidatchi, a second-tier (good care) adult.

It just seems odd that I treated these tamas almost exactly the same, yet one became a horrible care adult and the other became a good one. Oh well, not much I can do about that. I've also never had Hidatchi (I might have when I played with the V3 as a child. It was one of my favourites back then and I played with it a LOT, although I don't recall getting her), but I really like her so far. If you can't tell from my love for Nikatchi, I really like smiling characters. They're really adorable.

There's Anika trying out the mirror (again, I took these outside. I hope they're easy to see). Her closeup is SO cute! I love the big eyes. I've thought about putting my V3 on pause so I'm not running so many tamas at once, but I'm loving the characters on it, so I guess that's compelling me to keep running it. Same thing with the V2 - I've thought about giving mine a break, but there's so many characters on there I haven't had yet. I'm going to keep both of them going for the time being.

Azaria is now five years old and the matchmaker was unlocked this morning. I have not mated her yet though. I might mate her tonight, or possibly wait until tomorrow. I'd love to try and find her other three happy symbols, but she keeps getting more and more snow:

I've used the mystery seeds a number of times now but she keeps harvesting items she can't use. Bummer. I suppose it's good because now I have those items for when I do happen to get a character that can use them. But for now they're useless.

Azaria also got a white transit pass, so she's now able to visit the temple:

Evidently, it didn't end well. I'm not actually completely sure what happened there, but it seems she didn't have such a good time.

I wasn't expecting my Angel to evolve until this morning, but he actually evolved last night while I was at work (yes, I brought him with me because I wanted to keep my Connections in sync). He's now Kodoten:

I'm definitely trying for Ginjirotenshi then since that's the only character other than Kuriten that comes from Kodoten. I've learned that Kuriten is really really easy to get and it takes a considerable amount of neglect not to get him (I have had Ginjirotenshi only once, and this is how I did it). So I basically have not touched Kodoten at all today. I muted him and put him away. He should be evolving later tonight so we'll see if it worked.

Ilse is now 92 and, well, still the same. Her age counter will be maxed out in just a week. Other than that, not much to report on since she doesn't do much. Here she is playing a game of Sprint:

She was close to winning, but lost on round 6. Oh well, it's good to see her keeping fit, even in her old age!

I feel like this log was full of ranting today, so I'll end it here. I'll be back tomorrow with more updates. Bye for now!


Hello, I'm back! First of all, this log is very close to reaching 3000 views. Wow! A big THANK YOU to everyone who reads and follows it. I didn't expect to keep it going this long, but I'm really having fun writing in it every day! I intend to keep it going for quite a while longer!

Second of all, I now have a mate for Inara! I put a battery in my Plus last night and found a male Ichigotchi, so eloquently named "A". I hypersped him to adulthood, and he became Mametchi! I connected him and Inara quite a bit.

I'll probably wait a few days to marry them. I like having my V2 and V3 in sync, so I think I'll wait until Anika gets the matchmaker. Either way, Inara is quite a lucky girl, getting to marry a handsome Mametchi like that, isn't she?

She also had some fun messing with some items last night. She looks quite spiffy in the bowtie.

I told ya, she's a tomboy! She's also computer addicted, just like the rest of us.

Anika is still the same adorable Hidatchi, obviously. I played a lot of games with her and finally got her weight down to the minimum. I also maxed out her points while doing this. I wish the V2 and V3 had a higher limit on points - all three of mine now have their points maxed out. On the V3 especially, with 400-600 points per game win, it's quite easy to do.

Anyway, here's Anika getting her teeth all nice and clean this morning:

Like her sister, she also had some fun messing around with different items. Here she is trying on a shirt (she looks like a little doll!):

Here she is trying on the cap. Christmas is over, Anika!

I still don't know how I did that to my V3's screen. Yikes! Looks like I took a knife to it - I'm guessing it's just from being in my pocket or something.

Yesterday was a big day for Azaria - she got married! We headed over to the matchmaker and the first offering was a very handsome Kuromametchi. It was love at first sight!

First comes love, then comes marriage...

And they had a baby GIRL! I wanted a boy so I could try for Kuromametchi myself, but there's not much I can do. Anyway, Azaria played with her daughter for a few minutes, then off she went. The baby, who I'm calling Audrey, then woke up all alone.


