Scariest Movies


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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
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All u have to do is type a list of the scariest movies u have EVER SEEN IN YOUR LIFE!!! and then rate them on how scary it was.

When Mars Attacks 4/10

Abominable 1234344325643256728/10 (sorry, scared the crap outta me)

Carnosaur 9/10

The Lost World 10/10

Signs 8/10

Goosebump Series (xDD) 3/10

The Grudge 285838539583956839683069/10 (it scared me to death)

A movie about um....a girl being sucked into the TV by demons and the family becoming cursed (cant remember the name) 6/10

I haven't seen many scary movies, but the Grudge scared me ALOT. o.o;


the grudge 2 is out in my wal mart.Has anyone seen hostel?
I don't want to see it x.x; I'm afraid to go into my basement or upstairs on my own becuase of it. o.o

No I haven't seen it, though I've heard of Hostel.


movies don't scare me. But books and stories do! like horror storys and stuff. But i think the scarest movies i saw were:

The Grudge: 9 1/2 /10

The messengers: 9 1/2/10

i havent seen the messengers but it sounds really scary!!! :lol:


Signs 8/10Goosebump Series (xDD) 3/10

The Grudge 285838539583956839683069/10 (it scared me to death)

A movie about um....a girl being sucked into the TV by demons and the family becoming cursed (cant remember the name) 6/10

I haven't seen many scary movies, but the Grudge scared me ALOT. o.o;

The ring? Is that what you are speaking of?

The Ring- 4/10

The Ring 2- 2/10 Hehe it was funny!

White Noise-10/10 Couldn't watch the whole thing! :eek:

I like scary movies. :D

Hmm... I really like the Saw series! :D Oh, and I think she's talking about poltergeist (sp?) Right?

Saw series- 9/20; They were all alright, I got scared pretty bad, I guess.

IT- 10/10; I hate clowns... *shudder*

Poltergeist- 8/10; It was pretty scary, considering.

Excorcist- 9/10; The Excorcist (sp?) was freaky! It really did freak me out for a while... :eek:

Hehe! I love scary movies! The only one I haven't watched yet is Hostel, which my mom made my sister and me go upstairs while she watched it... It was even too gory for her! She turned it off before it ended. :D But I've seen previews. Man, even watching it makes you hurt, huh?

The Mummy? It's the only scary movie I've seen, and it's really scary :eek: 10/10


hide and seek 2/10~it wasn't so scary

the grudge 9/10~it scared the hell out of me

amityville horror house 8/10~i only watched it because i

the village2/10~not scary

ghost ship 3/10~i only saw some of it and it scared the hell out if me

i'm going to see the messenger and buying the grudge 2

I never watch scary movies because....they're scary! A bunch of my friends got together and seen the Grudge before. All of them were freaked out and scared to death. So that must be really scary!

obvoisly they arte scary but some aren't as scary as the commercail makes them seem like lady in the water the commercail made it seem scary and hell its not!

these r da movies

saw 1 1/10

saw 3 7/10

exorcist 4/10

freddy vs jason 1/10

when a stranger calls 8/10

nothin else

Hmm... I really like the Saw series! :D Oh, and I think she's talking about poltergeist (sp?) Right?
Saw series- 9/20; They were all alright, I got scared pretty bad, I guess.

IT- 10/10; I hate clowns... *shudder*

Poltergeist- 8/10; It was pretty scary, considering.

Excorcist- 9/10; The Excorcist (sp?) was freaky! It really did freak me out for a while... :mellow:

Hehe! I love scary movies! The only one I haven't watched yet is Hostel, which my mom made my sister and me go upstairs while she watched it... It was even too gory for her! She turned it off before it ended. B) But I've seen previews. Man, even watching it makes you hurt, huh?
Yeah! Thats the movie I was thinking of! Poltergeist(sp?). :D

I hate the Grudge. x.x;


It - 1/10 Not scary the least bit.

Black knight - 10/10 There was a bit where someone's head got cut off and I vomited

I think that's about all.

Lol none. Scary movies don't... scare me ._. xD

Me and my friend love The Exorcist. We're obsessed with that movie. We watched in three times in a row while I was at her house. xD

It - 1/10 Not scary the least bit.Black knight - 10/10 There was a bit where someone's head got cut off and I vomited

I think that's about all.
OIY! You hurled?! *gag* Has anyone seen the fog? 4324236/10 OMGOSH! That movie was freagin' NASTY! A sword went threw a guys' EYE!! And tese girls were drowned and brought up in a fishing net!!! And these people who were caught in the fog burned and, and their skin was all wrinkly and crisp and brown...YYEECCKK! I nearly fainted!

Signs 8/10The Grudge 285838539583956839683069/10 (it scared me to death)
same here! the grudge traumatized me for like a week....*shudders* signs as well! everytime i would here the wind moving my window i thought it was aliens!

the ring 10/10~ scared me really bad when I saw a few years ago (especially since phones always seem to ring when I think about it)

the ring 2 10/10~I was older when I saw this so 10/10 mostly because I liked it not so much it scared me.

the grudge 10/10~I liked it alot, it was good.

the grudge2 9/10~the end where the kid died ws kind of disturbing, since he ws innocent and so young. Plus he reminded me of my brother, and that's just sort of a sensitive area for me.

saw 6/10~I guess it was kind of good, but it relied more on gore instead of a good plot to make it scary. Good movies don't need blood to make them scary.

saw2 1/10~very stupid, relied on gore and gore alone.

saw3 NA~didnt' see it because I know it will probably be stupid like the others.

the village 10/10~I'm a big fan of M. Nigth Shyamolen (if that's spelled right) beautifully crafted film

sighns 9/10~It's really good but I didn't like it quite as much as the village.

the sixth sense 11/10~an awsome movie I loved it, sweet ending.

lady in the water 8/10~it was really a good movie but the plot was just not my style, but I jumped like 5 times.

the others 10/10~I loved thsi movie its' awsome.

poltergeist 10/10~an awsoem clasic (they're heeeere!)

Movies NOT to watch:

the hills have eyes~ dumb movie, terrible things happen for no apparent reason. Teenege girl is raped on camera, young mother is shot in front of her mother, father burns in front of his entire family. It's just tasteless and dumb.

saw1 saw 2 saw 3~just really dumb, the first is ok but not verry good.

(sorry for any spelling errors typing fast)

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