Scratches on Tama-go INTERIOR Screen


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Feb 27, 2011
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I've got scratches on my Tama-go's interior screen. Can anyone help? :eek:

Well the only way I can think of to get scratches on the interior would be that you either dropped it or took it apart and it got scratched in the process

Both of which are not something that the Tamagotchi was designed to handle

Either way, you could try to find some crack-fill in or you're just going to have to live with it :\

email bandai about what happened then they will send you an adress. send the tamagotchi to them and depending on the damage they will repair it or send you a brand new one.

Hi your not asking us what you wan't us to do about it?

Hi your not asking us what you wan't us to do about it?

email bandai about what happened then they will send you an adress. send the tamagotchi to them and depending on the damage they will repair it or send you a brand new one.
I don't think I'll be able to do that because I live out of U.S.A and Canada. Thanks anyway ^_^ .

The interior screen becomes uncovered when you pull the plastic cover off, so it's fairly easy to scratch if it was dropped or the plastic scraped against it. Or, if they've got the newer ones that Target carries (Black, Purple, and Pink/Magenta) they don't cover the interior screen, it just covers the edges where the border is.

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