An hour later, she became Memepetchi. I realize that if i keep up with the perfect care, I'm going to get repeats. So I've been neglecting Audrey a fair bit. I've counted two care misses so far. My plan is to have her turn into Ichigotchi, then neglect her some more and go for Makiko. I've never had Makiko before since I don't have any other tamas which actually have her as a character.

(Okay, I DID have a V4 when I was a kid. But I was a really lousy caretaker and only ever got universals. Seriously.)

I already basically spoiled this one, but my Angel evolved last night and guess what? My method WORKED!

(I apologize for the glare on this one...)
I was so happy when I took my Angel out of the drawer to check on him and saw that adorable face. If you couldn't tell who my favourite Angelgotchi character was before, I think you know now. He's just so sweet.

Anyway, after he evolved, I quickly filled up all of his hearts, played games with him, and gave him candy. He's now happy and healthy, and his TP is 43. Not amazing, but if you consider that it was 0 when he evolved, it's pretty decent. He went for a stroll this morning, and I still can't seem to master calling him back. I've tried the tapping on the egg/using the praise icon thing, but it never seems to work. He just gets angry at me. That's been the case for every other Angel I've raised as well.

Last but not least, on to Ilse! Yes, we're finally nearing the end of this really long log entry. Anyway, Ilse's still the same. She's 93 and doing well, as she always is. She will be 100 in just a week, and by now I don't see any reason why she won't reach it. I'm positive she will as she's still never been sick or anything.

Her shop had a sale last night, and her favourite food was there once again. (Window lighting FTW)

That face she makes is quite funny! I guess she's just happy that after all these years, I still remember what her favourite food is.


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Hello, I'm back! Thank you to Kyuu and Tamadonut for liking posts in this log - it's always appreciated! I did get my Akai today - less than two hours ago actually. I'll post pictures of it maybe tomorrow as I've already reached the limit for pictures in this post. I'm not running it right now because I'm not too keen on running six tamas at once, although when Ginjirotenshi eventually leaves me, I probably will start it up. I did put batteries in it to make sure it works, and it does. I can tell that photographing it is going to be difficult though.

Inara and Anika are still the same - Anika will be getting the matchmaker tomorrow, and I'll probably wait until then to mate Inara. "A" the Mametchi is still on pause until then (why did I name him that? xD).

Since the adult phase is mostly uneventful, I did a little photoshoot of Inara using her items:

How does a tama with no arms manage to lift weights? Just ask Inara!
She does not, however, need arms to go on a UFO trip!
Is there a more relaxing end to the day than TV and a comfy throne?
I did the same thing with Anika, because why not?

She definitely makes her sister jealous with that huge TV!
It started out as a simple fishing trip...
I think she had reason to be exhausted after that last one. I'm reluctant to marry her off because Hidatchi is so adorable, and who knows if I'll manage to get her again. Then again, I say this every time, don't I? I suppose I just get attached easily.

Audrey evolved last night, and it seems that my neglect paid off. She's now an Ichigotchi!

After evolving, she went to the park for a lesson with Mr. Turtle!
To Audrey's dismay, I'm still continuing with the horrible care. I've toned it down a bit now, as I've already counted four care misses, the amount needed to get Makiko. I might give her one more care miss just to make sure. I also got bored last night and made a little drawing of her:


She had a clear night last night, so we put the telescope to use. It took a while, about twenty tries, but eventually the shooting star did appear. Unfortunately, I suck at getting to my camera quickly, so I only really caught the end part.

That's three happy symbols now. I should grow a Hapihapi tree and make it four. I really do like Ichigotchi in colour, I must say. I've always liked her on the early Connection models, but there's something about her being in colour that's so cute. Maybe I'll try for her every time I get a girl now as I like her better than Chamametchi (not sure why).

Ginjirotenshi is doing very well, of course. I don't have to worry about him being needy yet as he's only five.

I caught him doing a good deed this morning! The Angel is the one tama I cannot run without sound, as it seems to do good deeds at random moments and if the tama is muted, I miss every single one. With Ginji, I've been keeping up pretty well. His TP is currently 62 - I believe the max is 70.

