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Coco Boy

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Oct 4, 2007
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I'm scared of where I live now.

Power went out in my house 3 times yesterday, only shortly each time.

Then, it rained and thundered and started to lightning [normal].

It wasn't that bad, but then I read the paper this morning. We had a funnel.

A funnel is an almost-tornado.

And then, this isn't related I don't think, but about 7 or above people were killed due to the rip-tides here, so I won't go into the water.

[SIZE=14pt]Um... Stay inside. [/SIZE]

In NJ we had a power out at night(o.o;;; I thought I was blind when that happened...) afew days ago. Then we had a mini "Tornado"....

And thunder too...

And 7 people killed??? O_______O Stay inside.. :p

I'm scared of where I live now.
Power went out in my house 3 times yesterday, only shortly each time.

Then, it rained and thundered and started to lightning [normal].

It wasn't that bad, but then I read the paper this morning. We had a funnel.

A funnel is an almost-tornado.

And then, this isn't related I don't think, but about 7 or above people were killed due to the rip-tides here, so I won't go into the water.

That's really scary dude!

7 people killed from rip-tides o_O

Scary man.

It's all happening because of global warming!

I was played in thunder and lightning though, how dumb.

I was played in thunder and lightning though, how dumb.
One time, by my house, the sky was BLACK!

Entirely BLACK!

I was so scared.

There were a lot of warnings around my place for sereve tornadoes and hailstorms.

It was crazy!

Miraculously the power didn't go out!

Also it was really dark outside, so I wouldn't step outside for anything!

Wow!That's really scary dude!

7 people killed from rip-tides o_O

Scary man.

It's all happening because of global warming!
You make it sound like something out of the movie "The Day After Tommorow". :p

Wow!That's really scary dude!

7 people killed from rip-tides o_O

Scary man.

It's all happening because of global warming!
Don't start on that. Bad weather is bad weather. We can debate all we like over global warming but please save those theories for another topic. Thanks.

Where I'm at in Ontario, tornadoes don't seem to touchdown if there is a warning. It seems to always go around us

I live in Texas, we have Tornadoes all the time. When I was like 2 we had the one of the worst Tornadoes in Austin EVER, and it was pretty fun. I slept through the actual tornado, and afterwards I played on all the trees that fell down and became my clubhouse. Usually we just have funnels though, and they almost never reach the ground, their just up in the clouds. That's like, every time we have a thunder/lightning storm. Most people don't even notice. They only notice if it's a big one.

I'm scared of where I live now.
Power went out in my house 3 times yesterday, only shortly each time.

Then, it rained and thundered and started to lightning [normal].

It wasn't that bad, but then I read the paper this morning. We had a funnel.

A funnel is an almost-tornado.

And then, this isn't related I don't think, but about 7 or above people were killed due to the rip-tides here, so I won't go into the water.
Coco Boy,

This is normal weather. It's summer, stuff like this happens.

You can choose to look at it as beautiful or be afraid of it.

I make it a lifetime policy to study the things I am afraid of. To understand something is the best route. Understanding it, usually eliminates the fear at least to some degree.

Weather is fun to study.

As for rip tides, well yeah, they are dangerous but you usually know where they are and it's predictable. Stay away from bodies of water that do that and you will be fine. That is easily avoided.

Eh, don't be paranoid.

As for the power, check your breakers in the basement.

If your really afraid of the funnels/tornadoes, then set up a thing in your basement with water, canned non-parishable stuff, a can opener, a couple blankets, ya know.

We lose power multiple times every summer, and we have lots of tornados too. And golf ball sized hail, hurricane force winds, driving rain...this is all normal spring/summer weather for Kansas. It has been happening about every several days this year. o.o I have always lived here, so it's just a fact of life, but it's been a little extreme this year.

This year, there has been exceptionally severe weather around the entire country, so I can understand how you would be scared. Sometimes nature is scary. I have had to run and carry animals down into my basement a few times this year because tornados were coming, but so far everything has turned out fine. *crosses fingers* But if you just stay safe inside and watch the local news for tornado reports when the weather turns bad, you will be perfectly fine. :D

Of course this advice iscoming from the same girl who has had to run outside in 3 different hailstorms this year to gather up chickens and ducks/geese to close them in their safe, dry houses. o.o I have to do it if the weather turns bad too quickly for them to move indoors...but 65mph winds, driving rain and quarter sized hail are disorienting, painful, and unnerving to be caught outside do stay indoors when it gets bad, ok? :(

When I was about 1, the power went out in the winter for about 5 days.

Stay inside and stay safe. Be sure to go down in a basement , or a bathroom, some place that does not have windows if some strong winds come your way.

I was in Cape may when the big thunder storm hit NjJ 3 people where struck by lighning at Oceanside.

On the way home from CM the storm hit big time the clouds where gray almost black and on the move. The lightning hit the ground and it PORED. Then 4 cars fell in the ditch on the side of the road.

I was Soooo scared epeshely when the clouds looked liked tornatos.

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