Rtt's Tamas,


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Freaky or what:

I woke up this morning to find my tama standing next to a statue type thing with something that looks very much like ichigotchi on it! Maybe a celebration for the end of february?


On saturday, I am buying another entama, It will be silver or dark blue.

Not much has happened today, I connected to tamatow I few times and raised my points a fair bit.

I bought 4 style potions becuase I want my tama to get a good job.

My tama should evolve tommorow at least.

My tama shoud evolve any day now.. I'm hoping for mimitchi or one of the other characters (duh)

I have had it on pause becuase I had to go and buy Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit- On DVD!!!!!

I ordered the entama today! Estimated devilery march the 9th <_< It is Orange and Pink :p

Today My tama evolved into: Maidotchi!

The entama has been sent.. Just on the day yesasia got nice new colors.

there has been new entama colors in japan today.. There is one with bees on it o_O

Entama shipped 3 hours after placing order o_O

Before my Orange Entama evolved it was: Kuchipatchi kid, Forgot, and Young kuchipatchi.. I just knew I would get kuchipatchi.. I wonder why :blink:

Today I bought my v3, It is white with cow prints. At the moment it is

I havent even been able to win one round of Bump yet.. XD.

My Orange En-tama got a job today (Cook) and the matchmaker came, I accepted and It has a baby girl.. Again.

I decided to start running one of my v.2s which didnt have a working battery, which I replaced.

*-:+Update soon+:-*

Well, yesterday I decided to paint my v1 a nice gold color, looks really good now, I shall get pictures soon.

I started running my Angelgotchi and I paused the rest of my tamas, My Angel is now Maruten!


I paused my Angelgotchi again and decided to sell my En-tama, One member jumped at the chance and now I might be selling my MujiMuji Orange En-tama!

My MujiMuji Entama evolved into Yattatchi after waiting 8 days for it to evolve.

Yesterday I installed the En-tama cheating thingy, It allows you to pick what items you want! (Only Freebies, If you pick other items, you have to pay)

My Christmas En-tama had a Baby! The ? baby. It should leave tonight.. Or I could Fast-Forward it.

I paused both of my v3s becuase They got rather annoying..

Update later today!

P.s comments are welcome, If you have any questions, feel free to post here. But Don't spam!

My MujiMuji Orange En-tama mated with the character behind the veil! And I got the Question mark baby!

If you have yahoo! Or Msn! I can send you the cheats, Only if you have an ENTAMA

Whoa, I haven't updated in a while, Nothing really has happened.. My ange became Oyajitchi (With wings) and I bought an Ocean last night, Does anyone know how long Jason takes to send tamas? *Guides, Please don't remove posts made by other members here*

*^-_ Now focusing on OLD tamas!

My Angel is doing fine, I replaced the batteries again. I felt like I had a lack of the Old tamas, So I bought an Ocean. I was going to buy a Mesu/Osu pair, But I couldnt since my Father was out..

Well, Thats all for now

My Ocean should come tommorow, Or ThursDay. But I wont be online much this week to update my Log 'o' Joy, Since I am Doing "Anything goes" at my School:

I am:

A chinese Convert, Who's a compulsive drinker. And gets knocked out later in the performance.. With one of those Sugar bottles :D

times 6:00 ---> 9:30!!

Anyway, Jiro and I have opened a Website about Morinos and other tamas, It's great!


The link.. Is in.. My...siggy :D

Nothing has happened to my Angelgotchi, I am just preparing to get an adult on my ocean :D , I'll just keep feeding it all the time...

Thats all 'olks!

I made an Angelgotchi Guide,

ALL tamas have ran out of batteries, Except for Oceangotchi and Angelgotchi

My old Oceangotchi Died.. Age: 4 Stage: Jellyfish

At the moment, It is the Jellyfish on it's second attempt.

Whoa! I forgot the log.

I am running my Ocean again, it's a baby.

I oredered a Yellow Uratama! It should come on Saturday! I'm so excited.