Last but not least, Ilse is still the same. Did you really expect any different? She's currently 94 but will turn 95 tonight. She'll be 100 in less than a week now which is super exciting!!

I haven't done any gifs in a while, so I felt like making one. Ilse loves to dress up in her bow! It makes her feel very pretty.


Hello, I'm back! I've been feeling quite ill today, so I can't say my tamas have been getting the best treatment. I wasn't even going to update this log today, but I decided that I wanted to. Besides, I have news about three of my tamas.

First of all, Inara and "A" finally got married - I actually mated them last night because I didn't want to wait until this morning.

I didn't get many photos of the actual mating process because I was kind of caught off guard when they actually started to mate. Here's the few (lousy except the last one) I did get:

Yeah, it's a BOY! A nice change from the endless string of girls I've been getting lately. I'm thinking of naming him Jesse or a similar J name. Normally, Inara should be leaving tonight, but I'm going to be pausing her so that she can stay in sync with Anika.

I also finally caught her close-up animation. For whatever reason, I keep missing it. These photos were the first and only time I've seen it:

Anika also got married - the matchmaker came for her at 10:30AM sharp! She was offered a Kuchipatchi, just like her mother, and she accepted!

Here's the wedding photos:

i still cannot seem to get a single boy on this tama. Girls are nice, but variety is also nice. At least my V2 has been getting a decent mixture lately. Anyway, I haven't decided on a name yet. Luckily I still have another day to decide.

Audrey finally got some clear weather for once, so we went outside to work on getting the rest of her happy symbols. The heart-shaped cloud one apparently happened in my pocket because I didn't have it before, but when I pulled my tama out of my pocket a short while later, it was there. Weird. Also, I do have the rainbow watering can, but couldn't get the rainbow to show up, no matter how many times I tried. Hopefully she'll get another clear day tomorrow.

She also evolved this evening - probably about an hour ago. As expected, she's now a very pretty Makiko:

I like her so far! Like I said, I've never had her before on any tama, so this is a welcome change for sure. I'd probably have more photos, except she went to bed fifteen minutes after evolving. This tama is weird because the good care characters go to bed late and the bad ones go to bed early.

Ginjirotenshi is still doing well. He's now six years old and his TP is maxed out at 70. I had him paused for a bit earlier but I still did catch two good deeds from him. Yay! (I apologize for the lack of photos of him today...)

Ilse is also doing well. She turned 96 just over an hour ago. I also don't have many photos of her as she's asleep as I'm writing this.

Sunday's the big day - the day when she finally reaches the big 100! After that, I suppose I'm just going to see how far I can go with her. If she reaches the record of 145, that's great. If not, she's still been a VERY long lived tama, and I'm pleased with that.


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Hello, I'm back! Inara and Anika left their children last night, so i'll start off today's entry by introducing them to you!

Inara's little son made his entry into the world at around 10:45AM today. I ended up calling him Jorma (there's a reason behind that name, although it's a little long and I don't want to bore you guys). Here he is as a little Petitchi:

I tried neglecting him a little during the baby stage, as I've used this method before to get Kuribotchi rather than Kinakomotchi, since I seem to get Kinakomotchi almost every generation. As you can see, it didn't work:

Oh well, at least Kinakomotchi's cute. Plus at least he has the ability to turn into the 'good' teens. It would be a whole lot worse if I was getting Marutchi all the time.

Anika's daughter was born at the same time as Jorma. I ended up calling her Emma (no reason behind that name, I just like it).

Here she is as a cute little Shiroteletchi:

I gave her the same level of care I gave Jorma. Mostly because I seem to end up with Mohitamatchi a lot and I wanted Kuchitamatchi. For Emma, it actually worked!

Cute! I'm hoping for Young Mametchi as a teen, but I'd be okay with Obotchi as well. I really want to try for Pyonkotchi again since I haven't had one since Ilse, and that was back in November.

(Now that I think of it, it's probably easier to get Pyonkotchi from Obotchi. That's how I did it last time.)

EDIT: totally forgot to mention too that I definitely DO plan to mate Emma and Jorma. It seems like the most logical thing to do.

Audrey is eligible to mate today, but I haven't mated her yet. I want her to stick with me a little longer. Good news with her - she now has all of her happy symbols! She also got her living room remodeled.

