Santy Claus!


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People here SHOULD be 13+, so we have to assume they are. Anyway, no I don't believe in Santa. I'm not exactly very spiritual.
You dont have to be 13+. If you are younger your parents can fill in a form. I'm not even 13 yet. I'm 12 and arent you?

You dont have to be 13+. If you are younger your parents can fill in a form. I'm not even 13 yet. I'm 12 and arent you?
Exactly, I'm 12 too and I was 10 when I joined. Back on topic:

*note, please don't read this if you believe in Santa, it might be a disappointment*

I don't believe in him now because Santa will have to have like 243,000 reindeer travelling at 1.235 miles a second and the result? The reindeer immediately shrivel into a crisp. And besides reindeer can't fly, can they?

Santa was a real person about 1000 years ago, only he was called Nicholas. The story is that Nick was quite a rich man but there was a really poor man who had three daughters but he had to sell one in order for the other two to get married. Nick heard the plans and thought "Oh that's terrible" so he threw in a bag of gold so one girl got married but the other two girls wanted married, so Nick threw in another two bags of gold. The other two got married and the man was really happy. Nick felt really good about it so he started going around giving kids presents but obviously he's dead now. The idea of him going down a chimney came from a goddess of giving who was believed to go down chimneys, well I think that's it anyway, I have no idea where the reindeer idea came from.

However, I do believe in him in a way as the spirit of giving like a lot of other people on this do.

Thanks for bothering to read this long post.

No caught my mum laying a[out presents at about 7/8

had my suspicions but had to catch her in the act ;)

It was fun to believe. :)

Whoa! I thought the holidays celebrated Jesus Christ's birthday! Not St.Nicholas.

He's some other part of Christmas- to make kids who don't believe in Jesus happy (or those who do)!

You guys...<.<
There are little kids on this site, like 7 and 8 year olds.

Dont you think that they'll be hurt and shocked when they read about how you guys ''know'' Santa isn't real!?

You're ruining the Christmas spirit for everyone who is young and believes in him.

I really dislike these topics around Christmas...or at anytime for that matter.

Santa is the spirit of giving, so yes, I believe in him.
Yea , thats true ... But what are we suposed to do ? If they really believed in santa. They would stand up for what they belive in no matter what.. Like the way I believe in Jesus.

I don't believe in Santa as a man who delivers presents to you on Christmas Eve night and eats and drinks your cookies and milk, no.. There was an actual Saint Nicholas, at one point and time, and he did something along the lines of what children imagine "Santa" does now.

But I do believe just the figure of him represents holiday spirit.

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I do belive in Santa, but honistly, there are little kids out there somewhere in the world, replying on this website, on this topic. I am a kind of girl that doesn't like to hurt kids feelings, or at least see kids that got there feelings hurt, but it was none of my buissness. So please, try and have at least a LITTLE Christmas spiret. I bet Christ the lord would care! Christ wants everybody to be happy, and sometimes people forget to be nice. So please try to remember! :furawatchi:

Thank you,


Whoa! I thought the holidays celebrated Jesus Christ's birthday! Not St.Nicholas.He's some other part of Christmas- to make kids who don't believe in Jesus happy (or those who do)!
You aren't supposed to celebrate Christmas if you don't believe in Jesus Christ and God. It originated as a religious holiday to celebrate the birth of Christ. The present giving is based on what the three Kings did when they came to visit Jesus. They brought Him gifts.

If you are not a Christian or you don't believe in Jesus Christ and God, you have no business celebrating Christmas. Pretty simple.

You aren't supposed to celebrate Christmas if you don't believe in Jesus Christ and God. It originated as a religious holiday to celebrate the birth of Christ. The present giving is based on what the three Kings did when they came to visit Jesus. They brought Him gifts.
If you are not a Christian or you don't believe in Jesus Christ and God, you have no business celebrating Christmas. Pretty simple.
If thats true then i will never have a Christmas even when my parents divorce(sp?). Im not Christian and i belive in god my whole family does.

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