rjalda100's Virtual Zoo - a V2 Log (with photos)


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Noel's age did end up getting a little delayed when his battery died. He didn't turn two until around 7PM last night, even though he was born at nearly 11 in the morning. So it's probably going to take him a bit longer to turn into an adult, but I don't mind too much. He's cute the way he is. He hasn't called for training yet this morning (or if he did, I missed it. I keep my tamas muted a lot because my family gets annoyed), but his training bar is currently 8/9 so I'm just waiting on one more call for attention to fill up his bar.

And since I seem to like taking pictures of sleeping tamas, here's Noel sleeping:

Ilse turned twelve last night. Tamas really do grow up fast, don't they? I've been connecting her with Noel so that she can have a friend in her old age. As far as I know, oldies can only marry other oldies, so there isn't really a risk of accidental marriage happening. I've heard about the teen marriage glitch on the V4/4.5, but as far as I know, V2s and 3s don't have that glitch, so I think they're safe. They seem to get along pretty well.

Ilse has also been having lots of fun using her items. I think they keep her feeling youthful! Here she is trying on the wig:

Showing her musical side by playing the drums:
Keeping fit by running in her new shoes! She's so fast my camera can't quite capture her!
Looking quite stylish in her new shades:
And finally, taking it easy by sitting back and watching some TV:
So yeah, Ilse's still doing fantastic in her old age. I'm being very diligent with the way I'm caring for her, and if I keep it up, she'll hopefully be here for a LONG time. I heard that oldies die after accumulating a certain amount of care misses, and so far, Ilse has none.


I do wish there were more items teens could use - I feel like I'm always posting pictures here of Ilse using her items but never of Noel. That's because the only items I have that he can use in this stage currently are the bear and the ball, and he doesn't like the bear (pretty sure only girls can enjoy it). I did snap a few of him using the ball, so you'll see those below. Anyway, Noel should be turning into an adult later today. Like I said, his evolution time got messed up when his battery died, so I don't think he'll evolve until tonight when I'm at work. I have had it happen early before though, so I'll just be keeping an eye on him.

Noel's father Nick mated with a second-bottom tier adult, so I'm expecting Noel to become a second-bottom tier adult as well. That seems to be how the V2 works, even though I've given him good care. His training bar is filled up all the way and I responded to the calls he gave even after his bar was full. On any other tama, I'd probably end up getting a perfect care adult, but in this case, it seems unlikely. The V2 is weird but I love it anyway.

Ilse is officially a teenager - she turned thirteen last night. The shop had some good items in stock, so I bought her some more things to keep her feeling young again.

Ilse really enjoys zooming around in her new roller skates!
Keeping fit in her old age by lifting weights!
Remembering her inner child by using building blocks!
UPDATE: 12:00 PM

I'm going to just come back in and edit this post rather than make a new one since it really is just an extension of what I wrote earlier. As I suspected, Noel evolved earlier than I thought. And there's a plot twist - he's not a bad care adult. He's a... TORATCHI! A second-tier (good care) adult that I've never had before! Yes, it took me six generations to get an adult I've never had before, but I finally did it and he's super adorable!

(That's actually one of the reasons I like the V2 so much. All of the super adorable V2-exclusive characters like this one...)


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Oh my gosh, Toratchi looks absolutely adorable! :D I don't have a V2, sadly. It surprises me how many characters there are on that version! I either want a V2 or a V3. Hopefully I'll get one soon. Can't wait to see how Ilse turns out. :) I'm definitely following this blog!

Thank you!! This is actually my first time running a V2 since about 2006-ish (I lost my childhood one in the snow and they weren't selling them anymore at that point, so I never got another one), so I'm having a lot of fun discovering all of the different characters that are on it. Toratchi is quickly becoming one of my faves!

