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Jul 8, 2011
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Those were the fateful words uttered by Kiyos-Durh Ashstone, creator of Spain in 2053.

Now you join them.


Name: This must start with Q

Age: Anything between 38 and 38 1/2 is fine.

Spirit Animal: Chose between goat, taco, or blind cat

Looks: Words only, 100+ chars.

Personality: Kaiwaiis only plz kthx.

Magic Spell: Fireball or Snide Comment

Put RunRunTwitterTwitter in your post.


God this RP looks amazing. Trolldom FTW.

Name: Qwop

Age: 38 and 1/3

Spirit Animal: Taco or goat?! Must.. Decide... Errr.... TACO.

Looks: Qwop is a Caucasian male whose looks do not compute in the minds of fashionistas. For some reason, he has a tan despite the fact he never seems to spend more than 30 minutes outside a day. Actually, he doesn’t have a tan during the winter, which is good, since that would not make any sense. Qwop has light brown hair that grows a bit darker toward the center of his head. His hair is short and in a crew cut like he’s from the army or something. Qwop has light green eyes and a normal sized ear (Which attached earlobes), nose, and mouth. His teeth are straight, but one of them is a bit awkward. Not like anybody looks in his mouth anyway, since that would be odd. Qwop has a strange boil on the left side of his forehead. He wears casual clothing (Like jeans and t-shirts) most of the time since nobody walks around in conspicuous clothing these days anyway. Although sometimes, when he doesn’t go outside, he will wear a tuxedo. Why, who knows.

Personality: Qwop is a male who is kind, sweet and doesn't like people being mean to each other. Whenever he messes up, he always cries and then gets over it, feeling as if he learned something. He hopes that one day he will meet a pretty girl who will take his heart away. He is cheerful, energetic, and never gives up ever. His only fault is that he sucks at chess and checkers, and that he can be scatterbrained. (JK He won't be, since kawaii's have faults but never show them in the actual RP, hahahaha)

Magic Spell: My, that's quite a tub you have there, fatbleep. (Just replace the bleep with the you know what word.)

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Name: Qwilfish

Age: 38 1/40

Spirit Animal: Blind Cat

Looks: Qwilfish looks like a normal girl, except her hair has a tint of blue in it, but her hair is black. She wears her normal tattered shirt, and usues anything she can find to patch it up. (Like a plastic bag piece or a piece of paper) She prefers to go barefoot but brings a pair of leather shoes, just in case.

Personality: Qwilfish likes to play and talk to friends. She is very happy-go-lucky, and usually people often give her stiff cause she is so cute. (You asked for a Kawaii. :) )

Magic Spell: You're as stupid as a worm!

RunRunTwitterTwitter, for great justice.

Name: Quiz Q'bookstone (I assume that surnames would also need to start with Q, but I liked the sound of Bookstone, so I just slapped a Q in front of it.)

Age: 38.14

Spirit Animal: Surly Goat

Looks: Quiz is a man who wears a top hat that has been passed on from generation to generation in the Q'McStone family… until he stole it. He has blue eyes and pale skin that is dotted with freckles. His nose looks kind of pointy, but it's not sharp enough to stab people with. His red hair comes down to his shoulders. He wears a three-piece suit which is somewhat worn-out in appearance (he ran over it a few times with his car so it would match the hundred-year old hat).

Personality: Quiz is enthusiastic about everything ever. He loves bunnies and sometimes he sticks them in his hat, because bunnies and top hats go together like peanut butter and pancakes. He believes that everyone should be happy and if they aren't he will apply bunnies to their problems until they are happy. If he thinks someone is evil he will use bunnies to turn them to the cause of goodness. He trips over things a lot but he's part of a self-help group called, "People Who Tend To Trip Over Obstacles On The Ground But Really Want To Stop Tripping Over Obstacles On The Ground" or PWTTTOOOTGBRWTSTOOOTG. He once dropped a hammer on his toes so he has a fear of hammers, but he's too afraid to admit it to anyone.

Magic Spell: I would say you're as dumb as a tiny shrub, but that would be an insult to the students, teachers, and faculty of the Tiny Shrub University.

Excellent, the roleplay will begin sometime during Crinuary (the 19th month of the Trikan calander) 2301.

Until then, please take a seat and put on your Funhats.

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