Saving my Tama...


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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2006
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Ok heres the probablem when going to school I need a way to stop my Tama from living while I'm away...I would pause but I a little worried about pausing but 3 people have told me pausing ur tama 4 long times will break it...Ordenarly I wouldn't care but I was on a trip to China and bought a V.4 there for twice as much as the U.S but the shell was just to cool to pass up but anyway back to the point...So what are some was of "pausing"

- A person way to old 4 Tamagotchi ^_^

The 3 people that told you it could break if you pause it a lot are lying. ^_^

You could always change the time to midnight, so while you are at school your Tama will be sleeping, then when you get back from school, change it to the correct time, that's what I do! :D

The only bad thing about pausing it is it stopps the tamas aging while it is paused. Changing the time is a preferable alternative. It continues to age normally and will not get hungry or unhappy while asleep, then you can change the time back when you get home.

yeah those friends were lying you can oause it but it will stop your tama from growing it's regular way, but it does work :D ^_^

well, if you don't want it to grow while your away, it's okay to pause it. I'm pretty sure it'll be fine if you pause it i've never heard of any breaking before just from pausing (it will drain batery life, though) otherwise, youcan change the time and make it sleep, but it'll keep growing

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