Sad video I found on youtube...


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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2007
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is a video I found on Youtube that I really wanted to share with you all. I posted this is "Seriously Non-Tamatalk" because I don't want people being rude and snotty about it. I just thought this was really sad but entirely worth watching, it shows you the truth about the white tigers, and it made me upset. If this isn't in the right place then could a guide move this topic? 

Let me know what you think :furawatchi:

That video made me cry. I never knew that. What can I do to help?? Thats why when I get older, I want to help the endangeared animals, help clean our earth, and save all the people around our world who are suffereing from hunger, and thirst. I want to help everyone but its just so hard. I'm one person. And I want to help the people who suffer from war and landmines.

Thats really sad. I favorited it to show more people.

I love animals, and thats was just really shocking.

That is so sad. . .

I also favorited so that my friends could see it, and I'll try and spread it around.

Should I consult my Zoo about this?


I can't believe. . .


That's terrible. I don't understand how somebody could live with their selfs if they do that.

I watched another video by the user,

I honestly cried

The tigers are killed because of their color or because they are not 'pretty enough'?

Thats terrible. Really Terrible.

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That's so mean to the white tigers that are deformed. People should have just left nature alone.

The oddly deformed tiger had some sort of deformed face. But still.I sorta feel close to it now. I would anything to protect it. That just made me sooo sad seeing his/her face. I want to help them really bad. I was about to cry.

That's sad.

Killing tigers because of the way they look. What would people think if it was the same for humans?

Taking humans lives away from them because they are deformed or the way they look isn't the best?

It's the same for animals too. Animals are like humans. They should have the choice to live.


All animals are beautiful regardless of there looks. I find it disgusting that people kill animals because they're deformed, not the right color, etc.

Nature lets things happen naturally, people need to let Mother Nature do its job. The color of a tiger shouldn't matter.

Sometimes though, when humans are trying to reverse a tigers genes to make it white, they get many problems with their bodies. Like lung problems. And why should people get rid of them just because they're not "pretty" I like that tiger the most! People are just soo mean.

[SIZE=13pt]Wow. I had no idea that they had to be inbred. How sad. :/[/SIZE]

Quite stupid that it has come to this just for our entertainment. -Sigh-


But I doubt the breeders actually enjoy killing all these tigers though. :/

Sadly they can't afford to keep every tiger that is born...But even so. It's still very sickening. T.T

If I had the room in my house, I would take in all of the little deformed tigers D:

I actually think they're sort of cute.

But the poor things.

I would love to see one of those at my local Zoo.

But they shouldn't breed them like that anyway D:

All right. Please do not take offense to anything I say here but...

That video was put out by Big Cats Rescue which is a company who "rescues" the larger species of cats. So everything they say is going to be over exaggerated, blown out of proportion, and sometimes flat out lies. Mind you, it is the same way on both sides of the fence. The opposing side will do the same thing. It is hard sometimes to get the pure facts and nothing but the facts.

One of the things they do not tell you in their stories is that the breeding that occurs LEGALLY do not sell off the "defective cubs" to illegal sources. The animals are put in rescue centers and stuff, so their life is not a waste, but the zoo's do not have the space to keep an animal who will be attacked by the others because of the deformities, so when they are bred in zoos, if the mother rejects the cubs, they are hand raised until they are old enough to survive on their own in a center, then they move them there. What they are referring to with the illegal trade of tigers and lions and such is the back yard breeders who inbreed ALL of the animals, not just the tigers for their coloring, and those types of places are illegal for a reason. So yeah, the illegal breeding of these tigers does cause most of them to be put down because they cannot sell one with a deformity. But the zoos? They make sure it has a place to go.

Now, I am not condoning the inbreeding and such, I am just giving you the facts that I know of. Also, if you watch one of their other videos, they say right in it that the first white tiger that they know of was FOUND IN THE WILD, yet in that video it says they cannot survive in the wild and they are ONLY inbred. The one that was in the wild could have been a result of inbreeding, but still, it was alive in the wild and was doing fine before they took it to captivity where they then breeded it to another Bengal Tiger and got Orange Bengal Tigers and then breeded him to his own daughter to produce the white bengal tiger. So yes, they are in the wild, there just are not very many of them, and those that survive obviously know how to handle themselves since they make it to adulthood just fine. Should we exploit this glitch in the breeding world? Of course not! But are they going to stop? No, absolutely not, it brings publicity and media, which in turn brings money, and they love money. Its wrong that they do this, but these creatures do it on their own as well, so I hate it when people start freaking out and saying what horrible beasts all the zoos are and stuff. Not all Zoos do this, and some will mate the tigers but not if they are inbred, which means they ARE trying to put a stop to the inbreeding. Condoning the situation is wrong, but to say that what they do in the wild is wrong...well thats not for you to judge. God has his plans for each creature, if not to only make us aware of the consequences or to show us both sides of the breeding fence, either way, he wouldnt have let the animals mate together and produce inbred babies if he didnt have some kind of plan for their species.

And dont get on me about the religious thing, I am not a religious person, but each species is here for a reason and the only reason I use the word God is for lack of a better word. Its the easiest word to use to explain whatever it is that runs things around here lol.

So, I forgot the rest of what I was going to say (sometimes my train of thought derails), so I will wrap it up at that. If you have any questions you can PM me no problem, I cant promise you I can answer them though, I know only what I have learned and I am not a scientist or a Zoologist. Thanks for listening to my rant.

