School dance! D:


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Aww, don't stress about it too much! What you should wear? Well nothing to fancy, at my school dances I just wore jeans and a nice top O_O like Sweet Kandi said- wear something confortable to dance in.

As for boys... 5th grade dance? you don't need a boy, but if you really want to ask someone. Go ahead, them saying no is the worst that could happen. It's nice to take a chance. Something good might come out of it.

good luck and most of all have fun! :)

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Aww, don't stress about it too much! What you should wear? Well nothing to fancy, at my school dances I just wore jeans and a nice top O_O like Sweet Kandi said- wear something confortable to dance in.
As for boys... 5th grade dance? you don't need a boy, but if you really want to ask someone. Go ahead, them saying no is the worst that could happen. It's nice to take a chance. Something good might come out of it.

good luck and most of all have fun! :D
Thanks. ;)

I actually thinks he likes me, because he asked me if he could be in my talent show thing. Of course, I said yes. And he kept smiling at me and we were joking around. Then I overheard him and his friend talking, and his friend said, "You want to go out with Stephanie!?" I pretended like I heard nothing though. Then at the end of teh day, he complimented me on my good report card and kept trying to make me laugh. He wouldn't stop talking to me, and I could tell that my other friend (who likes him too) was getting pi**** because we were in teh talent show together and he was ignoring her and was talking to me. He also asked me who I was going with to teh dance, and I said nobody, and then he said, "Awsome." with a smile.

GOD! :(

Ok, I didn't get to talk or hang out with him at the dance. I danced with my buddies, and it was actually pretty fun. But he totally ignored me! Like, I tried dancing near him and stuff he turned away at the site of me..... :(

Today has all gone wrong with him. These girls in my class asked him who he'd rather go to the dance with, me or Jamee, and he said Jamee! And that she was the prettiest girl in the class. I felt like crawling into a hole and crying my eyes out. I actually thought he liked me. I actually thought he did. But who could like me? I'm ugly and a nerd who isn't popular at all. I shouldn't put myself down like this, but I cannot help it.

I still like him, but whats the point? I have no chance. *runs off crying*


I'm so sorry hunn!!

He's a real jerk then!

He shouldn't have done that

totally ignoring you and wat not

I bet he really likes you and was just embarrassed because he saw how pretty you were and that you were a good dancer

(maybe he was a bad dancer he he)

but don't get all worked up about it

Hes missing out on a great girl!

its his loss

and i bet your VERY pretty and your not a nerd

i'm in 9th grade and i've learned that you can't put yourself down

and a guys a guy

no matter how hot he is ;D

you'll find a guy

trust me your so young don't worry about it

again its his loss

whenever i go to dances i just go wit friends

we have so much fun!

haha who needs guys

Hope that helped

again don't worry to much about it


P.S. you need someone to talk to you can just pm me

I'm so sorry hunn!!

He's a real jerk then!

He shouldn't have done that

totally ignoring you and wat not

I bet he really likes you and was just embarrassed because he saw how pretty you were and that you were a good dancer

(maybe he was a bad dancer he he)

but don't get all worked up about it

Hes missing out on a great girl!

its his loss

and i bet your VERY pretty and your not a nerd

i'm in 9th grade and i've learned that you can't put yourself down

and a guys a guy

no matter how hot he is ;D

you'll find a guy

trust me your so young don't worry about it

again its his loss

whenever i go to dances i just go wit friends

we have so much fun!

haha who needs guys

Hope that helped

again don't worry to much about it


P.S. you need someone to talk to you can just pm me
Thanks, that really helped me. You are very kind. :)

Also, he called on my friend to see if she wanted to play outside (the girl who knows I like him and was trying to hook us up) exactly when I had to leave. So when he was waiting on the front porch for her, I just came out the door, glanced at him, and walked away without saying a word. He stared after me as I left, because I sortal ooked back every now and again to see him staring at me walking away. It was like he expected me to say hi! Oh yeah, like I'm gonna say "Hi" to the guy I was crushing on hard, who had totally ignored me at the dance, and had picked my friend over me when I thought he ahted her. Even though I wanted to smile at him and say, "Did you have fun at the dance?" I merely walked away. He didn't even talk to me on MSN when I logged on! He's not usually this much of a jerk, but people were making fun of him today. Pracitcally the whole class, saying he made out with a guy before (which was a total lie, they were just trying to be rude and unthoughtful). Maybe that's why he was a little under the weather all day? Who knows....

Thanks that makes me feel good that i helped you :blink: )

Ya when a guys that much of a jerk to me i just kinda don't talk to them

untill they apologize or something

and i know they mean it

i have lots a guy friends

and its hard sometimes

cause there like my best friends

and true that coulda been why he was acting all weird

but again they shouldn't be making fun of him

it doesn't matter if he did or didn't

(i'm pretty sure he wouldn't)

but just when ppl do that just kinda be like

i know he wouldn't make out wit another guy just kinda stick up for him a lil bit

when you get on msn just ask like wats wrong

wats been goin on

that may help

but again i'm no expert haha

Good Luck!

Keep us...erm me updated haha


Just ask him this "Don't listen to what they say. They are jerks. I am there for you. Hey, BTW wanna do something today?"

Maybe it will help?

I am not an exper with boys..XP every boy I like doesn't like me and when I tell them they are like Eww. I am not the skinniest...or well, the pretiest...

omg u should probably wear somethin u would normally waer like jeans and a tshirt

k and um if nobady asked u to the dance then u should get ur freinds to set u up with someont :gozarutchi: hope it helps



Please, please don't remind me!

At valentines day of 5th grade, we have to do a stupid dance. T.T >.<

You had to do it! :(

No choice,I had to dance with a weird boy!>.< T.T Horrible.

The worst part about it was...

They had to pick a partner for you. :p

Well, for the boy your looking for you should ask him out, for the dance.

He might say yes. :(

Sorry to burst your bubble megaman23, but TGD's dance was months ago. ;]

Well, I don't think we've heard how it actualy DID go so I'll wait and see if TGD will actualy post the outcome and then close this. xD

well i asked a chick out to the dance and i regreted it toatally she was so annoying after and i told her no later an she was so mad but i found somone for next year but im leaving the school

I can't exactly give you help because I am a complete failure when it comes to school dances! On my first one in 6th grade, I didn't really feel like dancing with any of the boys on the slow dance (only few girls actually did!). They were all idiots. So what I did was embarrassing...I puposely poured juice on my dress as an excuse to go home!!!

EDIT!: Oh my gosh I just realized when this topic was made. Sorry for bumping it.

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TGD's dance was long ago. This topic should be deleted.
Binary??? TamaMum??? Uritchi??? Are you there?!

Maybe next time you should PM a guide directly instead of calling out silly goose :p

I think the dance has come and gone, and now so is this topic :p *closed*

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