School Systems


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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2007
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Like as in what would your school do to you if you where late or bunked off or heard you say bad language and they hear.

For lateness my school has a lockdown thingy where you have 5 mins to move from lesson to lesson if you dont make it your locked out it happend to me today cause I was at medical room. If you make it in the correct building then you might just get 10 mins detention but if you dont make it in the correct building you get sent home x3.

For uniform you get 10mins detention for every peace of uniform you dont have unless you have a note from parents.

For bunking off I have done it before and been caught your parents caan get a bill if you do it alot and if you get caught for the first time you get saturday detention.

Bad language like 20 mins detenstion and letter home.

So whats yours like?

Wow :huh: that's pretty strict... or maybe it's just me. I don't go to a high school so the rules are probably softer in elementary school.. and I don't switch classes, we stay in one class all day and the teachers come to us :lol: we don't even have detention! But our school is big on not wearing hats inside... walking on the right side... all that ever happens if we break these rules is we get a strict warning.. :blink: but if we do something more "serious" like hide in the bathroom at recess because it's too cold for us in the winter.. we have to see the V.P. after every recess to show them our pink rosy faces xD (that's what happened to my friend and I :huh: )

I like my school, and I wish that I didn't have to leave in 2 years already :furawatchi: But anyways, yeah... we don't have very strict rules or anything. =D

My school isn't very strict.

But there are suspensions and expelsions a lot. Not because of strict rules, but because people just break the rules reguarly.

If we swear at the teacher, or interrupt classes, we have a Responsible Thinking Process. Get in trouble for the 2nd time in the one lesson, and you go to the RTC for the rest of the lesson, and you will continue going there in that lesson until you negotiate with the teacher, but some people just go to the RTC to get out of class.

My school is relatively strict, although a couple of class 'nerds' feel strongly that "the school's discipline system should be a lot stricter." XD Lol, I love those kids!

All us girls have to have our hair tied up at all times or the Head of Discipline (yup, we actually have one!) tells us off. Nothing too bad, though. We have a few rebels! I'm a pretty good girl, though. <3

Our school's discipline system really isn't that bad, but it's best to stay in people's good books anyways! =3

You get sent to the office for not having your shoes for Gym, but it's only if it's your 2nd time.

You HAVE to have a late slip or you get lunch detention.

Well, this just started this past 08-09 year... if you're tardy, you go to this lovely little room called tardy hall! They make you stay there all period long and I think it's stupid! Because it's just an excuse to skip class for most kids. Tardy hall is the worst idea my school has ever had. -.-

My school doesn't even care about bad language. They just give you a warning,

Well, this just started this past 08-09 year... if you're tardy, you go to this lovely little room called tardy hall! They make you stay there all period long and I think it's stupid! Because it's just an excuse to skip class for most kids. Tardy hall is the worst idea my school has ever had. -.-
My school doesn't even care about bad language. They just give you a warning,
I know - that's such a terrible idea because MISSING class is worse than being a few minutes LATE. :/

Anyway, our school isn't that bad I guess. It depends on the teacher if they give you a d-hall or office referral. Some are sticklers for the late police but some don't care too much. Others are really tight on the whole not having a cell phone out but some aren't.

If you get your phone taken up and the teacher gives it to the office your parents have to come up and get it - oh, and pay $15. You can get out of that, though. Just call your service provider, tell them you aren't paying your bill for a service you aren't getting and they'll contact your school and the school will give it back. :D

No Gum. Nuff said >|

It makes me mad. They are like so strict with that -.-

No talking at lunch (We never follow that rule xDD)

If you're late 7 times you fail.

No unnatural hair color

No face piercings (but small nose stud is okay)

Yeah my shool is just an average school.

No Gum. Nuff said >|It makes me mad. They are like so strict with that -.-

No talking at lunch (We never follow that rule xDD)

If you're late 7 times you fail.

No unnatural hair color

No face piercings (but small nose stud is okay)

Yeah my shool is just an average school.
No talking at lunch?!?!?


WTH kind of rule is that?!!?!?

No Gum. Nuff said >|It makes me mad. They are like so strict with that -.-

No talking at lunch (We never follow that rule xDD)

If you're late 7 times you fail.

No unnatural hair color

No face piercings (but small nose stud is okay)

Yeah my shool is just an average school.
No talking during lunch is not normal. O..O

Well, hopefully they aren't to strict on that rule. Seriously, you need breaks during the day where you can just chill out and talk to your friends to preform at your best. That's a ridiculous rule.

We aren't aloud to do a lot of random stuff, like wear one sleeve up and one down, or wear three headbands, wear green and orange together, wear duct tape around our wrists, wear pennies on chains around our neck, or wear all of the same color. You see, I go to a really ghetto school, and the things I just listed are gang signs. I know a bunch of hand signals for the different gangs, and the names of a few of them. I try to avoid the members of those gangs, they have reps for beating up girls like me. The teachers here don't really care about language. In fact, I didn't know that a lot of cuss words were actually cuss words until I visited my grandparents in Wisconsin and they got mad at me for saying "D**n," "P**s," "H**l," and "Crap." Seriously, the teachers even say some of those here. You only get in trouble if you cuss out a teacher. They say we can't use cellphones within school hours, but before and after, they don't care. Same for MP3s, although the teachers actually let us use them in class when they aren't talking. So, my school is really loose, until it comes to dress code.

