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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2007
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Austin, Texas
I don't really believe in ghosts..... but this is beginning to scare me. 2 nights ago I was up in my bed (i have a bunk bed, I'm the top bunk) I heard our door open and shut, so I knew my sister had come in, then I just lay there listening to her breathing. About 5 minutes later I got up and went to the bathroom, but my sister wasn't in her bed and the breathing had stopped. I went to my moms room expecting to see her there but she wasn't. I asked mom where she is but she told me that she was sleeping over at a friends house. That night i just stayed in my mom's room until she finally told me to go to bed. I have had so many other experiences like that. also whenever me and my sister close the door in our room at night it will bang and shake so hard that it pops open and then it stops. We are so incredibly creeped out by that that we just leave our door open all the time. One of our friends refuses sleep over because she is afraid of our room. The cats used to sleep at the foot of our bed but now if you pick them up and put them in our room they race out. Of course my parents don't believe me. My sister and I have been sleeping w/bibles under our pillows even though we're not religious. It seems to help a little. I am so scared........

Talk to a trusted adult about it. If your parents won't listen, try a neighbor.

I believe in ghosts, and I believe I've seen one, so I know this stuffies.

Yeah I've watched on TV and heard about experiences similar to yours...

Usually they hire someone to come and cleanse the house, or they hire someone who knows a lot about these odd paranormal events. I'd reccommend you to just keep on doing what you're doing, but if it continues..really try to make your parents understand. This really isn't a joking matter. *No Siree!*


I also live in a creepy house. I have my own room and it's the only room inhabited by some one upstairs so it gets pretty scary at night. I usually turn on the TV or listen to my iPod. Then I eventually fall asleep.


Good luck!

I think you should do the same and talk to your parents or find some help from someone.

Thank God Ive never seen or encountered a Ghost/Spirit.I get creeped out being the last one downstairs when its dark because my grandad turns all the lights off except the one Im in so I have turn them all on again.

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WOW! You are really brave. My grandma's house is haunted. This might sound weird but me and my sisters sleep over at her house in her guest bedroom every once in awhile and she had this thing on her doorknob that if you pulled it hard enough(it is REALLY stiff) it will play music. It started playing in the night and we got up to see if it was our grandma and it wasn't! I refuse to sleep there with out my sisters with me. For you, I'd ask my parents to let me go to church every once in awhile and if it gets REALLY bad, maybe get a preacher to bless your house??? :huh:

Hmm, I wouldn't say it's a ghost. Probably just your mind playing tricks on you. That's happened to me before. I was afraid that there was going to be something scary in the bathroom when I went that I actually heard somebody say something but the words didn't make sense. But since I believed that there would be something there, my mind made it so there actually was. (even though there wasn't.)

Understand? If you're getting really scared though try talking to your mom about it. If she won't listen just tell her how creeped out you are and that you're being serious.

I must say I think I've seen a ghost. I want to tell you something though. The ghost hasn't come to hurt you or scare you or anything, right? Ghosts in movies are exaggerated. Real ghosts are harmless.

If it continues, and your still scared, learn to live with them. I mean even though lions, tigers, and bears are scary we don't have a choice, we have to live with them. It's in nature. So like lions, tigers, and bears, act like there just another thing in life.

Yea, i've pretty much learned to live with it. I'm pretty happy w/my ghost unless it does really scary things, then i have a mini panic attack inside.

I belive in ghosts. But as long as they are completly harmless. IVE SEEN THEM TWICE!!!!! Dont worry, ghost exist. I HAVE PRETTY GOOD VISION... Acording to mom. Ive never got my eyes checked. The ghosts usully come out when something falls or when you say random stuff.

Get a night light. It attracts more ghosts.

I believe in ghosts. I probably shouldn't though. But I DO. That sounds... VERY creepy! How old is your house? Was it built on top of a graveyard ((lolmovies XD))? Was someone living in it before you and then they mysteriously diappeared? Oh man I'm going to have nightmares! More creepy dreams of squirrel people trying to lick me D:

Actually my house is only 14yrs old, we've been in it for 10yrs, And there were like six other owners, so they all left pretty quickly. Someone said something about a nightlight? Well our computer is our nightlight. Also the door thing that i mentioned hasn't happened in a while. Also something about that is it only happens if both me and my sister are in the room and no one else is over. So it doesn't happen if only one of us is there, and it doesn't happen if someone else is over. It's so weird.

Ghosts aren't real.
Really, that's your opinion. Do not state it as a fact, because it's not. There is no physical proof they are real or not.

I actually believe in ghosts, my mom has had some experiences with ghosts before.

Really, that's your opinion. Do not state it as a fact, because it's not. There is no physical proof they are real or not.
I actually believe in ghosts, my mom has had some experiences with ghosts before.
ok, VT, here is my opinion:

ghosts aren't real.


It's all in your head. Gosts aren't real and there is nothing to worry about. Your fear is real though. My advice to you is to talk to a pastor so together you can find out what is causing you to imagine this. May The Lord be with you.

It's all in your head. Gosts aren't real and there is nothing to worry about. Your fear is real though. My advice to you is to talk to a pastor so together you can find out what is causing you to imagine this. May The Lord be with you.
Village Tamaguy disagrees.

It's your opinion. People really have no proof wether ghosts are real or not.

It's all in your head. Gosts aren't real and there is nothing to worry about. Your fear is real though. My advice to you is to talk to a pastor so together you can find out what is causing you to imagine this. May The Lord be with you.
But how can my door violently banging be in my head? And my sister saw it too, sooo?

But how can my door violently banging be in my head? And my sister saw it too, sooo?
I am gonna PM you a site that can help you out.

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