I had to work this morning, so Noel and Ilse accompanied me. I'm going to be working a lot more hours now as we approach the Christmas season, but I don't find it that hard to care for my tamas while I'm there, so I just bring them with me. They aren't that demanding, especially when they're adults. Before I left, I snapped a few of Noel's cute animations. Here he is brushing his teeth:

I also caught him with the Christmas tree! Oddly enough, Ilse doesn't seem to get the Christmas animations anymore now that she's an oldie. That's too bad, I would have liked to see that.
We also found a skateboard in the shop! I think it's safe to say Noel likes it:
There's not a ton to update on Ilse except that she turned fourteen last night. Oldies don't really do much, but I still enjoy keeping her around and logging about her, so it's safe to say she'll still be making daily appearances here even if her life isn't too eventful. She's a bit pudgy right now (40 lbs as I write this. I have an obsession with keeping my tamas at their minimum weight) since I usually don't have time to play games with her at work, so I just stuff her with snacks. But other than that, she's doing great!

Here she is looking quite snazzy in her bow!

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Noel will be turning six later this evening, which means he'll be getting his first matchmaker visit tomorrow. Unfortunately, I'm also working a 9 hour shift tomorrow so I'm probably going to decline it. What I was going to do was pull the little trick of changing the time so that I can have the matchmaker bring different mates, just in case the one she brings isn't up to par. I want Noel to marry another second tier character, at least.

I captured Noel's close-up animation, which is adorable. I made a gif of it, although the speed is probably off, because by the time I made the gif, he'd already stopped doing the animation. Here it is anyway:

Love him! I'm going to miss him when I marry him off, but I have to keep the generations going. It's weird how I end up getting attached to these things so easily.

Ilse is still around - she turned fifteen last night! I don't normally keep Connections around very long, so I believe Ilse is the oldest one I've had. Most of the ones I ran in 2006-07 I didn't record though, so I don't have any way of knowing. Anyway, here she is with the genie lamp:

Apparently, it didn't yield good results. Poor Ilse.

This is what always seems to happen. I had every intention to update this log yesterday, but by the time I finished work at 8:30, I also had to go out and do a couple things, so I didn't get home until around 10:30pm and by then I was pretty tired. It was a busy day, and I can't say that Noel and Ilse got much attention throughout, but they still managed.

I spent a great portion of my break yesterday tinkering with Noel's clock to trick the matchmaker into coming. I wrote down all the mates she brought; they went as followed: Whaletchi, Whaletchi, Zuccitchi, Kiwitchi, Wooltchi, Gozarutchi, Hanatchi, Kaerutchi, Hanatchi. What all those mates have in common is that they're adults from the bottom two tiers. I couldn't get her to bring anything higher, and it was getting pretty tiresome, so I ended up going ahead and saying yes to that last Hanatchi she brought. Here's a little chart thing I made, which I might start doing from now on since they're good for my own reference:

And guess what? Noel's baby is a GIRL! As I've said before, I never seem to get girls on my V2, so I'm pretty excited. I think I'm going to call her Amber, since I like the name and I think it makes a good tama name. I wish I'd gotten pictures of the actual matchmaker process, but I was sharing the break room with three other coworkers, so I didn't. Here's a few pictures I took after the fact:

They're so cute when they sleep! Here they are sleeping, with the light off:
Ilse is seventeen today, and her aging time yet again is messed up. My V3 is SO WEIRD - Ilse ages exactly an hour later each day, right down to the second. Yes, I'm so much of a nerd that I actually have been observing to figure that out. It's always at the 21st minute of the hour, at the 24th second. I thought it was weird when I woke up this morning at around 7:45 and she was still sixteen. But sure enough, at 8:21:24, she turned seventeen. We must also remember that I have never consciously paused my V3 or changed the time, yet Ilse has now lost about 17 hours this way. It's either a really weird glitch or V3s are just made weird, but I'm gonna go with the first one.

I may end up connecting her to Noel and then doing a reset and download to see if that does anything. As far as I've read, connecting with another tama does create a save point, so at worst, she'd only lose a few minutes. I suppose it's worth a try.

(Yes, she's fat again. We'll work off the weight later.)
Oh yeah, and this part isn't tama-related, but I'm so happy because it's been snowing since last night and when I woke up, the ground was white!! As of right now, it's still snowing, and I think we're expected to get 15-30cm of it. Yay!