We also did some shopping and bought the white cream. Here she is using it:

She's so CUTE!! This is why I haven't married her off yet. I think I'll probably wait until tomorrow or maybe even Sunday.

Oh yeah, I also forgot that I said I'd show you guys my Akai, which I'm planning on running soon but not quite yet. I've played around with it a bit. Here it is:

I like the shell - i think it's adorable. It's a bit scratched up but it works fine. It will be making regular appearances in this log soon enough.

Ginjirotenshi is still doing well. He's eight years old and still quite low-maintenance.

I still can't figure out how to call him back from his stroll without him getting angry at me. I have no idea if that's normal or if I'm doing something wrong here. Other than that, he's doing great.

I apologize for that lack of photos of her today, but Ilse is now 97, 98 in two hours, and still thriving. I'm really excited because she's turning 99 tomorrow. I've never kept a tama alive long enough to max out the age counter, but here we are! After tomorrow, I'm really going to have to use this log to keep track of how old she is, going by the time she normally would age (7:46PM).

It's quite amazing really - when Ilse was hatched, my V2 was on generation 4. It's now on gen 16. She's seen many friends come and go, but she just keeps on going. Like I said, after her age counter is maxed out, the goal will be to see how much further she can go.


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Real quick update here - a full one with photos will be posted when I get home from work later. I just wanted to share that Jorma and Emma both evolved into teens! Emma apparently got paused because she evolved 30 minutes after Jorma. Jorma is now a Young Mimitchi (YAY!) and Emma is now a Patapatatchi (DOUBLE YAY!). I'm really pleased with the results! I've now had every single V2 teen except for Oniontchi.

My other tamas are the same. Audrey still isn't married - I'm planning on doing that tomorrow!

Bye for now.


Hello, I'm back! I meant to update with pictures yesterday but I didn't have time. Anyway, as I said, Jorma and Emma became teens yesterday. Here's Jorma, being his regular adorable self:

This is my first time getting Young Mimitchi on the V2. What once again did it was slight neglect of Kinakomotchi. I noticed that every time I took perfect care in the toddler stage, I was getting Hinatchi (and on odd gens, Young Mametchi), I wanted something different, so I changed up the caretaking style a bit. As you can see, it worked!

And here's Emma, being equally as cute:

I'm happy! I used to get Patapatatchi (I really hope I spelled that right...) all the time when I was a kid, but I have not had her on this particular V3 yet. I'm not actually sure why I got her since I didn't change up the caretaking style. I took good care of Kuchitamatchi, that's about it.

I've been using the sleep trick on both her and Jorma mostly because I don't like pausing but I also want to try for top-tier adults this time around. Jorma has a good chance at becoming Mimitchi (but with the V2, it's hard to say), although I don't have a clue as to what Emma might become. Oh well, surprises are fun!

Audrey finally got married today. She went to the matchmaker, who introduced her to a handsome Mametchi. She, of course, couldn't say no.

She ended up having another girl. I still really want a boy - I'm trying to get all of the possible characters on this tama, which isn't going to be easy if I keep getting girls.

Oh well, I suppose I'll just have to roll with it. I've been calling the baby Oriana. She's still a baby as I'm writing this, although she'll be turning into a toddler soon. Since she's on an odd generation, she'll become Sakuramotchi. Adult-wise, I think I'm going to go for Marotchi this time, using the same method I used to get Makiko.

Ginjirotenshi is now 10 years old and still doing well. He's a littler needier than before, but it's not unbearable. Hopefully he'll still be with me for a little while longer.

Finally, Ilse made it to the age of 99! She'll officially be 100 in about two hours - although her age counter will no longer go up, I'll go by the time which she'd normally age at, 7:46PM. So, two more hours and I've met my main goal.


To celebrate, I decided to put the Hohotchi costume on her, just for fun:

She looks cool, although I'll be glad to have her back to her regular self tomorrow. Funnily enough, when I was a kid, Otokitchi used to scare me. No idea why, I just found her really ugly for some reason. I now find her quite adorable!

Happy 100th Ilse, let's hope for 100 more!


Congrats on Ilse's 100th :) .

I've been meaning to ask, how often do you check on her, I currently have a 26yr old Otokichi (Paz) and I was looking for advice on a few things.

