Sammylover2011's tama log


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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2011
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Hello tama fans!This is my first ever post on my first ever tama log!To start I have a v3, two v4s, a v4.5, a v5, two music stars,and a tamago. Currently running the v4.5, music star, and tamago. That might change in a couple minutes. I will post pics later. My v4.5 is the red/pink lava pattern one, the music star is the white and pink swirly music note one and my tamago is just plain whit. I also have a ringotchi figure for my tamago.I am going to Kmart soon. I think I will get the Memetchi figure and the Chametchi figure. Ok, so passed the info part. I feel weird talking about my tamago because it is on its second generation AND the couple is about to have and egg. I have to go but more later!

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Ok, im back. Here is some info about my tamago. It is a marotchi.It is 6 years old and currently married to a kuchipatchi. They will soon have an egg together. I really want a boy because I got my tamago last year and have never had a boy. Right now my marotchi is a millionaire!!! I think I will name her Lily. So Lily is extremely fat, which I am hoping to change soon. She is 2nd gen. and full friendship bars and 6 training bars. And now to my v4.5. Her name is . (when i named her i left it blank)She is 7 years old, has 5 training points, 3 hungry heats and 4 happy hearts, 150,112, and 87 points thingies. She is only 48 lbs so she isn't that fat. I just took out the battery on my music star so i don't waste it. Ill try to post pictures later when my mom says i can borrow her camera.








sammylover2011, Lily, Kuchipatchi, and .

Hello again!!Lily is now the fatest it can get but it looks soooo cute when its fat. i got really scared that it would die while i was at the beach so i paused it. same with .hopeing to get my tamago figures today!! i earned enough money to buy all three of them so i won't have to decide!!!Yay!!!!!!! Oh well, my mom still won't let me use her camera but i will see if i can put google pictures on it.








sammylover2011, Lily, Kutchipatchi, and blank.

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Yeah!!!!!! And booo. I have some sad news and some good news. Bad news first. I am took out the battery in my v4.5. It just didn't have enough excitment. But for the good news, Lily and Kutchipatchi had a baby!!!!! I can't tell if it is a boy or a girl but i hope it is a boy. this would be my very first boy!!!!If it is a girl she will be ....Katie. if it is a boy he will be....Shawn. They will hopfully leave tonight so i can see wat gender it is!!! (PS i got the memeitchi figure yeasterday!)








sammylover2011, Lily, Kutchipatchi, and Katie or Shawn.

Ok, so last night Lily and Kutchipatchi left. I took some pics with my phone and when i figure out how to put them on the computer i will post them . But a dromroll please......... its a girl!!!Katie went to the park a couple times and we found a memetchi. Now i really want her to be that. Omg!! As i was writing this Katie turned into a bellitchi!!!!










sammylover2011 and Katie

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I felt like saying some thing about Katie. So i will post her stats!

Name: Katie


LBs:16 Update:14





Training:2 Update: 5!!!



Points:1,502,705(not made up!)


Ok thats it.On our way to a Memetchi!! :rolleyes:







sammylover2011 and Katie

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Katie said she was feeling lonely so I started up my v3. I might restart him cause he I all bad and stuff. His name is santa cause i heard that if u name it santa it would turn into santa when it grew up. Can anyone tell me with fan mail if that is true!!??













sammylover2011, Katie, and Santa

Omg!!! Katie evolved into a shelltchi!!!!! She is on her way to be coming a memetchi!!!!!!Also I might stop my v3 but i started up my music star and now i am going to restart it to become a boy!!!! Anyway here is Katie's stats.








Training:9!! (I need one more point!!)





Can't wait for Memetchi!! :eek:

Anyway, Julie is my music star.






Sammylover2011,Katie,Santa,and Julie

Ok sorry that I couldn't post for a while, I went white water rafting!! It is soooo much fun!Well I was on my way there when Katie got bored and evolved! And guess who I got!! Ya, I didn't get memetchi!!! Or Violetchi( :furawatchi: )No, I got the one character I didn't want, a chametchi!!!And then I realized,I didn't get to log in my shelltchi!!!!It didn't work!!!!!!Oh well, here is Katies stats(and by the way i shut down my v3 and music star)

Age:8(3 really)


Hungry/Happy:5/5 and 5/5




PS.She moved out of her castle to a beach side house!!!






Sammylover2011 and Katie

Ok here is the tamago I have


and here is one of the figures


and here is the other one


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Yay!!!!!Katie could go to the matchmaker today!!!She went and she didn't like any of them and the oldie guy keeps comeing so i am going to have to wait it out with her.Oh well!She moved into a castle!!I thought the other one was a castle but it was really a hotel!! :mametchi: (hoping that she marries him!)








sammylover2011 and Katie

Hey i am sooo sory for not posting,I was away.I also had my birthday party!!!Anyway, Katie got married after three days of looking so i got mad and she married an oldie and guess wat!!!They had a boy!!!!The parents left last night and he has only 3 care misses(all of them hen we were playing games)!!I really want a Mametchi!!!!!!!William(his name) evoled into a mattaritchi.Ok here is his stats.



4 gen.

fully happy/hungry

training(noooo)I was going to give him a time out but I acciedntly praised ihm!!only 2

full friendship



Ok thats it.



Sammylover2011 and William

Im back and guess wat!!William turned into a Kilalatchi!!!!On our way to Mamaetchi!!Ok here are is stats.



2 years

fully happy/hungry

friendship full

13!!training points

Ok thats it!!!!!!! Should poo in, like, 12 minutes. Update. Nooooo I missed the poo!!!!!!!






bye! :D

Sammylover2011 and William[/font

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Nooooo!!! I am soooo mad!!!! I had the correct amount of training points(full) so i would get a Mametchi but instead I got a Kikitchi!!!!!!!! I am soooo mad!!!! :angry:

Ok heres a pic just to prove that I should have gotten a Mametchi.


and heres his great-grandma


and his grandma


and mom



Sammylover2011 and William

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Sory no pics today or yesterday but William got married to the love of his life, a Loveilitchi!!!!!!! Ok here are his stats.


6 years old

34 lbs

4 gen.

fully hungry/happy

full training

full friendship

5 characters


1,484,650 points

lives in the japensse style house.

ok thats it!






sammylover2011, William and Loveilitchi

An egg just hatched on my tamgo and its a ......................................boy!!!!!!!!!!

I am soooooo going to go for a Mametchi!!!!







sorry for only the short update.




sammylover2011 William, Loveilitchi, and baby boy(no name)

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