Yay! :D Over here, we don't get snow. Only on mountains like Mt. Bulla and stuff! It's also because of the fact that Australia's in the southern hemisphere, which makes December to Feburary the season of Summer! XD Oh boy, Ilse is surviving for quite a long time! Let's hope she'll find the perfect match in the future.

And don't worry, take your time with updating. I'm always excited to see what's new! :)

It's pretty crazy actually - it's been snowing for over 24 hours straight and everything is basically buried in snow by this point. I guess that's what happens when you live in Canada!

Ilse is actually my attempt at a long-lived oldie, so I'm not sure I'll ever end up mating her. I'm just seeing how long i can keep her around since I'm usually pretty quick to marry my tamas off. I'm debating starting up another tama for my V2 to mate with though - maybe my V4.5, or when the Plus I ordered gets here, I might just do that. Nothing against the matchmaker but it's fun to marry two of my own tamas sometimes.

Actually, I reset and downloaded my V3 earlier like I said I was going to do since it had a really weird aging glitch, but it ended up going back to when Ilse was 16. So she actually stayed 16 for an extra day - now she's asleep and will probably wake up 17 or turn 17 some time tomorrow. So she lost a day and I'm not sure if the problem is fixed but I guess I'll find out, haha. Noel is leaving tonight so I get to start caring for his daughter tomorrow. That should be fun.


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Noel made his final departure last night, and for once I actually stayed up to watch it, something I haven't done since generation 2 or so. I attempted to make a gif of him as he floated off the screen as well; as usual, the speed is probably off because I make the gifs after the fact and I didn't have the original animation to use as a reference.

And so begins the seventh generation on my Tamagotchi Connection V2. My previous recorded record that I could find (a series of really terrible logs I wrote back in 2006 when i was like 9, on an old forum that's now inactive but still online) was six generations, so from here I suppose I'm just going to see how far I can go. I find the V2 quite interesting, so I really don't mind running it long-term.

Anyway, Amber the Shiropetitchi officially began her life this morning at 9:45AM. She actually would have woken up at 9, but I overslept. The first hour of her life was quite typical. I tried to take the best care I could of her, and as far as I know, I didn't miss anything. I'm not sure if the care you give your tama as a baby actually affects anything, but it might.

At 10:15AM, 30 minutes after being born/named, Amber's new independent life apparently tired her out, and it was time for a nap. It was quite the power nap, as not even ten minutes later, she was back and bouncing around. She made her first call for praise at 10:25AM, 20 minutes before she was due to change into a toddler. This, naturally, brought her training bar up to 1/9.

She finally changed at 10:45AM, and here's the weird part: she's a Marutchi! I'm a bit baffled, since Marutchi is only supposed to appear on the V2 if the baby's parent had less than 50% training. But as my previous log entries said, Noel's training was 100%. I took pretty good, if not perfect, care of Amber while she was in the infant stage. So I should have gotten either Kinakomotchi or Kuribotchi, as I always do whenever the parent is fully trained. I'm not sure why it turned out differently this time around.

Either way, I just have to accept her as she is. The toddler/child stage only lasts a day anyway so there's no point in complaining. I'm still trying to go on the perfect care route, and I'm hoping I can get a teen character that isn't UFOtchi for once. I like UFOtchi, but I keep getting her as a teen every time I get to an odd generation. I'd like to try for something different this time around - maybe Ringotchi or Young Mametchi (who I have had, but not since generation one). Amber's first call for discipline/time out as a toddler came at around 11:43AM. V2s call for training every three hours (I believe all the Connections do, but I may be wrong), so I knew the next would come at 2:43PM, and sure enough, it did. Amber's training bar is now up to 3/9, and her next call should be around 5:43PM.

As I said yesterday, Ilse's age got a little bit delayed yesterday when i reset my V3, so although she should have turned eighteen today, she's still seventeen. I don't know whether her age is still glitched but she did age on time this morning so that's a good sign. I've been connecting her to Amber so that she can have a new friend - this is my third V2 generation now that she's lived through. Other than that, she's doing very well. She's not needy at all, so I guess the idea that Connections don't die of old age is true. I love keeping her around because she's so laid back. She drops hearts maybe every few hours, but other than that she doesn't need much. This is a great thing when I'm at work.