Do they reach a point where they need near constant attention or does it stay the same?

And just any other advice you can think of

I usually check on Ilse at least once every hour. Sometimes it's every two hours if I'm at work. Oldies never actually get any needier, as far as I know. Ilse still requires the same level of care that she did when she first became an oldie.

The best advice I can think of is always making sure the hearts are filled. I don't usually let Ilse's hearts drop below three full - on the rare occasion they've dropped to two but I don't think that affects anything. Oh, and make sure to turn the light out right away every night. Not doing so results in a care miss and too many care misses can result in sickness or death. Other than that, oldies are some of the easiest, laid-back tamas to care for. Ilse and I wish Paz all the best!


Anyway, onto some actual logging here. Jorma and Emma are still the same; they'll be turning into adults tomorrow. I've given them pretty good care, I believe. They both have full training bars now.

(I did not think training mattered much, until I managed to get Kiwitchi with decent care but a half empty training bar)

(I think something messed up with the sizing of these images because they look uneven to me...)
I do like the fact that on the V3, there's more items toddlers and teens can use. Also, although I'm planning on mating Jorma and Emma when they're adults, I've been doing a pretty bad job at connecting them often. They both have two smiley faces for each other. I'll have to remember to connect them a lot over the next few days or this mating attempt is going to go nowhere.

Oriana is still doing well. She actually just evolved a few minutes ago, after I'd already started this log entry. So all of these photos show her as a Sakuramotchi, but she's actually Ichigotchi now.

(In that second photo, she's got some kind of ghost of herself hanging around! :D )
She has four happy symbols now. We're currently growing a Hapihapi tree, so that will make five. The other two are weather dependent, so I'll have to hope she has a clear night and a clear day eventually.

I'm still taking pretty lousy care in an attempt for Marotchi. When the time comes for her to marry, I really hope she has a boy because I really want Kuromametchi eventually.

Ginjirotenshi is now 11 years old, and needy. He drops hearts every 20 or so minutes. He's not as bad as that Maskutchi I had on my P1 that was dropping hearts every five minutes, but I'd say give him a few more days and he will be that bad. He's paused currently but I'll be unpausing him very soon.

As you all know, Ilse is 100 now! She'll be 101 in about an hour and a half. Tired of being Hohotchi, she went to bed last night back to her normal self:

I still find her pretty funny when she sleeps. Her eyes look more open than they do when she's actually awake! Heh. Other than that, not a ton to report on with her. She had a good day. I had the day off so I was able to care for her very well today.

One thing I still find amazing is that her battery hasn't died yet. My V2 uses the same kind of batteries and it's gone through at least three, while Ilse's battery keeps going strong. Weird, but I can't complain about that!


Hello, I'm back! This log has been a little neglected lately as I've been ill. You guys haven't missed a ton because everyone except Ilse has spent a lot of time on pause.

The one new thing that happened was that Jorma and Emma became adults yesterday. Jorma is now Mimitchi:

Super excited about this because I've never had Mimitchi on the V2 before. Isn't he just adorable? I find it really difficult to get top-tier adults on the V2, so I'm glad my caretaking paid off.

Emma must somehow keep getting paused in my pocket, because she didn't evolve until an hour after Jorma did. She's now Violetchi:

I'm a little disappointed here because I've had Violetchi before, and I like variety. She's still cute though! I think she and Jorma will make a very cute couple.

That reminds me that I really need to start connecting them more, as they only have three smiley faces for each other. They were paused for the entire day today, so while they should be five now, they're still only four. That will allow me to connect them lots tomorrow without the risk of premature marriage.

There isn't much new with Oriana, since she's been paused a lot too. She should have turned into an adult today, but I had to work an 8 hour shift and I couldn't care for her, so I had to pause her. She might evolve tomorrow. I've already given her four care misses, so I don't think I'll have a problem getting Marotchi. Maybe I'll give her one more, just to be sure.

Why can I never capture that shooting star on camera? Anyway, she's close to having all of her happy symbols now. She's been getting a lot of clear weather lately, which is great.

Ginjirotenshi is on pause for now. He's 12 and quite needy. Again, I've been sick and really not wanting to deal with a tama who beeps at me every ten minutes. I'll see how I feel tomorrow, maybe I'll unpause him then.

