Rumor at school


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Jul 15, 2007
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New York
Well, there is a rumor going around my grade about me, and everyone talks about it. It's made me super paranoid, and has ruined a friendship, plus my reputation (not a big concern, but still.)

In the beginning of the year, I had a blue spiral notebook that was originally going to be for orchestra. Since I found I didn't need it, I started to draw in it. My style of drawings consist of me making a manikin without eyes, and nose and cloths and such. I had lost this notebook, and someone handed it in to the teacher, who gave ti to me. I was grateful considering I don't show my doodles and sketches to most people. Keep in mind that this had happened about 3 months ago.

Tuesday night, I get a text from one of my best friends asking me if I had a book filled with pictures of naked people. I said of course not, thinking that was weird but moved on knowing it was just another one of my friends silly jokes. I walk into gym (1st period class) on Wednesday, and a kid I know has been a jerk to me and my friends walks up to me and says "DO you like to draw?" I said yes because I do and moved on. Then I heard the rumor-THAT I DRAW PICTURES OF NAKED PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! I ran out crying, an went to the counseling center.


What should I do?

Oh, thats bad! Hmm... maybe if you show your friends the pictures so they can see they're not naked people.. and stuff.. what's wrong with drawing naked people anywa? It's called art! MY mum does life drawing, it's art! So there.

There's not much that you really can do, but know that it will pass. All my experience with rumors show that after a week or two, people get bored and move on to something bigger and better. Soon your little 'scandel' will be forgetton.

In the meantime, just try not to worry about it. Easier said than done, right?

If anybody asks you about the notebook, kindly explain to them that you have not drawn any indecient pictures, and move on. Let them decide whether to believe you or not.

And then just go about your daily life, and don't stress over it. It's going to be fine. :D

Yeah, like Cinderpelt said, dont worry about it. Everything will turn out fine. Be happy you're not having even worse rumours spread around (Ive had so many, and I wont explain...too in-appropriate).

Its not neccessarily naked people if they have no eyes..its just your own form of art and they have no right to be making fun of you. If this persists, tell an adult or even the principal because you dont deserve this type of treatment.

~Illiey :D

Wow, the world seems to be getting more immature everyday. The kids at your school are idiots.

Rumors suck, we all know. They're just there for subject matter to blab on about. I know for a fact that people want to think it's true, and pretend they think it's true, but they really don't believe it. They're only motive is to pick on you and get a reaction, in spite of boredom.

This will pass over, but what you need to do is be the mature one and ignore it. If someone asks you about it, calmly explain it's your way of drawing, and people take things too literally. Smile and go on with life.

Good luck.

Oh gosh. That must be really hard - I definitely hope things improve for you soon.

I know that they will; remember, time heals all wounds. :]

The thing about rumours is that the effect they have is people coming up to you and asking, "Is it true you eat squirrels?", "Do you really lick other people's food?" or in this case, "Do you draw naked people?". Just laugh off the ridiculousness of the rumour if someone confronts you about it, and tell them casually it's not true. The more hot, bothered and defensive you get, the more true the rumour will look, and the more those idiot kids at your school will enjoy it. D:

Also, this kid spreading the rumours sounds like a jerk/jerkette.

Confront them.

~Good luck!

Just shrug it off. I know most kids probably don't have my social status, but the methods still stay the same. There are rumors about me all the time, most of them I don't know where they even came from. Some people actually get so bored they feel the need to come up with random stories, strange, I know. But I just shrug it off, and calmly deny them when confronted. I also make the person feel stupid about it. Prior example:

Person: Phoebe, did you hook up with -insertnamehere- in the locker room on Tuesday?

Me: -laughsintheirface- Where'd you hear that?

Person: -insertothernamehere-.

Me: Gawd -personI'mtalkingto-, your so easy to convince, sometimes I worry about you.

Person: Am not! I never said I actually believed it!

It works well. In fact, I've been able to get out of a few rumors that were true with that charade. They get defensive, and will deny the rumor is true to anyone, to avoid looking stupid. People are so easy to manipulate, I worry sometimes...

Next time he comes near you scream 8D It works, I swear. A bunch of people come running, and the guy looks like an idiot.

Or I could give you the advice I give everyone, be SUPER DUPER nice to him, so that way he'll feel (and look.) like an idiot being so mean to someone being extremely and out of the way-ish nice.

Just go along with it. Seriously. be like, "YEAH I DO! haha, you should try it sometime o.o" Then laugh about it. That's what I would do.

Wow...the human body used to be considered a beautiful object.

As Cinder said, people will get bored eventually. It won't haunt you for your whole life. And if someone asks you about it...well, I like both Cinder and Saku's advice. Either one works.

Person: Phoebe, did you hook up with -insertnamehere- in the locker room on Tuesday?Me: -laughsintheirface- Where'd you hear that?

Person: -insertothernamehere-.

Me: Gawd -personI'mtalkingto-, your so easy to convince, sometimes I worry about you.

Person: Am not! I never said I actually believed it!

It works well. In fact, I've been able to get out of a few rumors that were true with that charade. They get defensive, and will deny the rumor is true to anyone, to avoid looking stupid. People are so easy to manipulate, I worry sometimes...
That is so epically good. <33

Definitely trying that sometime. :]

Wow. That's really weird...

Well, my brother is an artist, he draws all the time. He doesn't draw them naked, but he doesn't draw the... obvious features. It's called line sketching.

I'd just forget about it.

Well, I tend to have a little bit of anger issues, so I'd probably go screaming around punching things.

But you can forget about it...


What I'd do is draw clothes on them and say that they're just mannequins, and yeah. I know, I give terrible advice.

Eventually the rumor would go away.

And if you wanna feel better, I currently have a really bad reputation at my school for no reason. o_O

I like x.Saku's advice, tell them you DO draw naked people if they ask. That'd totally be what I would do.

Ignore them. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with drawing pictures of the human body.

It's art.

Just cuss the next person that teases you out the if its a dude kick his privates :lol: if itz a gurl pull her hair till she screams :lol: the call them a motha f***a b***h :lol: and run away if you get in trouble just say that they were teasing you alot -_- and then u got mad :(

Just cuss the next person that teases you out the if its a dude kick his privates ;) if itz a gurl pull her hair till she screams :lol: the call them a motha f***a b***h :lol: and run away if you get in trouble just say that they were teasing you alot ;) and then u got mad ;)
Rofl sounds like something I would do that...But thats just me...

You should ask the person why they did it then explain to them what it was and stuff.. And if they refuse to speak and stop the rumor.. Tell your closest friends to tell people if they hear it again to say what it was ment to be and stuff.. And they refuse well I got nothing......^^

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