We decided to give the treasure chest a try, and what did it yield? A gift! Unfortunately, Ilse already has a wig, and I don't have another V3 to gift it to, so I guess she has two now! Haha.

I feel like this was a really long rambling entry, so I'm gonna end it here. That's everything that's new with my tamas, so bye for now!


Ahh this log is so awesome!!! Deserves 5 stars for sure.

I'm gonna miss Noel. Gee, the V2 has such good characters. I think I'm gonna buy one soon. ;)

Off topic, but how did you get those cool gifs in your log? And your prof. pic?

The gifs of my tamas I usually make by taking pictures of each frame and then animating them (for the one of Noel leaving, I was basically hitting the shutter button like a madwoman). My avatar I actually found in a really old file of mine - no idea where I originally got it from but it's kinda cute.

I'm not 100% sure where to begin this log entry, and it might end up becoming quite long, so bear with me. I had a lot of pictures, but I cut it down to ten so that I could fit everything in one post.

I am not totally sure if I ever mentioned it in this log, but in the "Any tamas you waiting for?" thread, I mentioned that I'd ordered a Plus from a Japanese seller on ebay for the pretty decent price of $19. And well, I seriously cannot believe how fast it shipped. It arrived yesterday but I didn't go to the post office to pick it up until a few hours ago. I ordered it on the 5th, but it didn't ship out until the 8th - that's only four days it took to get from Japan to here. My American V3 took over two weeks, and for at least four days of that, it was stuck in customs. So I must say I'm very impressed.

The tama itself is a bit scratched, but it's in full working order. I don't really mind a few scratches as long as the tama still works (it might be hard to tell from the pics in this log, but my V2's screen is REALLY scratched, but it works fine so I don't really complain). I brought it home and hatched it at around 2:45PM. I had to reset a few times to get a boy, since I want to be able to have a mate for Amber, my female V2.

I finally got a boy at around 2:55PM, and named him Jin. I have to say, I really do like the shell of this tama. It's simple, but it's cute. Plus it's my favourite shade of blue (I compared it to my V3 and the shade is VERY similar).

The hour-long baby stage was basically typical of a tama, but there's a couple little quirks I noticed. First of all, you can catch your tama before it poops and put it on the toilet. I've never had an english V1 so I don't know how it is on there, but I know on the other english Connections I have, you can't do that until they're at least a toddler. It's pretty cool, plus little Jin never really lost any happy hearts while in this baby stage because I always caught him on time!

Second of all, you can't connect to other tamas while in the baby stage. Again, I don't own an english V1 so I don't know how it is on there, but on the V2 and V3, you can connect while in the baby stage - I do it quite often.

Thirdly, instead of remaining 0 years old for 24 hours, Jin turned 1 year old directly after waking up from his nap, like most of the vintages do.

At around 3:50PM (I wasn't really keeping track, but it was probably somewhere around there), Jin turned into a Marutchi. This obviously isn't surprising, as that's the only toddler you can get on the first generation. This is also when I was able to start connecting him with Amber. So far, I've connected them about 10 times. Amber shows two smiley faces for Jin in her friend list. The Japanese tamas don't show any smiley faces, but I was able to decipher that he too is on the second friendship level with Amber.

(Because my Plus and V3 are almost exactly the same colour, and I like to colour code my text according to which tama I am writing about, I'm going to write about the Plus using this darker blue text. My V3 I will write about using the lighter blue one I've been using all along)

Speaking of Amber, I suppose there's some new things in her world too. First of all, I totally forgot that I actually have a character that can play with the bear now, so I tried it out last night with Amber. It was really cute. She got super happy and then almost looked as though she was talking to it:

Then, when she went to sleep, I noticed she was sleeping with the bear near her!