Making a promise never to pause Ilse or mess with her time, she's the only one I've been fully caring for these past few days. She's still doing really well! She's 103 currently, and sleeping as I write this. That's the reason I don't have photos of her today. She was already asleep by the time I finished my shift, and you guys have already seen what she looks like when she sleeps.

Either way, I'm still giving her the best care I can give. She still has never been sick, so I'll take that as a very good sign!


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Hello, I'm back! Remember yesterday when I said I didn't want to risk a premature marriage with Emma and Jorma? Well, I must have jinxed myself because somehow they ended up mating this morning. It was quite weird actually. Emma only had two smiley faces for Jorma (he had three for her), so I connected the two about ten times. All of a sudden, they started doing the mating dance. I wanted to reset and download but I wasn't quick enough. I decided to look in Emma's friend list and:

I could have sworn they had to have four hearts to be able to mate. V2s and 3s are not known to be particularly glitchy versions, so I don't think it was a glitch. Just an oddity. I'm going to pause them tomorrow night so they can stay with me longer. I mean, my first Mimitchi and I marry him off early! Oops.

As you can see, it's boys! I'm happy with that, especially on my V3 which has had five straight generations of girls. I haven't decided on names yet but if I'm going to be pausing them, I still have some time to think about that.

There's a random photo of Jorma looking cool in his shades, because why not?

Here's Emma and her little son. Like the V2's UFO, I like how the TV can be used by both parent and child:

I've still been debating taking the battery out of this one, but I've decided to keep it going for another generation. Like the V2, the sheer variety of characters is what makes me want to keep going with it. I've really been enjoying running two Connections completely in sync as well.

There's Emma, looking quite dashing in her cap. Sadly, I don't have as many items on this one as my other V3 or my V2. I wanted to see her in the bow, before realizing she doesn't have it. I'll have to keep checking the shop!

As I suspected, Oriana evolved this afternoon. There's really no surprises here:

I like her. Another character I haven't had before on any tama (I've had Ura Young Marotchi on the V4.5, but that doesn't really count...). I didn't get to do much with her today because I had to work shortly after she evolved. She's asleep currently - I had to set her clock back to take those photos.

Ginjirotenshi is still on pause, for now. I have the day off tomorrow, so I'll probably unpause him then. He'll be leaving me soon, probably. Once he does leave, I'm planning on starting up my Akai - I've been really wanting to run that one! So stay tuned over the next few days because my Akai will probably be making an appearance in this log!

(Ginjirotenshi is still 12, by the way. I haven't unpaused him since Tuesday.)

I once again am lacking photos of Ilse today because I keep updating after she goes to sleep. Whoops. I can assure you she's still doing just fine! She's 104 now and she was the only tama to accompany me to work today. I used to bring more than one tama with me, but lately it's been easier just to bring her. Despite being mostly uncared for throughout my shift, she held up pretty well. I was able to check on her shortly before she went to bed and she was down just one heart in both hungry and happy (this was after over 2 hours without care. Not bad!). Other than that, she had another super day!


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Hello, I'm back! First of all, my +Colour ran out of batteries this morning and I currently don't have any more, so I'm taking a break from it for a few days. My Angel was unpaused for a bit today, and went back on pause after a few hours of dropping hearts every three minutes. I need more patience, I think. That means I currently just have the three Connections running - Jorma, Emma and Ilse. It's quite peaceful actually because none of them are needy.


Also, I completely forgot that I usually make growth charts for my Connection generations, so I made them today. Here's Jorma's:

I like how he always looked relatively similar throughout all of his growth stages. Here's Emma's chart:

They should be leaving their sons tonight, but like I said, I'm going to pause them to prevent them from doing that. They're only 6, so I'm not really ready for them to leave yet. I'm going to enjoy them for one more day, tomorrow, and then I'll allow them to leave.

(On a side note, it's hard to believe I've been running that V2 for almost 17 generations straight now. Very rarely do I ever run a tama for that long without taking a break. Will I make it to the elusive 99th gen? Probably not but I guess we'll see how long I can go.)

Jorma had another little photoshoot with some items this morning. Here is is looking pretty in his bow (shhhh... don't tell him I showed you this photo!):


I had one of him using the music player too but apparently I saved it wrong and it got sucked into a black hole because now I can't find it. Oops.