The point of this was to explain that yes, inbreeding for a specific appearance is wrong, in most cases inbreeding is wrong no matter what, but mankind did not start this, nature did, and yes we are exploiting it and it is wrong, but we are doing what we have always done, take something we have never seen before, study it, try to make more of it, and eventually kill off the entire species of it. Its sick, its wrong, but its what we always do, I think we cause more damage to the world and its subjects than anything else....

All right. Please do not take offense to anything I say here but...
That video was put out by Big Cats Rescue which is a company who "rescues" the larger species of cats. So everything they say is going to be over exaggerated, blown out of proportion, and sometimes flat out lies. Mind you, it is the same way on both sides of the fence. The opposing side will do the same thing. It is hard sometimes to get the pure facts and nothing but the facts.

One of the things they do not tell you in their stories is that the breeding that occurs LEGALLY do not sell off the "defective cubs" to illegal sources. The animals are put in rescue centers and stuff, so their life is not a waste, but the zoo's do not have the space to keep an animal who will be attacked by the others because of the deformities, so when they are bred in zoos, if the mother rejects the cubs, they are hand raised until they are old enough to survive on their own in a center, then they move them there. What they are referring to with the illegal trade of tigers and lions and such is the back yard breeders who inbreed ALL of the animals, not just the tigers for their coloring, and those types of places are illegal for a reason. So yeah, the illegal breeding of these tigers does cause most of them to be put down because they cannot sell one with a deformity. But the zoos? They make sure it has a place to go.

Now, I am not condoning the inbreeding and such, I am just giving you the facts that I know of. Also, if you watch one of their other videos, they say right in it that the first white tiger that they know of was FOUND IN THE WILD, yet in that video it says they cannot survive in the wild and they are ONLY inbred. The one that was in the wild could have been a result of inbreeding, but still, it was alive in the wild and was doing fine before they took it to captivity where they then breeded it to another Bengal Tiger and got Orange Bengal Tigers and then breeded him to his own daughter to produce the white bengal tiger. So yes, they are in the wild, there just are not very many of them, and those that survive obviously know how to handle themselves since they make it to adulthood just fine. Should we exploit this glitch in the breeding world? Of course not! But are they going to stop? No, absolutely not, it brings publicity and media, which in turn brings money, and they love money. Its wrong that they do this, but these creatures do it on their own as well, so I hate it when people start freaking out and saying what horrible beasts all the zoos are and stuff. Not all Zoos do this, and some will mate the tigers but not if they are inbred, which means they ARE trying to put a stop to the inbreeding. Condoning the situation is wrong, but to say that what they do in the wild is wrong...well thats not for you to judge. God has his plans for each creature, if not to only make us aware of the consequences or to show us both sides of the breeding fence, either way, he wouldnt have let the animals mate together and produce inbred babies if he didnt have some kind of plan for their species.

And dont get on me about the religious thing, I am not a religious person, but each species is here for a reason and the only reason I use the word God is for lack of a better word. Its the easiest word to use to explain whatever it is that runs things around here lol.

So, I forgot the rest of what I was going to say (sometimes my train of thought derails), so I will wrap it up at that. If you have any questions you can PM me no problem, I cant promise you I can answer them though, I know only what I have learned and I am not a scientist or a Zoologist. Thanks for listening to my rant.

The point of this was to explain that yes, inbreeding for a specific appearance is wrong, in most cases inbreeding is wrong no matter what, but mankind did not start this, nature did, and yes we are exploiting it and it is wrong, but we are doing what we have always done, take something we have never seen before, study it, try to make more of it, and eventually kill off the entire species of it. Its sick, its wrong, but its what we always do, I think we cause more damage to the world and its subjects than anything else....
I have to completely agree with you.

Just watching the video, common sense helped me pick out a few lies.

Humans can not "Create" certain types of DNA, so if the white tigers were not found in the wild in the first place, then where did the "White" gene come from?

Also, through many of my previous studies about animal caretakers such as a zoo, even if an animal is severely mutated and near the brink of death right after birth then they'll try and save it. If they can't save it they MIGHT uthinize it, but only for the sake of the animal and it's pain. Not just with white tigers, or any tigers for that matter, but for every animal.

Also, inbreeding is a bad thing, but it CAN be used for good in SOME situations, such as breeding a highly indangered species that has only 12 left. How else would they be brought back? Asexual reproduction? Maybe a germ, but not a monkey, or a buffalo.

I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. They video wasn't entirely wrong, but it was strongly biased.

I'm not calling people that believed it, stupid, however, because it was a persuasive video and that was they're intent, to persuade you, so don't feel too bad for believing them at first.

p.s. by the way, did any of you notice, that if "The deformed ones are all killed" than why was there a picture of an adult deformed white tiger in a public display cage?


yes it is true that white tigers are found in the wild. not all white tigers are inbreeded(sorry if thats not the right word i'm not good at english) but the only reason for inbreeding is to save the race. oh by the way charleene did you get that information about that white tiger breeding with his daughter off wikipedia? because thats where i heard of it.

The reason they kill these tigers are because the tigers can suffer severely from the Mutations and it's like a human giving birth to a girl that has a massive brain tumor. She is going to die anyway.

These tigers were bred for show anyway. I do feel bad for them seeing that their purpose in life is being put up in a cage for people to look at. T~T

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