Second of all, Amber reached her teen stage this morning, and this is where I'm once again baffled. She's a Nikatchi! I somehow got a bad care teen out of taking perfect care. I never actually missed anything with Amber - her hearts were always kept full and her training bar was at 5/9 when she evolved. Odd. I'm actually not unhappy with the result though! I've never had a Nikatchi before, I just wasn't really expecting to get one. I find her really cute with her little cheeky grin.

The only problem is that, as far as I know from some V2 growth charts I've seen (there's a thread on Tama Zone about this and I might come back in here and link it if I can find it again), the amount of adults that can come from Nikatchi is more limited than the rest of the teens. The only two good care characters that can come from it are Mametchi and Kuchipatchi. The rest are average-to-bad care adults. I really don't know which one I'll end up getting, and I guess I'm not really trying for anything specific. I like being surprised, so let's see how this goes.

Last but not least, I haven't forgotten about my V3, Ilse. I certainly couldn't forget about her as I've grown rather attached to her by this point. She's eighteen this morning, although she's actually been living for twenty days - I looked back at the earlier posts in this log and I did indeed hatch her on November 23rd. She lost a day when I had to reset and download her because her age counter randomly got glitched. And guess what? She actually aged on time this morning yet again, so I'd say my problem's solved.

I'm continuing to remain diligent in the way that I care for her. The worst that happened was her dropping two hungry hearts yesterday when I overslept. Other than that, she's never gotten sick or had her hearts drop completely. So I hope that means she'll be sticking around for a long time!


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This log entry here is actually for yesterday, the 14th. I kept track of everything but was too busy to post. The log entry for today will likely be posted later this afternoon or in the evening.

Amber is two years old and still as cute as ever. I have to admit, Nikatchi is REALLY growing on me. She's so cute! I'd actually purposely neglect my tama just to get her again because I'm loving her so much. I think it's the grin. Here she is taking an evening bath:

Another awesome thing: the UFO finally appeared in Amber's shop and she had enough points to buy it! I'm pretty excited now for her to become an adult so she can use it. The throne appeared in her shop later in the evening as well but by that point I'd spent all her points on the UFO and wasn't even close to being able to afford it. Hopefully it'll appear again in the future.

Amber accompanied me to work tonight, but it was a really busy night and I ended up forgetting about her for like... 3 hours I think. Surprisingly, all of her hunger hearts stayed full, but she dropped like three happy hearts. Then it got busy again and I forgot about her again, and she went to bed with one happy heart empty. I'm also positive she should have been calling for either discipline or praise at around 6:45PM, which I also missed. So... I've probably now secured that I won't get Mametchi. Oops.

Amber is also getting along very well with Jin, my Plus. They're on the fourth level of friendship currently - I'm not sure if they can get to the fifth level as teens or if that only happens while they're adults. Either way, they make a really cute couple.

Speaking of Jin, he evolved again! Predictably, he's now an Ichigotchi - although there wasn't much of an element of surprise there (Ichigotchi almost always appears in the first gen, unless you take like really horrible care, then you MIGHT get Hinotamatchi), Ichigotchi is one of my favourite teen characters, so I'm very pleased!

And since I have a random obsession with taking photos of sleeping tamas, here's Jin, asleep:
Isn't he cute? He now has a ball in his items, which was a generous gift from Amber. She actually gave him two. I'll have to get some photos of him playing with it because it's really cute. I'll also have to get some photos of Jin and Amber connecting. Stay tuned!

Ilse also accompanied me to work, although she surprisingly fared quite well, even when I couldn't pay attention to her. She's nineteen now - the same age as me! They grow up so fast, don't they. As usual, she's actually been living for 21 days, but her age counter reads 19. She's still very healthy and her hearts are dropping very slow as always.

We also found the RC car in her shop, and played around with that for a bit. Ilse kept flipping it, which didn't amuse her.

Other than some of the big items like the UFO and the throne, and stuff I can't get like the royal costume, I've got most of the V3 items now. It's pretty fun and it seems like all the different items keep Ilse feeling youthful even in her old age!


