Running Out Of Time


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Rainbow Cat

Well-known member
Feb 28, 2009
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As Kim the Memetchi ( ---> :mimitchi: ) walked home from work, she felt she was being followed. It was 11:45 PM. When she turned a corner, she saw a shadow behind her THAT WASN'T HERS. She ran home quickly,but when she opened the door...

~make this story scary, please~

she ran in her house ...her empty empty house she looked back and there it was again..her heart started thumping like crazy and then suddenly the lights turned on and off...on and off she looked around,panicked then something black waved here and there she was scared then suddenly,she heard a mysterious voice saying "Kiiiiiimm....why did you killllll me???WHYYY??i Wass you're best frienddd....WHYYY!!????" Kim started to panick and thought someone was playing a prank on her,but her wobbly legs wouldn't move at all,she managed to back off and look outside the windows,no one was there the same voice said again "KiiM~~You Evil scoundroul~~Simply killiing me ehhh??"The voice said in an eerie way Kim didn't want to look,when she turned around fast enough,she saw a shadow trying to dodge her glare,Kim tried again,this time,then the light went on and off and on and off,she ran into the toilet then at the toilet floor was a big puddle of blood then a maniac laugh was in the toilet,it wouldn't stop so she ran out but still...the same voice the same maniac laugh!Kim covred her ears then she looked at the pictures hanging on the wall,pictures of her,but this time,in the pictuteres,her eyes were glowing red and then she looked at the last one it was a ballerina then surprisingly the picture had a frown on her aace it's mouth moved but no voice,but looked as if it told her to get out of here!"YOU're running out of timmeee Kim...OUT OF TIME........"the voice said again so she ran and ran

She ran to the kitchen.She took a deep breath and she saw blood in the walls.She heard the same maniac scream over and over again.She looked at the door,it had that shadow.She gasped but she couldn't move once,she froze.

She saw a :) 's ghost."Why did you kill me?"she asked.

OoC:And please,no something like "YOu will die in 3 days" thing it makes the story sound like chain letter X.X

"I didn't kill anybody!"Kim screamed

"Yes you did!Remember?"The Mimitchi asked.

Kim suddenly remebered at the dance,7 years ago,she had no one to dance with.She saw a handsome :unsure: and asked him to dance with her.He replied"Sorry,I already have a girlfriend."and he began kissing :huh: .Kim was outraged.She asked the :eek: if it was okay to talk to her for a minute in the bathroom.When they got there,Kim took out a gun and....

"Why?"asked the :eek: ."I'm sorry!"Kim screamed.

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"Sorry isn't enough to make up for my lost soul!Now,i will take YOURS away!!"The mimitchi said then Kim felt like she's ending up in a dead end life "I 'm sorry!!"Kim said to the mimitchi "I,Jessica Fernal,might give you a chance,but find but a way quick~on you're 19th birthday,you will be given a gift from me,an unpleasent gift.."Jessica said and vanished ,Kim was an 18 year old girl,and her birthday is next year!she searched the internet site to site never sleeping even a single night

She searched a site called tamatalk and found Tamagotchi lovers and said, "Maybe I will go to Earth, but Mametchi isn't here!"

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