School grade!


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What grade are you in?

  • 1. 1st

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2. 2nd

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3. 3d

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4. 4th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5. 5th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6. Middle School

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7. High school

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 8. In kindergarden or below

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7. Not in high school anymore.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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If you mean what grade you're in in 2007.

I am in 6... :lol:

But I'll be going back to school in 19 days and it's quite scary... I'm actually looking forward to it!

Enjoy school now.. you might not think it's that fun right now, but once you graduate high school.. you will probably miss it heh.

I miss going to class with my friends... leaving notes in each others lockers... ahh the good old days.

o.o Grade 5. Eeek! I seem like the only one! xD If only I were born 9 days earlier: I would have been in the 6th grade. Ah well, if I were born in December instead, I wouldn't know any of the people I do now! I love grade 5: but it's not as exciting as grade 4 (that was one hilarious year). XP But this year, I have taken part of and taking part of alot of thing this year! Here's the list:

-Class Prime Minister

-Part of student council (there is a meeting today: thanks for reminding me! <_< )

-Going to adition for the choir

-This year I MUST be in the talent show (last year I had this really stupid idea of what me and my friends could do for it....I ended up backing out because I realized it was silly: we weren't even on the list to audition)

-Was in a play

~.^ Last year I didn't take part in anything!


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Guess I'm the youngest who replied to this topic. xD <_< I'm in grade five, and younger than you, Tgd. ^.^

But I'm the craziest kid in my class. I go up in front of everyone and just act stupid. And I've got a wife, too. :ph34r: o_O I'm also the class representative, wich is student council.. I'm the one who thought of pasta day! xD :huh: And I won the Victory Team award for 'companionship' and, that's about it. xD :(

Oh, and I'm on the volleyball team! xD

Grade 6, And im 12 :ph34r: Im student council, and we were talking in the library and I suggested a stop aninal abuse club. So now Im the offical leader of one! Theres about 20 members now <_< Its a big sucess.


[SIZE=13pt]I am in 6th grade and it is alot better that elementary school, even though I miss elementary school so much because I'm in a new school after 5 years of being in the same school.[/SIZE]

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Enjoy school now.. you might not think it's that fun right now, but once you graduate high school.. you will probably miss it heh.
I miss going to class with my friends... leaving notes in each others lockers... ahh the good old days.
I think the only thing I really miss from high school are the dances. My Sophomore year I always tried to get my boyfriend at the time to go, but either his parents wouldn't let him, he didn't have money, or he just didn't want to go. Lame. The only dance I was ever able to dress up and go to was my Freshmen Homecoming.

~*~I apologize in advance if this double posts. The site went down while I tried the first time.~*~

I, unfortunately, am a high school freshman, which is year 9 or 9th grade. not fun.

can't wait til sophmore year.

I just turned 14 in November, so I won't be 15 for a while...youngest in the grade. XD

Third youngest! Yay! :D Me's in Grade 5, born on December 31 ;)


Nummy, if she was born in 1994, she is still in the 7th grade. Her school year has not finished yet and the 7th grade is part of Junior High.

Haaha, I totally read it wrong.

I thought it said "I like being a junior in high school".

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