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~This log entry here is for today, the 15th.~
Little Amber is three years old and still a sweet Nikatchi. She should be turning into an adult tomorrow, and for once I don't have one clue as to what she might become. I'll admit that I've slacked on her care a bit. If it's busy at work, I can't really help it. I'm certainly not deliberately neglecting her though. Her hearts have never emptied completely, and although I've missed some discipline calls, her training bar is still full. So it seems pretty certain that she won't become a bottom-tier adult because I haven't neglected her that bad. It seems unlikely she'll become something from the top-tier, like Mametchi, as well. She'll probably end up becoming something in the middle, but we'll have to wait and see.

Here she is having a visit with Jin, her future partner:

Amber has also rekindled her love for her bear. She still sleeps with it near her:

I'm definitely going to miss Amber's teen form when she evolves. Yeah, I know Nikatchi is considered a "bad" teen, but I really like her. She's becoming one of my faves for sure!

Jin is the one tama of mine that doesn't accompany me to work. I don't think I could work and care for three tamas at the same time, so I leave him on the clock set screen. The Plus ages in a very similar way to the vintages, so this doesn't actually affect the way he ages, since it happens as soon as he wakes up and not necessarily after 24 hours. This is why he and Amber are both three years old, even though Amber was born a day/year before him.

Here he is playing with his ball, which was a gift from Amber:

I'm pretty sure he'll be reaching his adult form on Saturday. Not sure what he's going to become but I haven't slacked on his care as much as I have with Amber.

Last but not least, Ilse is still alive and kickin' at the age of twenty:

I'm not doing a very good job of keeping her weight down (I never have time to play games with her so I just stuff her with snacks xD), but other than that she's doing great! Better than any twenty year old tama I've ever had. By this point I'm growing quite attached to her. I don't think I've ever been this attached to one of my Connections because I usually marry them off by the age of eight. But Ilse is different. I've gotten so used to caring for her and having her company at work that I can't really imagine it any different at the moment.

Here she is with the cuckoo clock that she's actually had since she was a baby and never used:


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Guess what? My sweet Amber is no longer a Nikatchi, and once again I have gotten an adult I never expected to get. She's a Pochitchi!!! I'm really really really happy right now because I've never had Pochitchi on the V2, but I've had him on the P2 before and he's one of my faves on there. Yay! After she evolved I pretty much did a little photoshoot with her to get pictures of her different animations:

Amber the Pochitchi
Amber looking very pretty in her bow.
Amber showing her musical side by playing the trumpet.
Merry Christmas, Amber!
I'm just waiting on Jin, her future partner, to change now. I'm probably going to wait a few days to mate them though. Amber's so cute and I'm not sure I want to marry her off right away. I might keep them a little longer.

Speaking of Jin, he doesn't do too much, but I did catch him in the bath last night:

He should be changing tomorrow, since he's a day behind Amber. I'm excited to see what he'll become - no matter what he ends up becoming, he and Amber will be a super adorable couple!

Ilse is twenty one now, which means she can now drink legally anywhere in the world, but I can't see that happening any time soon. Heh. Here she is looking all studious while she writes:

I actually don't know what she drew because she didn't show me. Not sure if oldies actually draw anything but at least she looked smart.


First of all, happy one month log-iversary to this thread. Hard to believe it's already been a month since I started it. Second of all, we're currently going through a bit of a nightmare with my cat, so I've been out of the loop for a couple of days, and as a result this long will be quite short and not too picture filled. The vet isn't open today so I have to keep a REALLY close eye on him until tomorrow.

Amber is still the same. She's been accompanying me to work and I've been trying my best to care for her; other than her weight getting a bit high, I've been managing quite well. She's six years old and I should hopefully be marrying her to Jin very shortly. Here's a picture of her sleeping:

I also made this little chart:
Which now brings me to Jin. He finally became an adult at the age of six - all that pausing kind of took a toll on him. He spent the entire day paused yesterday which is why his evolution didn't happen when it should have. But as you might have guessed from that chart, Jin is now a Tarakotchi, which I'm actually happy with. I love Tarakotchi, but the problem on the P1 is that he's one of the unhealthiest characters so I never got to keep him that long. I'm pretty sure Tarakotchi is an average care adult on the Plus, which I'm not too surprised with. The care I gave Jin was less than stellar, that's for sure.

