Role Models


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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2006
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I was watching a short video on youtube recently, about someone who I want to make MY role model, and then it hit me: there are so many people in our lives, every day, that become like beacons of light in our lives, that inspire us. And I know that I really want to be able to share that with people, and have other people share their role models with the rest of us.

So, the video I was watching was a small video about Mother Teresa. It's impossible to describe how difficult it feels, for me personally, to think that she could give up everything she owned, to help the poor, the neglected, the sick, the dying. No matter who they were, she treated them with the utmost dignity and kindness, and they were all her brothers and sisters.

If I could be half of the woman she was, in the tiniest ways, to big ways, I would be grateful. She is a symbol of peace, and charity, and hope for all.

Another role model of mine is my mother. She is one of the kindest women I know, and she goes out of her way to help me and the rest of my family. Her unconditional love is astounding, and even in the toughest situations, I can tell that she truly cares about me. If ever I become a mother, and even in my daily life now, I wish I could be more like her, despite all of my screw-ups.

This topic is so cute n_n

I'd have to say my main role models are all the obvious people - my parents, Jesus, etc. But there are also a few people in my life who I just completely adore and wish I could be more like, and they're all my best friends. Now that I think about it, I'm actually super close to my role models in life, rather than aspiring to be like a successful celebrity. [Taylor Swift is sort of an exception, though. I love her!] Names don't really matter here, because none of you guys know them [xD] but they're called Emma, Kendra and Mia.

I don't know if I'd call them definite 'role models', because that's a little bit awkward to say about your besties, but they're all amazing, funny and beautiful so I do wish I could be more like them. And because we're close, I know their flaws and imperfections, so it's much more real than any celebrity would be. :)

Mom, obviously. I mean, there are some aspects of her that I don't like, but some that I love. And I want those good things to become a part of me.

Then there's my director. Good god, she's amazing. I'm going to miss her next year. We all look up to her so much. Everyone respects her, but they also love her. I mean, yeah, she's insanely strict, but she does it so we can learn--and it's obvious that's why she is so strict with us. She teaches us so much--not just about theatre (because much of my knowledge is thanks to her) but also about life in general. She kind of sheds this new way of thinking on things. She's so creative. Her concept for our current show--I could never come up with it. It's an awesome concept.

And then there's her belief in me, in all if us. I swear, I never thought I could have stage managed a show or assistant directed two others. Yeah? But I did. And it's scary how she sees potential in everybody.

Erin. She's a grade above me. I met her because of theatre. She's always nice. So dedicated. Very smart, though she lacks common sense. Confident.

I am already sooo much like her according to other people. And that makes me happy!

[SIZE=7pt]To me, a role model is somebody who both positively and negatively influences someone. If my role model died, I would die too. Sorry, a bit random, but he means so much to me.[/SIZE]

And no, I'm not telling who he is. You can guess. He influences me both musically, personally, and... with my body image. Oh yes, body image. Tragic. He's tall and skinny, I'm short and normal.

He's taught me so much over the time I've 'known' him... Like, what to do and what not to, how to handle things... I guess without him I'd be a mess.

And that's why he means so much to me. <3

Bradie Webb is most definitely my biggest role model.

He influences me in almost every aspect of life. I love him with my whole heart.

But then there's also my family and friends and I look up to them so much too.

I haven't thought about role models much whatsoever. But nice topic ideaaa. :)

Jesus Christ.

The end.

Oh, but Christofer Drew Ingle inspires me too.

You don't even know :)

And my friends. They have a band.

They are so musically inspiring. I love them <3

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I'm Roman Catholic, so naturally I look up to religious figures.

However, as far as actual people in my life go, my daddy is my role model. He's the most amazing person I know. He has sacrificed so much for me and my mom in his life and he pushes me to be the best that I can. There's so much more, but I won't go into to much detail. Yeah. <3

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My parents are true inspirations in my life. Not because they're perfect, because so many of the mistakes they've made have proven to be beneficial to me.

They always tell me to follow my dreams, chase and fight for what I want. A lot of parents try to keep their kids from risking to succeed, to be totally academic and keep their feet firmly on the ground. I'm incredibly privileged to be gifted in creative and academic studies, but if I only lived for my music and theatre, I know they'd tell me to go for it.

They've always treated me with the upmost respect, and they talk to me as a young adult, and I know along that this is why I'm mature and honest with myself and other people.

My mother is the hardest worker in the world, I know it. She's given everything 1000%, every day of her working and school life, I only wish she'd seen sooner it wadn't doing her health good. She'e finally quit her job, and I'm so proud of her for having the guts to do it.

My father is a fighter. He has Parkinson's disease, and yet he's never let it bring him down. He's still as lively, hysterically funny and wonderful as he always was before he was diagnosed.

Most importantly, they both love and support me unconditionally, and I know they'll continue to do that. They always say they're so proud of me, little do they know how proud of them I am, too, and how much I love them.

The Careys have been inspirational people to me. Alison, my piano teacher taught me more, made me laugh and smile more, and love what I was doing more than I had in five years of piano lessons prior to her tutoring. I'm sad she had to leave, but I know she'll be back soon. I see her as a true friend rather than just a piano teacher, and I am eternally grateful to her for making me rediscover myself as a person and as a musician. Her husband, Liam, my music teacher and band director is hard to please. But he's an incredibly talented man who works for hours in his spare time to support everyone involved in anything musical at school-- band, orchestra, jazz band, choir, private lessons, GCSE and A Level students such as myself, concerts and the school musical cast. He has no free lunchtimes, and is always there to help. I know I've done well when he's happy with me.

Two other people on my role models list.

My theater director. She's the one who's pushed me to go out of my comfort zone, and has made me a better actress for it. She encouraged me to dream big, and she tells me not to underestimate myself. She is so understanding, and helpful, and she's an awesome director. I mean, she's pregnant, and she's going to be directing our musical this spring. That takes commitment, not to mention that she has another child at home, plus she teaches French, and takes classes at night. Seriously, I don't know how she does it all. Today, she helped our drama club expand our college views by bringing some people from a nearby college. She gives us so much, and I almost feel like I can't give enough in return to let her know how much I appreciate all that she's done for me. Next year is going to be hard, working on college shows, and not getting to work with her.

And then there's one of my choir teachers. He's hilarious, and smart, and an all-around nice man. He goes out on a limb to make sure the advanced choir (AKA Singers) gets to go to awesome places, like NYC, and he makes sure we can audition for allstate, and have great concerts. Besides that, he teaches piano, teaches four extra curricular audition choirs, he used to be our music director for the musical, he's the sponsor for Tri-M (a music performance honors group), and he has two children, one of which has down syndrome. He wants us to excel, he strives for the best. He takes us students, like misshapen pearls, and polishes us and makes us shine. He's helping me with audition pieces, and he gives so much time and effort.

I really hope, that if ever I try to teach people about music and theater, that I can do half as good a job as they have. They've become like family members to me, and they've helped me to become a better singer, actress, and, in general, a better person.

My mum (I'd say parents but I really don't want to turn out like my dad), since she's put with a lot of tough stuff in her life and she still stays strong and is also a great parents and isn't all over protective and doesn't try to the hide the truth from me; she just tells me what's going on and answers any question I ask.

And... probably a lot of my friends online since a lot of them seem like good people and I could put a bit more effort into being a good person at times. xP My friends I know in real life aren't really good people, so yeah...

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