School Advice!


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Isn't that just a bit.. rude?I assume making a comment like that, you've tested all these tips and they haven't worked for you? ;l

Thanks for the tips

I'll try a couple out

Yes, I have 8D I got caught by the TA; TT ^ TT

It may work for others, my school is too secure because we have a lot of gangsters and stuff like that.

I'm getting applied for college, If I play with them in class, I dont' think the professor will care, because he or she will think that. "Well, he paid for these classes himself, what do I care?" But I got grants and I will be going to college for FREEEE! AHAHAA!...So I honestly think that Tamas in class won't be a problem for me! I AM SO LUCKY! MUAHAHAAA!!...But In highschool, I use to get in trouble with them all the time.

Then I would make a complete idiot out of myself and I would start crying and yelling "HE NEEDS ME, YOU TOOK AWAY MY SON, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU MR. YOSHINAGA?! GIVE HIM BACK, I WANT MY BABY!!"...Then everyone would laugh at my pathetic show. *sigh*...Such is the life of an avid tama lover. >_<

I'm getting applied for college, If I play with them in class, I dont' think the professor will care, because he or she will think that. "Well, he paid for these classes himself, what do I care?" But I got grants and I will be going to college for FREEEE! AHAHAA!...So I honestly think that Tamas in class won't be a problem for me! I AM SO LUCKY! MUAHAHAAA!!...But In highschool, I use to get in trouble with them all the time.

Then I would make a complete idiot out of myself and I would start crying and yelling "HE NEEDS ME, YOU TOOK AWAY MY SON, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU MR. YOSHINAGA?! GIVE HIM BACK, I WANT MY BABY!!"...Then everyone would laugh at my pathetic show. *sigh*...Such is the life of an avid tama lover. >_<
-points- OLD GEEZER.

I'm just kidding 8D

It's best to leave your Tamas at home. Or in your backpack. Or in your friend's backpack so if it beeps you can blame them.

What I do is I just put them to sleep into Recess and Lunch. I awake them then. (IT"S ALIVE)

Just one thing, I alot of TamaTalkers don't have recess.... :(

That's a problem. I'm going to ask my sister to take my Music Star to school and see what her friends say.. >:3
