School - 6 weeks :(


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I got off on the 27th and I go back on September 7th. I hate our school! Last year we got off on the 22nd. -.-

Hohoh. Yeah.
I always learn during summer. I'm sure you do too. I mean, it's basically impossible to go through life without learning something every second. But, I hate school curriculum; I'd much rather learn about topics I'm interested in, and summer is a great time to do just that. And besides, school is extremely stressful. Ahem. Ahem.
It is impossible. Learning the average price of a potato salad at a restaurant, for example, is learning, I think.

I go back to school in 33 days. That means only 4 weeks and 5 days until I see all my friends again!!!


We got out on June 6th so our whole summer is a little over 10 weeks long (I think).


I, in my opinion, hate summer. I like going to school. :p

It is impossible. Learning the average price of a potato salad at a restaurant, for example, is learning, I think.
[SIZE=12pt]I think so too... O.O xD [/SIZE]


I LOVE school! You get to learn and have fun, School beats summer. =D In my op.

And I have band... :F And I get to see my friends!

Summer to me is really boring. I just sit around the house all day, because my dad wont let me go outside =/


have like 6 weeks, but I'm excited. I am excited to start Middle School ^^

Me two! I am really excited about that

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Don't be bummed that you have 6 weeks left of summer vacation. ;)

That's not even half way through, in fact.

That's a month and a half, and lots of time to relax.

And even if you're going back to school in a couple of days, be happy that you had such a long break. :)

I like catching up with my friends, although this year, I'm starting a private high school where I know nobody.

It's sad, but I bet that I will like it.

Enjoy and savour your summer while you can!

Summer to me is really boring. I just sit around the house all day, because my dad wont let me go outside =/


Me two! I am really excited about that
Yeah, I don't really go anywhere.

But I am shy around new people, so making friends in middle school will be hard xP

school is over for me in less than a month.

This has been my best summer yet, by far.

I'm sad that it'll be over so soon, but I'm glad to go back to school as well. ^_^




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This has been my best summer yet, by far. I'm sad that it'll be over so soon, but I'm glad to go back to school as well. :p



Well seeing as School sucks.

I'm not that happy.

Just want to get it over with. T_T It kinda sucks.

Woah. o.o Summer School seems to be harsh now. I think my summer school ends as soon as a school starts, or something like that.. (I'm not in summer school XD)

2 weeks of holidays.1 more week of school.

The long summer holidays go from Decemeber to February.
Same here, expect we're already back at school.

It's not that bad, I preffer school over the holidays. The holidays are just too boring.

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