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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2008
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New Jersey
Are you tired of being bored in school, stuck all day having to listen to the teacher. Trying to play with your tamagotchi and you can't because you think the teachers are going to take it away? Well not anymore because school's out and you can play with your tamagotchi all day long. Days and nights, evenings and mornings you can play with your tamagotchi. Well another question; are you sick of tired leaving your tamagotchi home and dying well not anymore! Reply to this topic if you agree with me! YEA YEA YEA TAMAGOTCHIS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!! TAMATALK RULES!!!!!!!!!

Hah, I agree with you. I've been catching up in alot of things this summer, ESPECIALLY my tamagotchi. The only bad thing is that I wake up really late while my tama's get up super early! Oh well, they can wait lol.

i reactivated mine because it was summer.i am so entertained even on the most boring of summer days :ph34r:

I somewhat agree. But I take my Tams to school regardless of what they say, and I personally think summer is worse than school.


Summer = Family Time = Stress


But I do run my Tamz. I'm happy I can. They just about the only things keeping me sane. ^-^

Yeah! ^_^ It’s so great! Obviously this topic is a little OTT cos I don’t spend my LIFE with my tama, but I enjoy playing with Berry, Mango and Chips!! :D


I never let my Tamagotchis dying at home...I mean...who would? During school, if I happen to have the time to run any tamagotchi, with the business of marching band, I let them sleep during the school day then take care of them for 30 minutes until after school band practice them set them to sleep while I practice in the hot sun for 2 and 1/2 hours, then when I get home, I set the time to normal and care for them. But I usually wait until AFTER marching band season until I run any Tamagotchis.

The only virtual pet I'll be running for the next 2 or 3 marching band seasons is my Pocket Pikachu 2. He'll get LOTS of watts since marching band is nothing but walking and just earning about 1000 watts a day and making Pikachu happy! <33

Since it's summer, I'm currently rnning 4 tamagotchis. I was runnig 6 but that was too much :lol:

I'm currently running my V5, V2, and 2 V4.5's.

The 2 V4.5's are on generation 3 and one is a boy and one is a girl. The girl is Dawn and the boy is Dusk and they are getting married.

My V2 is on generation 3, about to get the matchmaker tomorrow and will be entering generation 4. Shes a girl and her name is Lynn.

My V5 family name is the Tama Family and they're on generation 6. I'm aiming to get the Small Family so I'm not feeding them ANY food, I'll just feed them snacks to make them happy. They were born today and havem't pooped AT ALL since I've fed them NO FOOD.

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