I took some photos of Emma as well! Here she is brushing her teeth:

Shirt (left) and Umbrella (right):

Speaking of Emma, she had some fun visiting with Ilse today! I still can't use the present option when connecting because Ilse's item list is full. They have fun doing visits though!

Actually, Ilse's battery ended up finally running out, right after I took those photos. Because it happened right after connecting and I got a new one in right away, she only lost a few minutes, nothing major. She's 105 now, and asleep. I promised myself I would log early today rather than waiting until night to do it, but I lied. At least I have photos today!

I believe I should be getting batteries for my +C by Monday. I don't know what I'm doing with my Angel at the moment. I'll be back tomorrow to update on anything that happens (which, with these three, won't be much). Bye for now!


Hello, I'm back! Jorma and Emma left their babies last night, so I'm now starting the 17th generation on my V2 and the 6th generation on my V3. Jorma's son is named Kizzy; he made his entry into the world at around 12PM today. Here he is as a baby:

I took pretty terrible care of him as a baby because I was dealing with other stuff and kind of forgot about him. Whoops. He still evolved into one of the 'good' toddlers though:

Well, at least my bad caretaking gave me a break from the endless chain of Kinakomotchis I always get. I like Kuribotchi, he's adorable! I'm taking average care of him in hopes of getting Ringotchi again, although I could end up with UFOtchi - that's who I got last time I gave Kuribotchi mild neglect. I like all of the odd gen teens, so I'll be happy no matter who I get.

Emma's son is named Paul; he made his entry into the world at the exact same time as Kizzy. I took pretty lousy care of him as a baby as well, although he's okay now.

He evolved an hour later into a cute little Mohitamatchi:

I really like Mohitamatchi - he's probably my favourite V3 toddler. Based on past experience, slightly neglecting him should lead to Young Mimitchi. That's what I did last time I was on an even gen, anyway.

One thing to note is that once again, I suck at keeping on top of the training on my V2. Kizzy has one training bar currently, Paul has three. For whatever reason, Kizzy doesn't call for training at the same time Paul does, even though they are normally in sync. I'm going to really have to keep an eye on him, as I don't want to end up with another horrible care adult because of this.

Ilse is 107 as I write this, and still as fine as she's ever been. Once again, she's currently asleep. I did snap a photo of her playing with Paul earlier though!

Looks like fun. She has not met Kizzy yet - maybe I'll connect the two tomorrow. Other than that, there isn't much to report on her. She's old but has a lot of life left in her, I think. She hasn't been sick and as long as I continue to care for her the way I do, I'm not sure she'll ever get sick. I don't think she can get sick unless her hearts drop all the way, which they never do. She might even end up surpassing the record of 145, but I guess we'll wait and see on that one.

Anyway, that concludes today's entry. I'll be back tomorrow to update you guys when Kizzy and Paul evolve into teens. Also, I'm probably starting my +Colour back up. Bye for now!


Hello, I'm back and actually updating pretty early for once! Life has gotten in the way of tamas, I suppose, although I have a few days off now to take it easy. I have four running tamas now - the fourth actually isn't my +Colour. Details on that are coming in just a moment.

A few other ramblings before I actually start. First of all, we adopted another cat a few days ago. I'm a huge cat person and you might remember that I lost one of my cats in December. We'd been debating adopting another cat to keep our remaining cat company, but we weren't so sure. We ended up finding one that we all fell in love with, so we went for her. She's still quite nervous and adjusting to everything, but she's really sweet!

Second of all, and this part is tama related, I ordered a P2 yesterday! I really haven't been adding to my tama collection lately because, well, other things got in the way and I didn't have much money to be spending on tamas. I'm finally doing alright, and I've wanted a P2 for a while, so I went for it. It's used but it does have the packaging. I believe it's a series 2 P2 (which I was after) based on the packaging. It's the clear yellow one, which I'm also happy with because I'm a huge fan of translucent shells. So yeah, more news on that will come when the tama arrives.


Anyway, onto the running tamas. Kizzy and Paul evolved into teens yesterday afternoon. Kizzy surprised me by evolving into Young Mametchi!