He's so cute! He and Amber are now on the sixth friendship level (four hearts - partner/lover), so I should be able to marry them... tomorrow maybe? I don't really know but it should be within a few days.

I don't have any pictures of Ilse to include here this time around but she's doing fine. She's twenty three but she's been living for twenty five days. I accidentally forgot to turn her light out last night, which I believe counts as a care miss. I know now not to forget again. Other than that, she's still doing well. She hasn't gotten sick or anything.


Things took a turn for the worse and my cat died a few hours after that last post. I'm still devastated which is why I haven't been as active on here as I previously was. I'm also pretty worried about my other cat and I don't want him to fall into a depression or anything like that (he's 11 years old) so I've been spending a LOT of time with him these past few days. I've just needed some time to work things out and I still do, but I have really enjoyed doing this log which is why I'm updating it now.

Basically, other than Ilse (the oldie I've currently got running on my V3), I haven't been giving my tamas much more than the bare-minimum of care for the past few days. I probably should have paused them, but I wanted to keep them going. I was finally able to mate Amber and Jin last night at around 8-ish. I'd been connecting them constantly throughout the day but couldn't get it to work. Anyway, they had two baby boys. I haven't decided on names yet, and in fact my Plus will be going on pause for a bit because I joined the Christmas group hatch here, for which I'd like to start my V4.5 back up.

Anyway, though I didn't get pictures of the entire mating process, here's Amber with the two babies:

And here is Amber afterwards with her son:
I also snapped a pic this morning of Amber brushing her teeth. Cute!
Here's Jin with his son:
Ilse is now twenty four, although she'll be twenty five in about an hour or so. She got paused for like three hours in my pocket at work without me noticing, so her growth is delayed. I've now been keeping her in the breast pocket of my shirt as she's less likely to get bumped around that way. So far I haven't seen her getting accidentally paused as much.

So yeah, I realize the last few entries of this log haven't been that detailed. Don't worry, I'll be back with it in full force eventually, I just need some time to figure everything out.


Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I'm a big cat person, and I've gone through a lot of cats before, each one as sad as the last. One ran away, and another caught a disease and had to be put to sleep... Getting over it will be tough, but I'm sure you'll make even more happy memories with your other cat. :) I don't care how long it takes you to update, as long as you're fine enough to continue after. ^_^

@Tamacass thank you! Yeah, getting over it is tough, and it certainly hasn't been an ideal thing to have happen right before Christmas, but I'm definitely doing better today than I was a few days ago. The fact that I have another cat has been helping a lot since he kinda helps to comfort me. I'm mostly worried about him getting lonely but we've been talking about possibly getting another kitten in a few months as a companion for him. We can't replace the one that we lost, but it might help to fill the void a bit.

I've actually been more on track with my tamas; I'm once again in the right mood to care for them. As I said yesterday, Amber and Jin married and had two baby boys. Well, last night, they left their babies in my care (I didn't stay up to get pictures this time). Amber's baby's name is Blair and Jin's baby's name is Rai (this one was at my sister's request). Blair begins the eighth generation on my Tamagotchi Connection V2 (been running it non stop since October! Longest I've ever run a single tama without a break). Rai begins the second generation on my Tamagotchi Plus.

As always, they were very needy in the baby stage, and caring for two baby tamas at once wasn't super fun, but I managed to take pretty decent care of them. After an hour, Rai evolved into Kinakomotchi. Blair followed a minute later; he evolved into the same. Twins!

I'm pretty glad I got Kinakomotchi on the Plus because now I can try for Young Mimitchi as a teen. It would be pretty funny if both my tamas become Young Mimitchi, but they probably won't.

Ilse is still the same, and going strong as usual. She'll be twenty six later today. Friday actually marks a month since I hatched her, but as usual, her age counter is off because she keeps accidentally getting paused even though I try to avoid pausing. Oops. I actually maxed out her points today:

So now if that UFO ever appears in the shop, I'll be all set. (Which reminds me, I have the UFO on my V2 but totally forgot about it, so as a result, Amber never actually used it. Oops again.)