Wow :furawatchi: that's pretty strict... or maybe it's just me. I don't go to a high school so the rules are probably softer in elementary school.. and I don't switch classes, we stay in one class all day and the teachers come to us :D we don't even have detention! But our school is big on not wearing hats inside... walking on the right side... all that ever happens if we break these rules is we get a strict warning.. :p but if we do something more "serious" like hide in the bathroom at recess because it's too cold for us in the winter.. we have to see the V.P. after every recess to show them our pink rosy faces xD (that's what happened to my friend and I :p )
I like my school, and I wish that I didn't have to leave in 2 years already :D But anyways, yeah... we don't have very strict rules or anything. =D
It's not that bad because with all the other rules exept lockdown I think we would have dont anyway. But the lockdown I hate it we have 5 different blocks with 5 floors each most of our lessons are at the top and we have 5 mins to get there or you get locked out like a lemon. The older years push us around and Idk Lol.

Well I go to Primary school so its not that bad. If we come late we get a late slip. Simple. If we swear we either get a warning and then if we swear again, we get sent to the office. For physical harrassment we see the counselor. She talks to us and tells us our consequences. All the rules are simple. And we dont get told off for not wearing school uniform.

I like my school, its fun.

If your late, you get a slip and your marked as late....

If you get caught skipping school (is that what you meant? or no?), then you get a call home and maybe a detention.

And for bad language, some teachers hardly care, but others will yell at you. It really depends on who hears. ;D

My school doesn't let kids wear hats or hoodies.

I we come in late, we get a late slip. 3 late slips, a detention.

They assign the order we line up for lunch. I'm number 50. Dx

As for swearing, most teachers will yell at you, but that's it.

No talking at lunch?!?!?\

WTH kind of rule is that?!!?!?
Iunno >|

I forget what happened, but one day the Evil Science teacher said "NO TALKING!!" So thats how it goes ;-;

We change seats tomorrow

Random Order. Oh gosh.

Our school isn't too strict.

If you are tardy for class, nothing happens. The teacher just marks you tardy on the attendence slip. If you get 6 tardies, then you get a detention. But that isn't too bad.

Uh... swearing/language isn't a big thing. Most teachers could care less. Our Japanese teacher doesn't say a thing, and we swear all over the place, even when talking directly to her. If a teacher does care, they still don't do anything - just tell you to watch your mouth.

We're allowed gum, we're allowed to have any hair styles we choose (This kid has an electric blue mohawk that sticks up over a foot in the air. It's sweet. :3), we can pretty much do what we want at lunch... :3

Dress code itself isn't strict, but some teachers definately crack down on it. My friend was wearing really, really nice skinny jeans one day, with just a few, small, decorative tears on them. And she had leggings on underneath, but the teacher who checked her bag at metal detectors one morning sent her down to the office to have her mom bring her in new pants. :|

Our dress code prohibits tears/rips in clothing, skirts shorter than below your finger tips, steel-toed boots (Unless you're in 'Shop), strapless tops, camoflauge, hats, and sunglasses. And that's about it. Otherwise, you can wear what you want.

What my school is strict about it security. All students go through a metal detector screening before opening the building, everyday. All open water bottles are thrown away, and even if you bring scissors into the building, they are confiscated and you are sent to the office. My friend once accidentally had a small pocket knife in her coat pocket, because she was out building forts in the woods on the weekend and forgot to take it out. She had no previous discipline record, but she was suspended for 10 days and forced to go to court to see if she would be expelled or not. :|

And drug dogs come in once a month and sniff out the school, because our district is known for drugs. If they catch you with drugs, even over the counter medications like Advil or something, you get suspended or expelled and criminally charged. I usually take some Advil to school with me, in case I get a head ache or something before track practice, but I have to be very careful not to get caught with it. :|

But overall, and in comparison to some school districts, we aren't that bad.

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My School is Actually Great. Well, I'm Home Schooled, But the School I go to treats me as If I were one of their actual students. Its hard to explain, Its actually an Adult Education School [for adults who never finished highschool]

You're allowed to swear, Joke around with the teachers, go outside for smoke-breaks [i do NOT smoke though]. Basically, You can do whatever you want their. And its not like "*raises hand* Excuse me, Mrs/Miss/Mr -nameOfTeacher- I need help with this question", at our school, we just go "Hey, Donna, or Riel or Melanie [The teachers at our schools' first names], Can you help me with this question?"

Yeah. Its <3

My princeable is freaking awesome because if you keep saying bad words, he just says don't do it again. But he is kinda strict on tarties. But i do not and i repeat NOT say bad profanity. I dont say it at all. But my princables (we got 2) and theres a rumor going around that my 2 princables are dating! They do spend alot of time together.

My friends teacher heard her say Fu*k Him about another teacher but shes just like dont say that word and didn't give her a detention or anything

Dress Code is no hats or hoods up. (unless hat day) Not allowed to wear spagetti straps unless it under a shirt or one of those that goes over a shirt. No short skirts or shorts. No high heels. Wear what the climate is supposed to be like

Rules: Our teachers are super strict about talking in hallways and in class. No GUM which sucks. I sometimes chew gum with braces and i say im chewing on rubberbands and put the gum at the top of my mouth. Homework! Have homework

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