I love Young Mametchi, but I really wasn't expecting to get him because I took pretty bad care. I haven't had him in a while, either - I believe the last YM I had was on generation 11. I'm trying to take good care of him now in hopes of Mametchi. I love the V2 Mametchi (his sprite is so cute and huggable!), but once again, I haven't had him in a while. It's worth a shot!

I'm not sure if I should be surprised by Paul's evolution, but either way I'm happy because I've never had this teen before. He's now a Hikotchi!

He's really cool. I've said before that I really like flying/hovering characters. I find them very neat looking. Anyway, I'm giving Paul the same level of care I'm giving Kizzy. I'm not sure which adults come from Hikotchi but I guess we're going to find out!

Okay, as I mentioned earlier in this post, I started up a fourth tama, but it's not my +Colour like I said it was going to be. I changed my mind and ended up starting my Akai instead.

I would like to thank the sun for being bright and allowing me to take photos you can actually see.
At around 11:30AM, i put batteries in my Akai and did a clean reset. I ended up hatching a girl, who I named Doremi. The baby stage was no different than any other Connection-era tama. I still suck at the games, so her weight got a little bit high during this stage.

(I now know that you can use toys to increase happiness. I couldn't do this during the baby stage as I was unable to input any passwords.)

There's Doremi as a slightly more grown up toddler. This character is called Cheritchi, I believe. When I was playing around with this tama before, I had Cheritchi turn into Ringotchi, so I'm guessing that is what will happen this time around as well.

Last but not least, I've still got Ilse going! She's 108 now and will turn 109 at approximately 7:46PM tonight. Not a ton has happened with her.

There she is connecting with Paul the Hikotchi on my pink V3. She lost the game, sadly, but still had some fun visiting afterwards.


Hello, I'm back! Kizzy and Paul should be evolving into adults tomorrow. I'm a little worried now since I've missed training opportunities with my V2 AGAIN. It's not too bad because Kizzy's training bar is near full (8/9 - Paul's has been maxed out since yesterday), but I really hope it doesn't have a big effect on which adult I get.

I like Hikotchi and how he hovers over different things like the bath and the bed. It's quite cool. And I just love Young Mametchi's happy face, which is adorable! He looks so happy to be getting all clean. I'll miss these two as teens for sure, although I'm excited to see which adults are in store.

Doremi evolved earlier this afternoon, and as I suspected, she's now a Ringotchi. I believe that's the default teen for the first generation (kind of like Ichigotchi on the V1).

I like Ringotchi and I don't get her too often, so I can't complain. She's cute! I like her little C click animations (which I'll more than likely post photos of tomorrow). The animations on this tama in general are really adorable. I'm enjoying it a lot so far.

I'm not really sure what level of care I've been giving Doremi, but I like to think it's been at least decent. She did get sick earlier because I forgot to clean up after her (oops), but other than that, I haven't missed anything. I'm not sure which adult I'll end up with. I might end up with Ribotchi, but then again, I might not because of the time she got sick. We'll have to wait and see on that one.

I'm going to be participating in this thread here (don't worry, I'm not abandoning this log. We'll see how it works but I should be able to keep up with them both), and for that I decided to start up my Plus. The main reasons for that choice being: 1) it's really low maintenance and 2) it's debugged so I can hyperspeed and make the long teen phase shorter.

I had a Gozarutchi on there called "A" (the son of "A" the first, and Inara, the Kiwitchi I had on my V2 a couple gens ago), so I hypersped him until the matchmaker came, then hypersped him until he left. He had a boy.

I named the boy Jiro (I considered just calling him "A" the third, but decided to give him a normal name). He didn't stay a baby for very long because I hypersped him. His whole baby phase lasted about three minutes.

He grew up into a Marutchi. That's not surprising since his father was a Gozarutchi. I haven't hypersped him since he evolved - the toddler stage isn't that long so I don't really need to. He'll evolve into a teen tomorrow and I already know he's going to be a Hinotamatchi since that's all Marutchi can evolve into.

Ilse is still thriving at the tender age of 109. She'll be 110 in just under two hours - we'll have a supercentenarian in our hands!

It's not easy to play games while holding a camera. Sorry, Ilse! She's become good friends with Paul and Doremi - the good thing about me running so many other Connections is that Ilse gets to make lots of friends. Can't complain about that!

